
Institute of East Asian Art HistoryNarrating Japanese Art Histories: Past, Present, Future

  • Termin in der Vergangenheit
  • Saturday, 29. June 2024, 09:30 Uhr
  • Centre for Asian and Transcultural Studies (CATS), CATS Auditorium, HS 010.01.05, Building 4010, Voßstraße 2, 69115 Heidelberg

    Celebrating the twentieth anniversary of collaboration between Heidelberg University and Ishibashi Foundation, the Institute of East Asian Art History is organising an international symposium on the topic of “Narrating Japanese Art Histories: Past, Present, Future”, which takes place at the Centre for Asian and Transcultural Studies of Ruperto Carola from 28 to 30 June 2024. The three-day event is open to public. Registration is required to participate online.

    Visual in Magentatönen, asiatische Frau mit langen Haaren und Gewand, Tisch
    • Adresse

      Centre for Asian and Transcultural Studies (CATS)
      CATS Auditorium, HS 010.01.05
      Building 4010, Voßstraße 2
      69115 Heidelberg

    • Livestream

    • Veranstalter

    • Veranstaltungstyp

    Saturday 29 June

    09:30 Painting Stories

    • Matthew McKelway (Columbia University): Looking in all the Wrong Places? The Architecture of Narrative in Late Medieval Japan
    • Nakamachi Keiko (em. Jissen Women’s University): 俵屋宗達《源氏物語 関屋 ・澪標図屏風》の物語表現の特色について [Characteristics in the Narrative Expression of Tawaraya Sotatsu’s Folding Screens Depicting Scenes from the The Tale of Genji: “Channel Markers” and “The Barrier Gate”]

    11:00 Coffee Break

    11:30 Stories Told Differently

    • Jaqueline Berndt (Stockholm University): Story-Manga as Graphic Narrative: On Art-historical Approaches to Comics Studies
    • Burglind Jungmann (em. University of California, Los Angeles): Alternative Histories of Korean Painting: Three Collectors of Minhwa

    12:30 Lunch Break

    14:00 Visual Storytelling in Japanese Buddhism

    • Yukio Lippit (Harvard University): Eka Danpi: Narrative and Icon in Zen Painting
    • Halle O’Neal (University of Edinburgh): Reused and Recycled: Telling Stories Through Letters’ Materiality (online)

    15:00 Coffee Break

    15:30 Roundtable: Revisiting / Reframing? Stories of the Past

    16:30 Walk to IWH – Internationales Wissenschaftsforum Heidelberg

    • Group A) 18:00 Walk to IWH
    • Group B) 17:00 Japan Festival, later IWH

    18:30 Ishibashi Foundation Reception

    Alle Termine der Veranstaltung 'Narrating Japanese Art Histories: Past, Present, Future'

    This summer, the Institute of East Asian Art History (IKO) of Heidelberg University hosts the international symposium “Narrating Japanese Art Histories: Past, Present, and Future” in celebration of the twentieth anniversary of collaboration between Ishibashi Foundation and Ruperto Carola. It also honours the academic achievements of Prof. Dr Melanie Trede, whose research focused on narrative art. The symposium features a prominent line-up of speakers and round table participants, with Prof. Dr Melissa McCormick (Harvard University) and Prof. Dr Takagishi Akira (University of Tokyo) as keynote speakers. The conference is open to the public, and will also be livestreamed.

    Press Release