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Eylül Begüm Sağlam

Eylül Begüm was born and raised in Ankara, Turkey. She graduated from Middle East Technical University (METU) with a grade point average (GPA) of 4.00/4.00, as the highest ranked student among the bachelor’s degree graduates. In addition to her undergraduate studies in Political Science and Public Administration, she completed a minor program in European Studies. During her undergraduate studies, she completed an internship at Republic of Turkey Ministry of Foreign Affairs as the winter intern. She was also a nature protection program volunteer for the WWF Turkey and a volunteer for Foundation for Children with Leukemia (LÖSEV). Her academic interests include comparative politics, U.S. foreign policy, public policy and poverty studies.


Annie Michelle Caldwell

Born to an American father and a Bulgarian mother, Annie originally comes from Regensburg, Bavaria, where she obtained her B.A. in American Studies. Besides American Studies, she also studied art history and political science to gain knowledge in other fields. Interested in the concepts of ‘race’ and gender, she wrote her B.A. thesis titled “Deconstructing Slavery’s Culture of Silence and Shame: Transgenerational Trauma and Self-Empowerment in Tyler Perry’s For Colored Girls.”


Artemis Dobri

Born in Mainz and raised in a small town nearby, Artemis earned her Bachelor’s degree in American Studies and English Studies at the Goethe University Frankfurt. A devoted British rock music fan, she studied at the University of Sheffield, UK, for two semesters as part of an Erasmus exchange program. After years of devouring dystopian literature, Margaret Atwood’s fascinating speculative fiction novel Oryx & Crake became the main subject of her BA thesis. Her main academic interests include twentieth-century American literature, drama, environmental fiction literature, sociology, and history. She is a pop-culture enthusiast, a singer, and a published romance author.


Silvia Rodriguez-Garcilazo

Silvia was born and raised in a small town named Othello located in Washington state. She attended Whitworth University and obtained a B.A. degree in Sociology - Criminal Justice Track and Spanish. During her undergraduate studies, she was a research assistant for a two-year grant that helped evaluate the effectiveness of the Adult, Juvenile, Mental Health, and Family Drug Treatment Courts in Snohomish County, Washington. While at Whitworth University, she took a year of German in preparation for coming to Germany. Outside of academics, she enjoys cooking and trying new dishes from different cultures, traveling, dancing, and participating in various sports.


Max Schiersner Caodaglio

Max was born in Brazil in a city near São Paulo called São Bernardo do Campo. Having German grandparents, he and his sister Amanda would often hear their mother and her siblings speaking German with his grandparents. He completed his B.A. degree in Social Sciences at Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (PUC-SP) in 2016. On his second year at the university, he was deeply influenced by one of his professors, Antônio Pedro Tota, leading to an eventual friendship an academic collaboration. His lectures and topics influenced Max in becoming more and more interested in American society, which would then become essential for his choice to pursue a graduate degree in American Studies.


Nan Song

Nan Song grew up in Shanghai and graduated from the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology (USST) with a Bachelor’s degree in English (Sino-U.S. Joint Project) in 2019. Through her studies she had been inspired and deepened her understanding of various cultures. During her undergraduate years, she had worked as an intern in the quality assurance group in GE (China) Research and Development Center Co., Ltd for about six months to better apply her English skills into practice.

Xie Xinyi - Photo

Cynthia Tse (Xinyi Xie)

I grew up in Guangdong, China and graduated from Sun Yat-sen University. I chose to major in English Language & Literature because it is a fascinating area of gaining creative thoughts through literature and language. Eventually, I was fortunate to study at the University of Augsburg in Germany as an exchange student. It wasn't until my studies at Augsburg that I realized that American Studies with insights into social sciences was something I was interested in. Apart from my passion for economics and politics, I decided to study American Studies at Heidelberg for various reasons, mainly to reach my career goals through intensive study and experiencing international exposure in Germany again.


Philipp Zeifang

Philipp grew up in Reutlingen, Germany, where he went to high school as well. He received his B.A. in Interdisciplinary American Studies from the University of Tübingen. His research interests focus mainly on U.S. politics and history as economic and electoral issues, as well as the presidency and U.S. foreign policy.


Henry Chan Yee Hong

Henry holds a B.A. in English and an MA in Literary and Cultural Studies from his native Hong Kong. Having worked in education in various capacities, he speaks Cantonese, English, Mandarin, and is fascinated by the sophistication of the German language. As a queer man of color he thinks constantly about the intersections of race, gender, and sexuality. In his MA thesis, where he investigates André Aciman’s Call Me By Your Name, he explores the intricate relationships between the queer subject and the exiled Jew, an overlooked aspect in the film adaptation, by drawing on diasporic studies, queer theory, and Proustian modernism.


Christian Allred

Christian grew up in Heidelberg, Germany as an American military dependent. He attended both German public school and an American high school on the base where his father worked. After high school, he moved to the USA to complete a B.A. in English and German at Brigham Young University. Besides literature, Christian enjoys sushi, European football, and folk songwriting.


Jacob McKenna

Jacob, originally from Ohio, graduated from the University of Notre Dame with a B.A. in American Studies in 2018. While at Notre Dame, he also took German courses and spent a semester abroad at the HCA in 2017. His Bachelor’s thesis explored German-American cultural activists and the power they wielded during the Cold War. His interests include German-American transnational history, Cold War history, modern art, and anything that involves exploring newspaper archives. For the past year, he worked at the Columbus Museum of Art, but chose to return to Heidelberg to pursue these academic interests.


