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START UPeritivo: Storytelling Up Close

  • Termin in der Vergangenheit
  • Dienstag, 5. November 2024, 18:00 Uhr
  • hei_INNOVATION HUB, Im Neuenheimer Feld 370, 69120 Heidelberg
    • Yevgen Borodkin

Inspired by that social moment after work, hei_INNOVATION START UPeritivos are a possibility space for students, (post)docs, future entrepreneurs, startups, scientists, investors, industry partners and everyone who is interested in the topics entrepreneurship, knowledge transfer and innovation. Meet us monthly at our Stammtisch format and get inspired.

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Storytelling is not just a buzzword that applies to any text. It is a powerful tool to persuade, explain, and inspire—especially in the world of entrepreneurship. 🤓📚 Effective storytelling can make a start-up stand out, attract investors and build a loyal customer base. Yevgen Borodkin, with 10 years of experience as a content creator, storyteller, trainer, coach and start-up mentor at SAP Global Communications, will share valuable insights into how stories work and how to leverage them effectively in entrepreneurial contexts. This presentation will provide you with practical knowledge to harness the power of storytelling for your business success. Join us to get inspired and have some time for networking, snacks and drinks as always at our START UPeritivos. 🍸

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