
Palestinian-German dictionary

Ulrich Seeger
Wörterbuch Palästinensisch – Deutsch. 2 vols.
Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2022.
XVII, 1348 pages (Semitica Viva; 61).

For the Arabic dialect of Syria, there exists already a comprehensive French dictionary by Adrien Barthélemy. Egyptian Arabic is covered by the extensive English dictionary by Martin Hinds and El-Said Badawi. Now the German-speaking world also has its own encyclopaedic dictionary for an Arabic dialect area, namely for Palestinian Arabic.

Ulrich Seeger collected vocabulary from all over Palestine himself and with helpers during two one-year stays near Ramallah. Afterwards, he systematically searched the entire dialectological literature on Palestine for more than seven years and added all the words that were missing from his own collection with precise source references.

Over 57,000 quotations were incorporated in the process. In a total of almost ten years of work, the two large-format volumes with approximately 1,350 pages were created. The work is arranged according to Arabic roots and contains more than 9,000 roots with over 30,000 entries. In addition, there are about 11,000 examples and compounds. This makes it one of the most comprehensive Arabic dictionaries in a European language.

Sample:  [PDF]

User Guide: [PDF]

A Bibliography on Palestinian Arabic: [PDF]

Contact: Ulrich Seeger

Editor: E-mail
Latest Revision: 2022-12-13
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