Julian Kramer

Born and raised in a village on the outskirts of Munich, Julian graduated from Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität with a B.A. in North American Studies and Geography in 2019. This combination of subjects left him with a keen research interest in the US-Mexican border, which also formed the subject of his Bachelor’s thesis. Outside of academics, Julian was always musically active in one way or the other and is currently playing in a wedding band that plays gigs in and around Munich.


Cecil Weller

Cecil Weller was born in Houston, Texas. His father, an American History professor, instilled in him a love of academics and a passion for the country. He went to Texas State University in San Marcos, where he graduated Summa Cum Laude with a Bachelor’s degree in English.


Joshua Tobolt

Joshua Tobolt grew up in the suburbs of Chicago, IL. He earned his Bachelor’s of History/Social-Sciences Secondary Education from Illinois State University. Following his graduation, he spent two years as a high school teacher in central Illinois teaching American and World History to sophomores and juniors. He has also spent the past two years being an assistant soccer coach at the varsity level in high school.


Shuangjie Sun

Shuangjie graduated from Shanghai International Studies University in China with a B.A. in Broadcast Journalism and a minor in English. Prior to joining the MAS, she had seven years of experience in media and advertising agencies.


Marius Kaisig

Marius was born and raised in Mannheim, Germany. He earned his Bachelor's degree in American Studies from the University of Heidelberg in the spring of 2019 after spending a year at Illinois College in Jacksonville. Living this close to one of Europe's top universities, he considers it a privilege to be able to continue his studies in the HCA's Master’s program.


Junxuan Li

Junxuan comes from China. In June 2019, she graduated from the Department of Business English in Sichuan International Studies University, where she received her Bachelor of Arts. Her focus in the MAS is on the human geography and political science. Her interests include U.S economic and political policies, Silicon Valley, the modern culture, and societal changes in the U.S.


Hu Yueyue

Hu Yueyue was born in 1995 and lived in Hefei Anhui. She obtained her B.A. in English in 2016 from Anhui Normal University. For the one year afterwards, she worked as a consultant for Chinese students seeking to study at American universities. From 2018 to 2019, she was a teacher of TOEFL and IELTS preparatory courses.


Natalie Neuberth

Nathalie was born and raised in a small town near Heidelberg. She earned her Bachelor's degree in American Studies and French at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz. The two-subject curriculum allowed her to attend the Université de Bourgogne in Dijon, France, followed by an academic year abroad at the Université de Sherbrooke in Quebec. The trinational study program allowed her to pursue a French "double license" in addition to her Bachelor of Arts degree. Her academic interests include political science, literature, and gender studies.


Eva Bein

Eva Bein, a German national, obtained her B.A. in American Studies at Goethe Universität Frankfurt. Focusing on literature- and cultural studies, she analyzed literary and journalist texts as well as films and TV series. With a minor in Sociology, her work often includes feminist and gender-theoretical approaches.


Laura Vogel

Laura Vogel, born and raised in Germany, has always had a great interest in the United States after living and working in Asheville, North Carolina for a full year. Her interest only grew stronger while studying the Bachelor of Social Sciences at the Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf. This interdisciplinary program with its focus in Political Science, Media, and Communication Studies and Sociology allowed her to examine current issues and phenomena from different points of view and schools of thought. Contemporary American Politics, in particular, made her put a focus on Politics and Media studies and their correlation with each other. Consequently, this influenced her choice to intern at the PA office at the U.S. Consulate General in Frankfurt as well as to work for the Congress-Bundestag-Youth Exchange program at the GIZ in Bonn. In addition to her Master's program, she now works for the DAI in Heidelberg and their outreach projects to further enhance her knowledge in transatlantic exchange in the day-to-day context.


Hamid Alberto Abud Russell

Hamid has dual United Kingdom and Mexican nationalities, being born of a British mother and Mexican father who raised him in Campeche, a small town in Mexico’s Yucatan peninsula. He attended university in Mexico City in “El Colegio de México”, where he earned his bachelor’s degree in International Relations. His research is focused on the forces that shape American foreign policy, specifically how America’s imperialism reflects the will of special interest groups which view Congress as a means to advance their agenda. He interned as a research and a teacher’s assistant with Professor Gilberto Conde Zambada, PhD., at the Centre for Asian and African studies in El Colegio de México.


Esteban Bernal Carrasquilla

Classical guitarist, music critic and radio producer, Esteban studied music and international relations at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Colombia). He became interested in the U.S.A. while researching about jazz diplomacy during the Cold War. He worked for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Colombia in a cultural diplomacy initiative that aimed to prevent forced recruitment among underage artists exposed to violent environments. During the past years he has conducted several radio shows about American black music and history.


Hannah Borne

Hannah-Aeterna Borne, born and raised in Germany, obtained her Bachelor degree in American Studies at the HCA in 2018. During her studies, she spent one academic year at the University of Utah, where she developed a special interest in international relations at the Hinckley Institute of Politics. Her studies were primarily focused on power and security analysis in the relations between the United States and various world regions.


Wing Kei Choi

Wing Kei was born and raised in Hong Kong. She earned her BA in American Studies and English Studies from the University of Hong Kong. She has been to Denmark and South Korea for exchange studies, and the USA for fieldtrip. The transnational experiences and identity have made her continue on race and immigrant studies.


Jack DiMidio

Jack, 23, hails from State College, Pennsylvania. He studied German and Linguistics at the Pennsylvania State University. Jack was the recipient of a PIRE grant that allowed him to conduct research in nearby Mannheim. His honors thesis focused on the application of semantic cues to facilitate the acquisition of case marking among native English-speaking second language learners of German.


