Funü zazhi
No. 001 (31 December, 1929)
Page: 065 (196 total)

© Courtesy of the Institute of Chinese Studies, Library, Heidelberg University.

甲種徵文當選我將怎樣過新年/和樂的氣象, Advanced level essay competition how I spend the new year/the harmonies atmosphere

朱春雷 Zhu Chunlei (Author),

Keywords: Family life/routine, food and drink, festival,

甲種徵文當選我將怎樣過新年/勝利者的快樂, Advanced level essay competition how I spend the new year/happiness of the winners

鄧正宇 Deng zhengyu (Author),

Keywords: essay competition,

甲種徵文當選我將怎樣過新年/薄禮聊存一片心, Advanced level essay competition how I spend the new year/simple gifts with goodwill

愛華 Aihua (Author),

Keywords: essay competition,