Trade Embargoes in a Changing World
Formulation - Enforcement - Coping Mechanisms in Northern Europe and the Eastern Mediterranean (1291-1400)
Dr. Georg Christ, Junior Research Group Leader; associated with MathComp, member of HCE.
Georg Christ (Dr. phil.), Junior Research Group Leader
University of Manchester: personal details
Research Interests:
- Trade embargos and coping mechanisms in the Late Middle Ages (Hanseatic league, Eastern Mediterranean)
- Trading Diasporas in the Eastern Mediterranean in the Middle Ages
- History of news and knowledge management
- Digital history
Current function
since 2008
- Research Group Leader, University of Heidelberg, research group "Trading Diasporas in the in the Eastern Mediterranean (1250-1450)" (3 PhD students, 3 research assistants, 2 associated research fellows (PhD, PostDoc)
- Teaching (especially Historisches Seminar), project management (esp. Scientifc computing; research assistants).
- Associated Junior Research Group Leader at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Scientific Computing (IWR), founding member of the Heidelberg Centre for the Environment (HCE)
since 2009 Work on second book project (Habilitation) in Heidelberg
2006 PhD University of Basel (summa cum laude)
2001-2006 Research in Venice, Cairo, Alexandria
2001 Lic. phil. hist. (summa cum laude) in History, Economics and Islam studies.
Non-academic work experience
2006-2008 UN military observer United Nations Truce Supervision Organisation (UNTSO) in the Middle East. Deputy chief Joint Mission Analysis Centre (JMAC) at HQ Jerusalem; project manager Joint Operations, Security and Analysis Database (JOSAD), Map Inventory, Catalogisation, Preservation and Scanning Project. Briefing officer for diplomats and visitors. Awarded with Head of Mission Commendation.
GSO (Maj, Swiss Army), Staff Inf Br 7 (Res, since 2008), Inf Coy Cdr (till 2008), Inf Recce officer (till 2004).
Trading Conflicts. A Venetian Consul in Mamlûk Alexandria at the Beginning of the 15th Century, Leiden: Brill (The Medieval Mediterranean 93), 2012.
Book sections
“Filippo di Malerbi – un spécialiste de transfert clandestin (ca. 1380-1450)”, In Daniel König, Rania Abdelatif et al. (Ed.) Acteurs des transferts culturels en Méditerranée médiévale. Sphères d’activité, contributions, fonctions, Paris: DHI, forthcoming.
„Sliding Legalities: Venetian Slave Trade in Alexandria and the Aegean“, in: Christoph Cluse und Reuven Amitai (Ed.) Slavery and the Slave Trade in the Eastern Mediterranean 11th to 15th Centuries, forthcoming.
"Contrebande, vin et révolte : lecture critique d'un conflit inter-culturel à l’ombre des rapports officieux entre Venise et Alexandrie à l’époque médiévale", in Alexandrie médiévale 4, ed. Christian Décobert (Études alexandrines 24, Alexandria: CEAlex, 2012), 185-193.
"Mapping change: A Collaborative GIS-based Cue Card System for the Humanities", in Scientific Computing and Cultural Heritage. Contributions in Computational Humanities, ed. H. Georg Bock, M. Winckler (Contributions in Mathematical and Computational Sciences, Vol. 3, Heidelberg: Springer, 2012).
"Passagers clandestins? Rôle moteur des galères vénitiennes et concurrence des navires ronds à Alexandrie au début du xve siècle", in Espace et réseaux en méditerranée médiévale, mise en place des réseaux, les politiques d’Etat dans la formation des réseaux, ed. Damien Coulon (Paris: Éditions Bouchène, 2010), 275-290.
„Masking Cooperation with the Infidel: The Venetian Commercial Privileges, Political Power and Legal Culture in Mamluk Egypt”, in Power and Culture: Hegemony, Interaction and Dissent, ed. Jonathan Osmond and Ausma Cimadina (Pisa: Pisa University Press, 2006), 33-51.
„Theodor Biblianders Türkenschrift. Ein Reformator und Humanist über Religion, Moral und kriegerischen Erfolg“, in: Leu, Urs B. und Christ-v. Wedel Christine (Ed.) Erasmus in Zürich. Eine verschwiegene Autorität, Zürich: NZZ Verlag, 2006, 309-326.
„Das Fremde verstehen: Biblianders Apologie zur Koranausgabe im Spiegel des Basler Koranstreites von 1542“, in: Christ-v. Wedel, Christine (Ed.) Theodor Bibliander (1505-1564): ein Thurgauer im gelehrten Zürich der Reformationszeit, Zürich: NZZ Verlag, 2005, 107-124.
Journal Articles
"Eine Stadt wandert aus. Kollaps und Kontinuität im spätmittelalterlichen Alexandria", Viator 42 (2011): 145-168.
with Hubert Mara and Olaf Wagener: „Altes Kapitell - neue Ansichten: Möglichkeiten des 3D-Scannings am Beispiel eines Kapitells der pfälzischen Burg Anebos“, Burgen und Schlösser, 1/2010: 51-52.