Laura Reeb

Laura was born in Mannheim, Germany and attended Heidelberg University. She earned her bachelors degree at the Heidelberg Center for American Studies in 2017. During her studies at the HCA she specialized in political science and religious history. After her third semester she attended the University of New Mexico for two semesters and pursued her interest in the relations between politics and religion in the United States.


William Brian Sain

William Brian Sain graduated from Louisiana State University with a B.A. in English Secondary Education and a minor in German. For the past five years he has been teaching high schoolers American literature. He has two books of poetry published & is the proud owner of two Pit bulls & a cat.


Terence Wride

Terence grew up in California, Oregon, and Utah, but considers Grants Pass, Oregon, USA home. He earned his B.A. in English and Native American Studies from Brigham Young University where he focused his coursework and research specifically on the constructions of immigrant, Indigenous, borderland, and diasporic communities. His interests include environmental humanities and promoting the experiences, literatures, and resulting perspectives of oppressed and otherwise marginalized communities through academia.


Cansu Yilmaz

Cansu was born and raised in Ankara, Turkey. She graduated from the Department of American Culture and Literature of Bilkent University, where she studied with a full scholarship. As the highest ranked graduate of her faculty and department, she has also gained work experience in translation, interpretation, and English teaching. Although she is an avid fan of American postmodern poetry, her area of research focuses on political science, specifically neoliberalism, hegemony, and biopower.


Laura Alcántara Duque


Laura was born in Mexico City. She attended the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, where she earned a Bachelor degree in History. Her research interest focuses on Public Policies application, specifically those regarding Drug Prohibition from a historical perspective, and their implications in the present system of Narcotics Control, with particular attention to consumers. She has interned for research institutions, such as the Center for Research on North America (CISAN-UNAM).


Gülhan Arklan


Gülhan was born and raised in Frankfurt am Main. She went to school in both Germany and Turkey. She has a B.A. in American Culture and Literature given by Ankara University.


Cansu Aydin


Cansu Aydin was born in 1995 in Ankara, Turkey. After high school in Ankara, she was accepted to Bilkent University Department of American Culture and Literature with a full scholarship. During this time, Cansu spent one year in University of Turku in Turku, Finland as an Erasmus+ exchange student. She graduated from Bilkent University as a High Honor student in 2017. Her study interests are political history, religious studies and gender studies.


Erkam Calik


Erkam was born in Istanbul, Turkey, but raised in Pakistan and Oman as well. He received his B.A. in American Culture and Literature from Hacettepe University in 2017. Erkam’s intercultural experience during his childhood has also molded his musical preferences and drawn him into the underground music scene. Exposed to many different genres, his long-term aspiration is to become an academic specializing in Cultural Studies and Musicology.


Chau Pham Tran Bao


Chau, a Vietnamese girl, graduated from Assumption University in Thailand in 2012. She received a Bachelor degree in International Business Management with a Minor in Marketing. Ever since, she has worked for aluminum can making companies both in Thailand and BinhDuong province (north of HoChiMinh city).


Holly Clayman


Holly was born and raised in Concord, the charming capital city of New Hampshire. She received her BA (Hons) in Creative Arts and Communications, from Richmond the American International University in London. Her research focused on the use of art in public spaces, and the relationship between street art as a subculture, and the commodification and recuperation of street art into dominant culture. Her interests include the formation of subcultural groups in the USA.


Douglas Favero


Douglas Favero graduated with a dual degree in Sociocultural Studies in Southern Africa and Latin America, and English, from Valparaiso University. He went to work on fiction, while traveling the US, Spain and Morocco and living in Seattle and San Francisco. In 2007, he moved to Mexico, where for six years he taught language and culture at a local university. The past 3 years, he was an academic adviser for the Fulbright Commission and EducationUSA.


Alexandra Katkinová


Alexandra was born in Bratislava, Slovakia. She attended Masaryk University in the Czech Republic where she received her B.A. in International Relations and English. She spent a year as an exchange student in Bergen, Norway and Southampton, United Kingdom. Her thesis was on the US policy toward North Korea, because she has a keen interest in US foreign affairs and diplomacy with specialization in security-related topics.


Shasha Lin


Shasha grew up in Guangzhou, China and pursed her B.A. in English Language & Literature at Sun Yat-sen University. Although she has specialized in Translation and Interpretation and accumulated considerable relevant work experience, she takes interest in American culture, especially in aspects of literature and political science. After graduating from Heidelberg Center for American Studies, she plans to earn a PhD and ultimately become a professor.


Victoria Madsen


Victoria was born and raised near Chicago, United States of America. She earned her BA in History from the University of Missouri in 2016. She also spent her junior year at John Cabot University in Rome, Italy. Her studies were mainly focused on Colonial Latin American history, US Civil Rights and Modern Italian history. History of seemingly any kind and traveling are her two greatest passions.


Andjela Micanovic


Andjela grew up in Montenegro, a small country in the Mediterranean. She graduated from the University of Montenegro, as the best social science student. She spent her 2nd and 4th year of studies as an exchange student in the USA (Washington D.C.) and in Germany (Heidelberg). Andjela has a working experience in both the Government Sector and International Organizations (the UN, the EU), as well as from various NGOs where she volunteered for the last ten years.


