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Core Facility Electron Microscopy Core Facility (EMCF)

The Electron Microscopy Core Facility (EMCF) provides technical and scientific support for transmission and scanning electron microscopy at Heidelberg University. We offer full service as well as support for projects, the latter including training of users. We also offer our services to researchers and clients not affiliated with Heidelberg University. The EMCF is a DFG registered facility (RI 00565).

Combining state-of-the-art technical resources along with expertise is our aim at the EMCF. We utilize various EM techniques for biological imaging, for example Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy, Electron Tomography, Array Tomography, and Immunogold Labelling. This frequently allows to link structure and function and helps answer numerous biological questions. 

EMCF Logo: the Logo is a simplistic black and white design. Placed in the Center of a white background are black, bold and all capitals the letters EMCF. These are surronded by 3 black orbits with one black dot each randomly placed somewhere on one of the orbits. The orbits are symmetrically placed and create something like a star or flower around the letters in the center.
EMCF Logo: the Logo is a simplistic black and white design. Placed in the Center of a white background are black, bold and all capitals the letters EMCF. These are surronded by 3 black orbits with one black dot each randomly placed somewhere on one of the orbits. The orbits are symmetrically placed and create something like a star or flower around the letters in the center.
impressions from the EMCF lab: 4 images in a row; from left to right: Charlotta Funaya working with the high pressure freezer; Larissa Eis sitting at a PC next to the Zeiss Leo 1530 SEM analyzing image data; Linda Wiest working with one of the microscopes; Réza Shahidi working with the JEOL JEM1400 TEM microscope
impressions from the EMCF lab: 4 images in a row; from left to right: Charlotta Funaya working with the high pressure freezer; Larissa Eis sitting at a PC next to the Zeiss Leo 1530 SEM analyzing image data; Linda Wiest working with one of the microscopes; Réza Shahidi working with the JEOL JEM1400 TEM microscope

Project Request

All researchers from Heidelberg University and the Health + Life Science Alliance Heidelberg Mannheim are welcome to request help with EM processing and analysis. Further external projects can be accepted upon discussion. Come and talk to us to find out how your experiments can benefit from electron microscopy.

To start a project at EMCF you should first send a short description of your EM questions. Thereafter we will set up a meeting with EMCF staff to review the feasibility of the project and to discuss how to proceed. Before the onset of a project the general user regulation sheet has to be filled in and the fee agreement signed.

If you have any question about our services, please write an email to emcf@uni-heidelberg.de or see below for alternatives to reach us.

Illustrated EMCF Timeline with 6 steps for Service Requests: 1. First Contact via Email to emcf@uni-heidelberg.de, 2. Research Plan: Discussion of project aims, 3. Instrument Booking (trained users): Access to instrument booking schedule, Sample Submission: Service for Users and submission of samples, 5. Lab Work: Processing of EM samples, specimen preparation, imaging, done by staff and trained users, 6. Sample return/results: results can be discussed.

At EMCF we offer two different fee systems:

1. a flat fee system in which the use of all equipment except the F20 tecnai microscope is included. Use of the F20 microscope comes with an additional hourly fee.

2. An hourly fee for all equipments for short term users.

Instrument Booking   Equipment & Methods

Steering Committee

The rector of Heidelberg University appointed a steering committee which governs the EMCF. The steering committee consists of members of the Medical Faculty Heidelberg, the Faculty of Biosciences, and the CellNetworks Core Technology Platform. Guests can be included.


Associated member


Dr. Charlotta Funaya
EMCF - Universität Heidelberg
Im Neuenheimer Feld 345
Office Room 060
69120 Heidelberg
Tel.   +49 6221 54-6365

Dr. Réza Shahidi
EMCF - Universität Heidelberg
Im Neuenheimer Feld 345
Office Room 060
69120 Heidelberg
Tel.   +49 6221 54-6365

Larissa Eis
Technical assistant
Office Room 059 
Tel. +49 6221 54-6258

Linda Wiest
Technical assistant
Office Room 059 
Tel. +49 6221 54-6258

Team photo: the 4 EMCF team members stand next to each other in the white labroom, smiling at the camera. From left to right: Larissa Eis, a light-skinned woman with long, straight black hair, a darkblue Nike sports hoodie with bright yellow Writing; Linda Wiest, light-skinned, a bit taller then Larissa, with brown hair in a ponytail and round glasses; Charlotta Funaya, tallest in the photo, with a flowerprint shirt; Réza Shahidi, darker-skinned man with black hair and grey beard, with an olivegreen sweater


Selection of recent publications with significant contribution of the EMCF


Comprehensive Overview of Publications

Publication & Acknowledgement guidelines

Proper acknowledgement of the EMCF is important for the core facility’s performance indicators and for receiving financial support, and thus for continuously providing state-of-the-art instruments and services.

Please acknowledge the EMCF in the following way:
“We acknowledge the Electron Microscopy Core Facility (EMCF) at Heidelberg University for assistance with electron microscopic analysis. The EMCF is a DFG-registered research infrastructure (RI 00565)”.

We are happy to help you write up the material and methods part for the EM done at the facility. Please let EMCF personnel read the drafts of manuscripts to ensure that the technical descriptions of the EM analysis are correct before going to press.

Funding Resources

Logo image: 2 logos next to each other, on the left: CellNetworks in red, fading to orange letters sans serif with a round symbol containing 5 different colored circles that overlap in the middle. On the right: SFB 1129 in black bold letters sans serif positioned under a symbol consisting of overlapping grey rectangular shapes into which a red trapezoid is pointed. The layers all have a transparency-see-through look to them
Neue Seite: Electron Microscopy Core Facility (EMCF)