
Doktorandenkonvent der Universität Heidelberg
Im Neuenheimer Feld 370
69120 Heidelberg


Upcoming Events

General Assembly 

3rd June - 18pm

Im Neuenheimer Feld 370 (Käthe Leichte Forum)

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Boulderhouse with Doctoral Candidates

We would like to invite Doctoral Students to join on a social event at 

Bolderhaus in Rohrbach
5/1 Im Bosseldorn
69126 Heidelberg

This event will take place regularly on every second Wednesday of the month, starting on Wednesday 10th of April 2019.

We meet at 7 pm

The doctoral students convention will pay the entrance fee for the first 25 people who sign up by dropping a line to us via: 

Responsible: Email
Latest Revision: 2019-04-02
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