Marco Morales Mendez


Marco graduated Magna Cum Laude with a BA in American Cultural Studies from Western Washington University. He was the 2017 Outstanding Graduate in American Cultural Studies and was inducted to The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi, The nation’s oldest and most selective multidisciplinary collegiate honor society. At WWU Marco was a TA in American Social Theory, Latino Studies, and was the program lead on a global learning program to the Republic of Cuba.


Johs Rasmussen


Johs spent most of his childhood in Denmark, although he also lived in the United States and China. He majored in American Studies at the University of Southern Denmark while also taking an elective in Comparative Literature at the University of Copenhagen. It was during Johs’ recent travels that the MAS program gained his interest. His primary concern has been Cultural Studies in its American form, and his chief inspirations are Fredric Jameson, Ralph Ellison and Stuart Hall.


Andreea Rus


Andreea grew up in the bustling city of Bucharest. She has completed a BA in French and English Literature at the University of Bucharest. In her last year of study, she focused on trauma, identity and memory in graphic novels. After graduating in 2014, she taught Primary School children at an international British school in Bucharest for three years before deciding to study in Germany.


Benedict Scantlebury

United Kingdom

Ben grew up in the Yorkshire city of Bradford, U.K. Having lived in the north of England all his life, in 2014 he ventured south to begin studying for a BA in History at the University of Oxford.


Kelsey Becker


Kelsey grew up in a small town in northern Illinois. She moved to Chicago to pursue a B.A in Philosophy at DePaul University. She focused closely on 20th century French philosophy. Her research areas included phenomenology and ethics. After graduating in 2015, Kelsey spent some time traveling and working while applying to graduate school. Her goal is to earn a PhD in political science, conduct research and teach.


Katie Blakey

New Zealand

Katie is originally from Oamaru, a rural town in the South Island of New Zealand. In 2015 she completed her BA(Hons) in History at the University of Canterbury in Christchurch.


Tamàs Deák-Bárdos


Tamás was born in Budapest, Hungary. He gained his MA degree in Political Science at Corvinus University of Budapest where he chose Political Theory as his field of specialization. He is interested in the Anglo-Saxon theories of Liberalism and their contemporary critiques. During his studies, he was working at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in the research group on Political Realism. His long term aspiration is to pursue a PhD and to become an academic.


Nina El Menschawi


Nina was born in Heidelberg. However, at the age of 3, her father’s career required her family to leave Germany and move to Belgium. Ever since then, she has had the opportunity to live in 7 different countries around the world. This influenced her decision to pursue a B.A. in International Relations and Political Science at the University of Birmingham, United Kingdom.


Ilkin Huseynli


Ilkin was born in Baku. He received a B.A. in American Studies from Baku State University and a M.A. in Political Science from Central European University, Budapest.


Libin Li


Libin was born in Hubei, China. He received his Bachelor of Arts degree from Dalian University of Foreign Languages in 2010. After graduation, he had been engaged in doing international trade for two years. In 2012, he started to work in Ghana on the post of administration and HR officer. During the four years’ business practices with local counterparts and companies, he became interested in the Western culture and wanted to figure out the problems he encountered which mostly originated from culture misunderstanding.


Hien-Le Pham


Le was born in Da Nang, a beautiful city in central Vietnam. She graduated from Foreign Trade University, Ho Chi Minh City Campus with a major in International Economics. Le worked for HSBC Bank Vietnam for over one year after graduation and started to collaborate with some publishing companies as a freelance book translator. Before moving to Germany for her graduate study, she had been a fulltime corporate trainer at a US software company for over three years.


Léa Pitschmann


Léa was born in Charenton-Le-Pont, France, in 1994. After completing a 3-year long CPGE course in Versailles, she received a French master’s degree in English from the Sorbonne University with a specialization in research and American studies.


Natascha Schiel


Natascha was born in Baden-Baden, Germany and completed her B.A. in American Studies at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg in spring 2016. She spent her academic year 2014/15 at Smith College in Massachusetts, where she earned a Diploma in American Studies with the support of a scholarship by the German Academic Exchange Service (Jahresstipendium des DAAD). In addition, she has been studying German law at Heidelberg University since 2012.


Sarah Shammaa


Sarah was born and raised in Aleppo, Syria. She received a B.A. in English and American Studies from Aleppo University. She was interested in learning languages as an access to new cultures. Therefore she learned Japanese and attained a certificate of completing seven levels from Japan Center for Academic Cooperation, Aleppo University. After graduation, she worked as an English Teacher for four years before the war in Syria. Especially the terrible circumstances in her city Aleppo forced her to leave her country for Germany.


Sena Sipahioglu


Sena received her BA in American Culture and Literature from Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey. She is very interested in her BA subject which is why she wants to continue in Germany. Since her graduation, she has been teaching English in various language institutions.


Supawadee Sriputorn


Supawadee is from Thailand. She studied mass communications as her undergraduate degree and received her first Master’s in English. She has worked as a translator and a university lecturer in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Her academic interests include popular culture and media.


Calum Andrew Thomson

United Kingdom

Calum was born and raised in Northumberland, United Kingdom. He studied for his Bachelor of Arts in European Studies at Maastricht University from 2013 to 2016. He spent the fifth semester of his degree studying abroad at Ludwig Maximilian’s University in Munich.


Sirui Wang


Sirui was born in Sichuan, China in 1991. She majored in English in Sichuan Agricultural University and graduated with honors in 2014. After graduation, she has been an English teacher in her hometown.


