For the creation of a NTP, please use the online form of the BfR. Be advised that there is a helpful guideline for the creation of non-technical project summaries of the BfR for animal experimental projects that are subject to authorization (https://www.bfr.bund.de/de/a-z_index/nichttechnische_projektzusammenfassung__ntp_-261809.html). The online form can be found here:
Please use the the same title for the NTP nad your application. This makes it easier to assign the NTP to the application in case of later extensions or changes. After creation of the NTP, the system will provide you with an NTP-ID. This NTP-ID has to be provided in your application form as well as a copy of the actual text. Without it, the application cannot be forwarded to the regional council Karlsruhe.
The BfR has changed the method to submit non-technical project summaries and receipt of an identification number (NTP-ID) as of August 2015. All NTPs which have already been submitted remain valid. It is not necessary to redo already submitted NTPs for the new system.