Student Exchange Chemistry

The Chemistry Department of Heidelberg University is active in several Student Exchange Programs:


The ERASMUS program offers the opportunity for Heidelberg Chemistry students to go for 1 or 2 semesters to a selected European Partner institution (ERASMUS outgoing students) or for students from these institutions to come to Heidelberg (Incoming students). Typically, students take taught courses (Vorlesungen - Lectures, Seminare - Seminars, Praktika - Teaching Labs). In addition to that they may do a research project of variable length.


Within this program, students can individually arrange research projects in European research laboratories. Heidelberg students are themselves responsible for finding a suitable host. Application for financial support through this program is done here:

Incoming students for ERASMUS-Placements should directly apply at one of our research groups.

Student Exchange with the University of Notre Dame (USA) through ISAP (DAAD):

Heidelberg University has a cooperation agreement with the University of Notre Dame. Chemistry students (Master level) from Heidelberg can apply directly via the coordinator in Heidelberg (Markus Enders). For details see: ERASMUS outgoing students.

Students from Notre Dame who intend to come to Heidelberg should get in contact with their coordinator Olaf Wiest.


other options for Student exchange at Heidelberg University (usually open for many subjects):

Exchange programs within Europe

Exchange programs within Asia

Exchange programs within America

Exchange programs within Australia and Oceania


IAESTE, an international organization, which promotes the exchange of students abroad.



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Letzte Änderung: 13.06.2024
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