Yanping Wei


Yanping was born in 1993 in Hangzhou, a southeast city in China. She earned her B.A. in English Language and Literature from Hangzhou Normal University. During her studies, she worked as a part time Chinese teacher to non-Chinese speakers. She spent her second year of university as an exchange student in Shanghai International Studies University. She is interested in many American films and television series which reflect contemporary American society and values.

Altay Özcan Foto

Hacer Bahar


Hacer was born in Istanbul,Turkey. She received a B.A. in American culture and literature from Bilkent University, Ankara.

Altay Özcan Foto

Louis Butcher


Louis was born and raised in London to an American mother and English father. He spent most of his childhood holidays with family in Detroit & LA. Having worked in a variety of fields and travelled extensively across Europe, the Americas, and Asia, he recently graduated with a B.A. in (modern European) history from the University of Bradford, which included a year abroad at Clarkson University in upstate NY.

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Jessica Hagen


Jessica Hagen is from Linden, Michigan and graduated from Michigan State University in 2009 with a B.A. in German and was also active in German-language outreach activities. From 2010-2011, she was a Fulbright English Teaching Assistant in Ludwigshafen, and in 2015, she completed a B.Ed. in English and German at the University of Mainz. She currently works as a freelance English teacher in Mannheim and Mainz and lives in Sandhausen.

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Zachary Holler


Zachary Holler was born in 1991 and lives in Boerne, Texas. He earned his B.A. in History from Hillsdale College. During his studies, he volunteered to teach Latin with the local grade school. After college, he tutored local grade school students while choosing a university to continue his own education.

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Frederick Janzen


Frederick Maximilian Janzen, born and raised in Heidelberg, received his B.A. in International Business with Spanish from the European Business School London in 2014. Having studied and worked in South America, the Middle East, and Europe he decided to move back to his hometown to undertake his Master’s degree in American Studies.

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Xingyan Liu


Xingyan was born in China in 1992. She received her Bachelor of Law from South-Central University for Nationalities in 2015. During her studies she participated in an English speech contest and won the second place, did a lot of volunteer jobs, and also interned in a television station.

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Emily Lloyd


Emily was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvaina in 1990. In 2007, Emily was appointed as a page at the United States House of Representatives. She graduated from Suffolk University in 2013 with a B.S. in psychology. After graduation, Emily worked for the Democratic Congressional District and Congressman John F. Tierney. She also participated in volunteer, post-graduate study work with a professor at Suffolk University.

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AlJay Pascua


Born in the Philippines, Jay moved to the U.S. when he was 12 years old. There he studied comparative literature and English language teaching. From July 2011 to December 2014, he lived and worked in Africa, teaching English for the Peace Corps in Cape Verde and in Mozambique.

Altay Özcan Foto

Henry Prown


Henry was born in Williamsburg, Virginia in 1992. He graduated from University College London (UCL) with a B.A. in European Studies in 2015. He spent the third year of his studies on an Erasmus program Italy studying at the Università per Stranieri di Siena. Writing his undergraduate dissertation on the varying responses of national governments to hostage crises, Henry has an interest in conflict resolution and hopes to continue his research in that area.

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Tony Royle


Tony recently graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He completed a B.A. in history with a concentration in United States history and a B.A. in Romance languages focusing on Italian. Throughout university he worked with prospective and current students as an admissions ambassador, orientation leader, and a resident advisor.

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Johnathan Schlaefer


Jonathan was born in Sacramento, California in 1990 and graduated this year from California State University, Long Beach with a B.A. in comparative literature. He was fortunate to spend a semester abroad at Åbo Akademi in Finland, an experience which provided ample opportunity for travel, including his first trip to Germany. His academic interests include literature, history, and anthropology.

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Nao Tomabechi


Nao may have spent portions of her life in the U.S., but she is full-time Japanese. She recently graduated Sophia University in Tokyo with an M.A. in English literature. She will be pursuing her second M.A. in Heidelberg University. Superheroes are her passion, personally and academically.

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Nahia Uribe


Nahia Uribe was born and raised in Brazil. She moved to the Basque Country in Spain in 2010 to attend the University of the Basque Country, from which she received her B.A. in history in 2015. Another interest of hers is learning new languages, and she currently speaks four (Portuguese, English, Spanish, and Basque).

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Özcan Altay


Özcan was born in Kırıkkale, Turkey in 1982. He received his B.A. in Law from Ankara University, in 2005. Since then, he has been working in the Grand National Assembly of Turkey as a legislative expert. During that time, he took part in the meetings of the Committee on Conciliation on the Constitution. He is an amateur football blogger and likes reading politics, philosophy and political history. He also looks forward to be a writer and columnist.

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Iulia Caizer


Born in Romania, Iulia received her Bachelor of Law from West University of Timisoara in 2013. During her studies she participated in international debate competitions, moot court competitions and also interned at law firms. In her 3rd year she was elected to be National Vice President of the Seminar&Conferences Department of ELSA Romania. She also received an Erasmus scholarship and studied at the University of Genoa, Italy.

Donohoe Daniel Foto

Daniel Donohoe

Great Britain

Daniel grew up in Llandudno, North Wales. He then moved to Lampeter to attend the University of Wales, Trinity Saint David. Daniel studied History in his first year and Modern Historical Studies for the rest of his degree. After his second year of studies, he visited Germany and Heidelberg for the first time. It was at this time that Daniel first saw the program for American Studies. Set on doing his masters at Heidelberg University, he started learning the German language.