„A Newsletter in 1419? Antonio Morosini's Chronicle in the Light of Commercial Corre-spondence between Venice and Alexandria“, Mediterranean Historical Review, 20/1 (June 2005): 35-66.
Book reviews
„Burkhardt, Mike, Der Hansische Bergenhandel im Spätmittelalter. Handel – Kaufleute - Netzwerke (Quellen und Darstellungen zur Hansischen Geschichte, 60), Köln / Weimar / Wien 2009, Böhlau, 433 S. / 1 CD-ROM“, Zeitschrift für Historische Forschung. Vierteljahresschrift zur Erforschung des Spätmittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit 39/1 (2012): 119-121.
„A. Karsten: Geschichte Venedigs“, H-soz-u-Kult 03.08.2009, HistLit 2009-3-095.
„God’s Rule: Government and Islam. Six Hundred Years of Medieval Islamic Political Thought by Patricia Crone“, al-Masaq, vol. 19/1 (March 2007): 77-79.
International collaborations
2012-2013 Transeuropean Diasporas
Since 2009 LoKiHweb/e-porte, Central European University; University of Toronto Scarborough, Natalie Rothma creating a webbased platform for collaborative Working in Mediterranean studies.
Since 2009 Group FranceMed at DHI Paris, Participation at "Acteurs des trans-ferts culturels en Méditerranée médiévale". Lecture at colloque Sphères d’activité, contributions, fonctions, „Filippo di Malerbi – un spécialiste de transfert clandestin (1380-1450).“
2008-2011 Litlink (research database solution for the humanities).
Since 2004 Centre d’Études Alexandrines, Alexandria, USR 3134 du CNRS, esp. Cécile Shaalan and Architektion Catherine Machinek.
2005-2006 CLIOHRES.NET (“Creating Links and Innovative Overviews for a New History Research Agenda for the Citizens of a Growing Europe”), Network of excellence, group: „Power and Culture“ Conferences in Riga, Pisa and Cardiff, two papers given, one published.
Society for the Study of the Crusades and the Latin East (SSCLE),
News on the Rialto,
Renaissance Society of America,
Hansischer Geschichtsverein,
Historischer Zirkel, Basel,
Mediterranean Maritime History Network.
Project management
- Webbased LoKiHweb/MMDD database for collaborative work and exchange of resources via Internet. So far, it is engineered mainly for the use of the JRG “Trading diasporas”; is currently built up to a platform for a further research community in cooperation with partners from Heidelberg, Canada and Hungary.
- Cooperation between Transcultural Studies, Interdisziplinärem Zentrum für wissenschaftliches Rechnen (IWR), Heidelberg Research Architecture (HRA) and the Litlink developers Ph. Sarasin, P. Haber and N. Busch for the development of Litlink (database software with web application for management of literature, different types of sources, objects, images, persons and places with integrated project administration and intelligent management of keywords (2008-2011).
- Methods and Applications Collegium (MAK), interdisciplinary platform for Medieval studies, Scientific Computing, Geography
- Archives and Paleography Lab (APL): Teaching Venetian paleaography and processing of archivial resources in cooperation with IWR, Medieval Latin Seminary, Centro tedesco di studi veneziani, Venetian State Archives.
- Transeuropean Diasporas
Organised Conferences
17.-19. Februar 2011 Conferences: Union in Separation. Diasporas in the Eastern Mediterranean (1200-1500), Heidelberg.
25.-26. Februar 2010 Colloquium: Litlink: A Cue Card System in a Research Environment of Collaborative Work, Online Publishing and GIS, Heidelberg.
WS 2009/2010 Lecturecircle: mapping TRANS/culture: critical perspectives on transcultural studies with Claudia Brosseder, Cornelia Logemann and Simon Wendt, Heidelberg.
7.-10. Mai 2009 Workshop: Between Parallel Society and Integration: Diasporas and Transcultural Agency in the Eastern Mediterranean in the Late Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era with Stefan Burkhardt, Heidelberg.
- Proseminar: Hansewetter: War Störtebeker ein Opfer des spätmittelalterlichen Klimawandels?
- Colloquium: Traders, Smugglers, Appointees: Trading Diasporas in the Eastern Mediterranean 1200-1450 (five times)
- Tutorial : The Hansa's Trade between urban and private Initiative
- Tutorial: Aspekte der Zoll- und Handelspolitik von Hansestädten
- Tutorial: Digitale Geschichte. Wie Webresourcen und digitale Zettelkästen unsere Arbeit verändern
- Kaufleute, Schmuggler, Beamte: Kaufmannsdiasporas im östlichen Mittelmeerraum 1360-1420
- Blockübung: Diasporas in the Eastern Mediterranean in the Late Middle Ages and the Early Modern Era
- EPG: Money, Gold and Trust: Banking Crises from economic and historic Point of Vue
- Seminar/Work group focussing on digital digitaler work organisation and digital techniques (Databases, Datamining, ontologies, RDF) and their influece to methodology and hermeneutics of Humanities, Heidelberger Graduiertenschule für Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften (HGGS)
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Arne Karsten Prof. Dr. Lars Börner Dr. Daniel König