
Doktorandenkonvent der Universität Heidelberg
Im Neuenheimer Feld 370
69120 Heidelberg


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General Assembly 

3rd June - 18pm

Im Neuenheimer Feld 370 (Käthe Leichte Forum)

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The situation of the Landesgraduiertenförderung remains precarious. The stipends of about 90 doctoral researchers at the university of Heidelberg are threatened by the planned cuts of the ministry of science.

Theresia Bauer, the Minister of Science, has reacted to the protests of the doctoral student conventions and the initatives of affected PhD researchers. In an official statement (sent on May 30), she announced that, while the planned cuts will take place, already started projects will definitely remain funded by LGF money. Moreover, she declared herself in favour of focusing future LGF funding on the humanities and the so-called small disciplines. Representatives of the doctoral students conventions will also take part in the next meeting of the responsible working group of the ministry. You can find the full statement here (in German).

Before, we were protesting against the planned cuts of the Landesgraduiertenförderung. We wrote a protest letter to the responsible Ministry of Science in Stuttgart. You can find our statement here (in German). If you are affected by the cuts, please do not hesitate to contact us!

There was also an online petition against the planned cuts.

Responsible: Email
Latest Revision: 2018-07-18
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