Ha Wai Foto

Vincent Wai Shing Ha

Hong Kong

Vincent was born in Hong Kong and received his B.A. in English Literature along with a minor in History from The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2012. During his studies, he also worked as an English tutor at Wallstreet Institute. After graduation, he worked as a Native English teacher for a local school and a kindergarten for two years and also as a freelance writing assistant. In this program, he majored in both American Literature and History. He is specifically interested in how America positions itself as a global influence regarding soft power and also the seemingly vanishing American Dream. He enjoys traveling and learning about foreign cultures.

Huang Xin

Xin Huang


Huang Xin was born on December 3rd, 1991, in China. She graduated from Civil Aviation University of China and got her Bachelor of Arts in English in July 2014. From an interest in language learning, I gradually became fascinated about the culture behind the language. I have read many American writers’ work, such as Ernest Hemingway, Mark Twain, T. S. Eliot, and I am deeply touched by the American spirit exemplified in their works.

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Tingyu Liu


Tingyu was born in 1992, in Sichuan, China. In 2010 she started her college life at Sun-Yat sen University and received her B.A. in English language and literature there, specializing in translation and interpretation. Her reading interests focus on political philosophy, political economics and everything that can satisfy her longing for human wisdom. Music is another irreplaceable part of her life, especially jazz, folk, and movie soundtracks.

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Xing Liu


Born in a small city, Zhumadian, in Henan province, China, on 06. Sep. 1986, Xing Liu was given the opportunity to study in Chengdu University of Information Technology and finished his B.A in 2009. After graduation, he went back to his hometown and worked in a local chemical company. Business activities all over the world equip him with international perspectives and his background with B.A. in English has contributed a lot to his career.

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Michelle Maffucci


Michelle was born in Lima, Peru, in 1993. She graduated from the University of Tampa, cum laude, in May 2014. She received her B.A. in International and Cultural Studies, minors in History and Latin American studies, and completed a certificate in the German language. Michelle participated in two study abroad courses. She volunteered at the United Services Organization and participated in the Republican National Convention during the U.S. Presidential election in 2012.

Niebes Matthew Foto

Matthew Niebes


A native of Atlanta (GA), Matthew recently graduated from Emory University, where he completed a B.A. in English and History as well as an honor’s thesis analyzing the literature of William S. Burroughs within 1960s countercultural philosophy. After spending the last two summers interning with a non-profit farm that caters to refugees living in Clarkston (GA), Matthew developed a passion for social justice and good food.

Ruan Lijie Foto

Lijie Ruan


Lijie Ruan, born on 9th of August, 1991, studied English at Henan Normal University. As a Chinese student with language access to western culture, along with extra-curricular experience in education, customer service, journalism and social work, she can relate to the problems arising from globalization. Being part of the solution to these transnational issues that will engender global peace and understanding is of great interest to her.

Turkmen Emine Foto2

Emine Türkmen


Emine was born in Trebizond,Turkey, in 1990. She graduated from Middle East Technical University, from the department of History in 2014. During her college years, she decided to pursue an academic career in American History and Politics. Hence, In order to realize her dreams, she applied to the Heidelberg Center for American Studies, and she has been accepted to the program.

Yu Hanqi Foto

Hanqi Yu


Hanqi was born in Zhejiang, China, in 1992. This summer, she graduated from Fudan University, Shanghai, with a B.A. degree in international politics. Hanqi looks forward to contributing her knowledge in government or international organizations in the future. She is quite enthusiastic in exploring the world through traveling and reading.

Zhang Nan Foto

Nan Zhang


Nan was born and raised in Inner Mongolia, China. She graduated from Inner Mongolia University with a Bachelor degree. Although she majored in Philosophy, she also studied literature and history during the four years at college. She really enjoyed it.


Rasha Al Saie


Rasha was born on February 16, 1987 in Aqaba, Jordan. She received her B.A. in English Language and Literature from the University of Jordan in 2009. She worked as a middle school English teacher at a prestigious international school in Amman for three years. Last year, Rasha spent a year as a Fulbright teaching assistant at St. Olaf College in Minnesota, USA.


Paul Bacharach


Paul was born in New Orleans, LA, in 1987. In 2007 he began his collegiate studies as a Liberal Arts Major, and in December 2011 he graduated from Louisiana State University with a B.A. degree in History, with both a German and a Philosophy minor. He was introduced to Germany as an undergraduate through a study abroad semester in 2010. Paul enjoys playing his guitar, exploring the outdoors, and reading, namely on topics relating to European history or modern global politics.


Asena Bosnak


Asena Bosnak was born in Turkey in 1991. She has completed her B.A. in American Culture and Literature, Istanbul University, Turkey. She wants to pursue her graduate studies in Heidelberg, Germany.


Greg Bousamra


Although he is not a Kentucky native, Greg Bousamra, born in 1990, is at home in the Bluegrass State. After graduating from the University of Kentucky with a BA in German Studies and minors in Mathematics and Physics, he returns to Heidelberg to re-visit in the city he fell in love with as an exchange student two years ago. Hoping to serve as a US Foreign Service Officer, Greg sees the MAS program at the HCA as a rare opportunity to study his home country and culture through an international lens.


Jun Chen


Jun Chen studied English at Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China from September 2009 to July 2013 and graduated with the Bachelor Degree of Arts in July 2013. Now, she has been admitted to the Master Program of American Studies at Heidelberg University. She believes that she will have a wonderful memory of her study in Germany.


