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Meet the Projects of Field of Focus 4 FOF4 Research Day

It is with great pleasure that the Field of Focus 4 invites members of Heidelberg University to the first FoF 4 Research Day with presentations and poster sessions of FoF 4 funded projects in research, transfer and research infrastructure.

Join us for a day with a lot of opportunities to get in touch with the principal investigators of FoF 4 main research areas and explorer projects, to develop new networks, and to find out about programs and support from the central research services of Heidelberg University. We are very happy to welcome researchers at all career stages (doctoral students, post docs, professors) and especially those faculty members who joined Heidelberg University only recently and who are interested to build new transdisciplinary collaborations.

We are very much looking forward to a day of stimulating presentations and discussion in an enjoyable atmosphere.

When and Where

  • October 11th 2022, 9 a.m. – 05.00 p.m.
  • Internationales Wissenschaftsforum Heidelberg – International Academic Forum Heidelberg


Presentations of

  • research projects funded by FoF 4 (talks and posters)
  • transfer projects in cooperation with hei_Innovation
  • research infrastructure in the Core Facility for Neuroscience of Self-Regulation

Networking and Information Booths


If you want to participate in the Research Day, please register until September 26th 2022 

Register Now (Zoom)