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Funding Lines Call for Young Investigator Groups

Heidelberg University is one of the top universities in Germany and has been recognized repeatedly as an “Exzellenzuniversität”. Therefore, additional funding is available for outstanding research and research-oriented teaching. Young Investigators funded by an ERC Grant or through the Emmy-Nöther program can take part in a follow-up program called HeiTRack “transitional funding” paving the path to a professorship. Heidelberg University is active in a broad spectrum of research areas spanning four Fields of Focus.

A key element to strengthen and expand the scientific portfolio of Heidelberg University are the newly established “Flagship Initiatives (FI)” which promote new interdisciplinary research areas. The “FI Engineering Molecular Systems (FI EMS)” is focused on the smart use of molecular components to design advanced functional materials, methods that bridge biology, chemistry, physics and computational sciences, and the development of devices and new approaches for diagnostics and medical therapies. The Flagship Initiative aims to generate societal impact in areas, including material science and engineering, chemical engineering, bioengineering, biomedical engineering as well as computational science and engineering.

One major goal of the FI EMS, is the recruitment of young investigators.

Prerequisites are:

  • You work in the exciting field of “Engineering Molecular Systems” (EMS)
  • You have your own high-impact scientific ideas in the area of EMS
  • You are already in the postdoc phase and want to continue to build your scientific career
  • You would like start your own independent group, in an excellent and supportive scientific network

The FI EMS would like to support you in this exciting and challenging career path.


Are you currently affiliated with another institution, but the next step for your career is a third-party funded junior research group? The Flagship Initiative Engineering Molecular Systems will support you in preparing a proposal necessary to establish such a group in Heidelberg. The Flagship Board and a mentor located at the Heidelberg University or an associated research institution will advise you on funding options (ERC Grants, Emmy-Noether-program, Helmholtz-Young Investigators, Freigeist-Fellowship or others), discuss your scientific ideas, and support you in writing the proposal. Organizational support concerning University administration will be offered by the Flagship office. The Heidelberg Research Service of the University will help you with the application procedure for your chosen grant. Travel expenses for guest stays at Heidelberg University will be covered, and workshops/seminars for the candidates will be offered.

Candidate Requirements

1–4 years postdoctoral research, a novel and excellent research project in the field of EMS suitable for establishing a junior research group, an excellent academic track record and relevant first author publications.

How to Apply

Please send as a single PDF, max. 3 page application containing past and future research project descriptions, potential collaborations in Heidelberg (including mentors), a letter of motivation, CV (max. 2 pages) and list of publications to fi-ems@uni-heidelberg.de



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