Trang Dao Thi Minh


Trang was born and raised in Hanoi, Vietnam, in 1990. She graduated from Hanoi Foreign Trade University with a major in International Economics and a minor in Business. During her college time, she worked as a writer for a teen magazine and editor for a student radio channel. After graduation, she spent a whole year joining volunteer projects and running missions in Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia and Northern Vietnam, while still working as a travel blogger.


Miao Huang


Born and raised in Beijing, China, Miao received her Bachelor of Laws degree in International Politics at Peking University. Influenced by her experience in the Model United Nations, her ultimate goal is to become an international civil servant. Miao is an enthusiastic football fan. Music is her hobby. She loves playing ukulele and keyboards.


Leah Karels


Leah was born in a one-stoplight town in rural Minnesota. She received a B.A. in American Studies from Carleton College in 2009. After graduation, she spent three years teaching and traveling in Brazil, Argentina, and South Korea. She most recently served as a Fulbright Scholar in Portugal, leadingEnglish and American Culture courses at the University of Lisbon. Leah likes desserts, the internet, and TV dramas.


Nikolas Mariani

Germany / USA

Nik Mariani was born and raised in Germany to German-American and Croatian parents. Upon finishing his B.A. in English and Philosophy in Heidelberg 2012, he moved to New York City to act, make music and reconnect with his American roots. Having returned after a year, he is currently a language instructor at both the DAI and Berlitz.


Kimberly Martines


Kim returns to Germany after first spending a year living here as a Rotary Exchange Student in 2001. She received her B.A. in French/Economics from Kalamazoo College and studied at Ecole Sup. de Commerce of Clermont-Ferrand, France and later at DePaul University in Chicago for an M.A. program in International Studies. While having worked for the French Government and Rotary International, Kim has most recently been an employee-owner in Vermont for King Arthur Flour Co.


Everett Messamore


Everett was born in Winnipeg, Canada in 1986. He received his B.A. in history from Simon Fraser University in Burnaby, British Columbia, in 2009. During this time, he did work as a research assistant on a Canadian history textbook. Aftergraduation, he spent the past few of years working at theBritish Columbia Automobile Association. He plays andcomposes music in his spare time, and practices Aikido.


Sara Osman


Sara was born in Beirut, Lebanon, in 1990. After living in Beirut for 16 years, Sara got the opportunity to study at the United World College in Mostar in Bosnia and Herzegovina for two years where she received her International Baccalaureate. She was then offered a full tuition award to study in the United States at Westminster College where she completed her Bachelor degree in International Studies, Pre law and French.


Natalie Rauscher


Natalie was born and raised in Schweinfurt, a small town in Bavaria, about 2 hours away from Heidelberg. She started studying in Heidelberg in 2009. Her major was English Linguistics, Literary and Cultural Studies, and she did her minor in Political Science. In 2011/12, she spent one year in the US at St. Mary’s College of Maryland.

Sch _fer

Maren Schäfer


Maren was born near Bonn, Germany, in 1988. Having studied in a dual system in cooperation with ALDI SÜD, she graduated from the Baden-Wuerttemberg Cooperative State University with a B.A. in International Business. Since then she has been working in an online marketing agency in Munich, being responsible for key accounts and international projects. Also, Maren has a passion for ballet and all kinds of books.


Guo Shuyi


Shuyi was born in China in 1991 and has spent almost eight years in the capital Beijing. Since very young, she has been travelling around the world and making friends with people from different nations. The exposure to western cultures and her college major in Chinese language both ignited her interests in exotic culture research and helped her lay a solid foundation in American Studies. More importantly, Germany has always been her favorite place to learn and to live.


Jordan Beck Wagner


Jordan was born in Washington, D.C. in 1991. She received her B.A. in Political Science and German from Washington University in St. Louis in May 2013. Her international experience includes study abroad programs in the United Kingdom and Germany. During her time at university, she held internships with the U.S. House of Representatives and U.K. House of Lords. She was also very active in the 2012 U.S. Presidential Election, holding internships with a Presidential campaign as well as a political fundraising organization.


Laurence Williams

United Kingdom

Laurence was raised in London where after a drearily uneventful life of education, he moved to Guildford and graduated from the University of Surrey with a 1st Class BA in English Literature and Creative Writing. For his 3rd year placement, he studied abroad at Heidelberg University and decided he might as well mosey on back for his Masters. Outside of this, Laurence’s focus lies in theatre, having written and performed with the Soho, Kings Head and National Theatre along with working on the design for the Olympic events.


Jin Wu


Jin was born in Chengdu City, the hometown of giant pandas and hot pot. She studied at Xi’an Jiaotong University in Mainland China and graduated with a B.A. in English. During her studies, she participated in an academic exchange program at National Chengchi University in Taiwan and was actively engaged in perse symposiums, summer schools and voluntary programs in US, Germany, Hong Kong and Japan.


Yawen Yang


Yawen was born on April, 1988 in Jiangsu, China. She received her M.A. degree in 2012 from Nanjing Normal University, majored in Master of Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages. She worked as a volunteer Chinese teacher in Cambodia for one year, and was a Chinese tutor for students from US, Korea, Australia, Belgium etc.


Khizir Aydamirov


Khizir was born in Chechnya, Russia, in 1986. After graduating from a gymnasium, he attended the Red Cross Nordic United World College in Norway where he received his International Baccalaureate. He was then offered the Davis - United World College scholarship to attend Westminster College, Missouri, USA, where he graduated with a BA, double majoring in Politcal Science, International Relations & Diplomacy.


