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START UPeritivo meets Wissenstransfer

  • Termin in der Vergangenheit
  • Mittwoch, 25. September 2024, 18:00 Uhr
  • hei_INNOVATION HUB, Im Neuenheimer Feld 370, 69120 Heidelberg

    „How can knowledge transfer be promoted in the urban society?“

    In this edition, the START UPeritivo is a little more on the knowledge transfer side of things. Phillip Koban, Deputy Head of the Cultural Office and responsible for the Stadt-Heidelberg-Stiftung, will briefly outline what is important in knowledge transfer from the perspective of the city and cultural administration, what funding is possible and what role the UNESCO City of Literature could play in the university's knowledge transfer.

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    Usually, once a month, the START UPeritivo by hei_INNOVATION is aimed at (future) founders, people interested in founding a company, innovative minds and simply anyone who is interested in the topic of entrepreneurship and knowledge transfer and would like to talk about it. 

    In this edition, we are focusing a little more then usual on the knowledge transfer side of things. Our guest Phillip Koban, Deputy Head of the Cultural Office and responsible for the Stadt-Heidelberg-Stiftung, will outline what is important in knowledge transfer from the perspective of the city and cultural administration. He will also talk about funding opportunities and about which role the UNESCO City of Literature could play in Heidelberg University's knowledge transfer! 

    There will be pizza 🍕 and drinks 🍸 and we are very much looking forward to seeing many of you to this special edition of our START UPeritivo!

    The September START UPeritivo is supported by Volksbank Kurpfalz

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