“I hope to return to Heidelberg University very soon”

Dr Nicolás Bárcena, Lawyer and Law Professor at Universidad de Oviedo in Oviedo, Spain
June-July 2018 Visiting Researcher at the Institute for Comparative Law, Conflicts of Law and International Business Law
When, how long, and in what position did you stay at Heidelberg University?
It was during the summer of 2018. I was a visiting researcher at the Institut für ausländisches und internationales Privat- und Wirtschaftsrecht (Institute for Comparative Law, Conflicts of Law and International Business Law) from June 1 to July 15, although I stayed longer in the city.
Why did you decide in favour of Heidelberg University?
Like many decisions in life there was not a single cause, but a set of them. First and foremost was the importance and academic prestige of the Research Institute in which I was going to work. I met several academics who had passed through there and they spoke highly of it. Another factor, though, was the unquestionable beauty of the city and its quality of life which led me to make the decision.
What did you like best about being in Heidelberg? What suggestions would you have for improvements?
Without question, the best part has been the friends I met during my stay. Friends and colleagues from various countries with whom I spent unforgettable moments and still maintain a strong friendship nowadays. The walks from my house in Neuenheim to my workplace at the Institute, the beers at the end of the day, and the afternoons in the Neckar benches will remain imprinted forever in my memory. It's hard to imagine what could have been improved.
How did your career continue after your time in Heidelberg?
Very well. I completed my PhD, and currently I am a professor at a private university, a task which I combine with my activity as a lawyer. I continue my academic career by publishing books and articles, and researching abroad.
What is your view of the German scientific system in comparison to that of your home country or to that of other countries where you may have conducted research?
In my opinion, the German scientific system gives the importance it deserves to scientists and the Academy in general. It focuses on the relevance and quality of research, as well as on giving dignified conditions to researchers. The Spanish university is mired in endless bureaucracy.
In your opinion, what is the importance of international exchanges for researchers?
They are of absolute importance today. Research requires the debate and opinion of our counterparts in other countries. It culturally enriches researchers and opens up many possibilities for them to improve their work thanks to the networking that is generated. I remember with special fondness the seminars organized at the institute by Prof. Dr Marc-Philippe Weller, where researchers from all over the world shared ideas in a wonderful environment.
Do you recommend a research visit to Heidelberg University to your students or to colleagues in your scientific network?
Absolutely. Not only because of the academic growth that their stay in Heidelberg will bring, but also because of the personal growth and the experience of living in such a wonderful city. I don't want to forget to offer deep thanks to Prof. Dr Marc-Philippe Weller, Dr Leonhard Hübner and Angela Tauber. I hope to return to Heidelberg University very soon.