Funü zazhi
No. 002 (31 January, 1929)
Page: 079 (168 total)


陳嘉庚公司欲買淺黃色熟膠底平底鞋勿錯過大減價機會 Chen jia geng company is wanting to sell pale yellow flat shoes with rubber soles do not miss this big sale


陳嘉庚公司欲買淺黃色熟膠底平底鞋勿錯過大減價機會 Chen jia geng company is wanting to sell pale yellow flat shoes with rubber soles do not miss this big sale


陳嘉庚公司欲買淺黃色熟膠底平底鞋勿錯過大減價機會, Chen jia geng company is wanting to sell pale yellow flat shoes with rubber soles do not miss this big sale

Brand: 陳嘉庚公司, Chen jia geng company

Keywords: business, commerce, trade, national products, competition,