Daniel Blottenberger


Dan was born in Baltimore, Maryland, in 1985. He served eight years in the U.S. military as a combat correspondent. During this time he also completed his B.A. in Communications and Journalism from the University of Maryland University College. For the past three years he has worked as a journalist for the Stars and Stripes European edition.


Hibetallah Chourabi


Hibetallah was born in Soliman, Tunisia, in 1985. She studied at the High Institute of Human Sciences in Tunis, where she received her English Diploma specializing in International Relations, in 2010.


Isabella Dachs


Isabella was born in Southern Bavaria (Germany). At the age of 17, she spent her senior year of high school in Boise, ID (USA). Due to this experience, she decided to enroll at Lewis-Clark State College in Lewiston, ID, from which she graduated with an honors degree in psychology (major) and justice studies (minor). Later, she attended VU University Amsterdam while continuing to regularly serve as a reviewer for multiple journals in the field of psychology.


Thomas Dale

United Kingdom

Thomas was born and raised in Oxford, England. He took a sojourn in Leeds to do a B.A. in Music, and has since been teaching English in Oxford and travelling. He is a keen musician, Ultimate Frisbee player and reader on American politics and history.


Dušan Fischer


Dušan was born in Skalica, Slovakia. He completed his Master’s degree in 2011 at the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava, majored in EU Studies and International Relations. He is working as junior researcher and project manager at the Center for European and North Atlantic Affairs, a think tank based in Slovakia.


Christopher French


Christopher was born and raised in Heidelberg, Germany. He started taking classes with the University of Maryland University College (UMUC) in Heidelberg in 2005 and graduated in 2010 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in History with a Minor in Sociology. After graduation, he worked for UMUC as a Student Records Processor assisting university students, faculty and staff members across Europe and the Middle East with their transcripts and other administrative needs.


Mohammadali Jafari


Ali was born in Iran in 1987. He attended Shiraz University where he received his B.A. in English Language and Literature in 2010. He has experience in teaching English as a second language and also worked as a travel guide. Ali also enjoys writing, traveling and photography.


Lisette van Leemput


Lisette was born in 1991 in Zwijndrecht, the Netherlands. In June 2012, she received her B.A. cum laude from Roosevelt Academy in Middelburg, where she majored in American Studies, with minors in Gender Studies and European History. During her last semester, she interned at the Roosevelt Study Center, a research and conference center on modern American history and transatlantic relations.


Xiaoxu Lu


Xiaoxu graduated from Shandong University, China, in 2012. She took part in a volunteer teaching program and taught English in rural country of Hainan. She also served as a volunteer in Jinan Bauhinia Hospital to offer assistance for deaf children. She used to be a free tour guide for foreigners from Malaysia, England, France and the Netherlands.


Edward Palmi

United Kingdom

Edward was born in Leamington Spa, England, in 1989. After the completion of the International Baccalaureate, he was accepted into Swansea University to study a joint honours in History and Politics. In his second year of study he spent a semester studying at the University of Mary Washington, Virginia. After graduation in 2010, he worked at Coventry University, teaching English to prospective students. After this he moved to Tangshan, China, to continue teaching. 


Jacqueline Theresa Purification


Jacqueline was born in Dhaka, Bangladesh, and completed both her Bachelor degree (Hon’s) and Master of Science (Geography & Environment) at the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh in 1998 and 2001 respectively. Beside this, she received a Bachelor of Education from the National University of Bangladesh in 2006. Since 2005, she has been working as a lecturer in Geography at the ‘Notre Dame College’ Dhaka, Bangladesh.


Julia Rettig


Julia was born in Heidelberg in 1987. In 2008, she started studying both Slavic and Religious Studies at the University of Heidelberg. After being an exchange student in Eugene, Oregon, she concentrated on Christianity in the USA within Religious Studies. In 2012, she finished her Bachelor and got admitted to the Master program of the HCA.

Saura Campillo

Maria Dolores Saura Campillo


Maria was born in 1989 in Murcia, Spain. She studied Translation and Interpreting in Spain, the United States and Heidelberg. During her stay in the USA, she worked at the writing center of the University of Texas. A year later and after her graduation, she devoted an academic year to working as a Spanish language assistant in North West Germany.


Emerson Stuckart


Emerson was born on May 10, 1986 in Corpus Christi, TX. She received her B.A. in Psychology from Westminster College in 2008. After college, she worked as a kindergarten teacher at a small private school in San Antonio, TX. For the past year, Emerson has been living in Heidelberg, working as an English teacher and tutor.


Katherine Xiao


Katherine moved to Savannah, Georgia when she was ten, and she has been a southerner ever since. She studied history and philosophy in Agnes Scott College, Atlanta, Georgia. She studied abroad in Tokyo Japan from 2010-2011, during which she volunteered for clean up missions after the 3/11 earthquake in Northern Japan. She also worked as an English tutor in Tokyo, and for a digital advertising firm in New York City right after graduation.


Ilgin Aktener


2013 - Aktener Ilgin FotoIlgin was born in Izmir, Turkey, in 1988. In 2005, she started to study Translation and Interpretation at the Izmir University of Economics. She received her B.A. in Translation and Interpretation, and Public Relations and Advertisement in 2009. She also worked as a research assistant at Izmir University of Economics.

Why Germany?

I believe Germany is very fulfilling in terms of the education offered. I had the opportunity to experience life in Germany two short times and I was amazed by the order and living conditions. I really wish to live and further experience life in Germany.

Why Heidelberg?

From what I know and what I heard, Heidelberg is a great university. However, it was the interdisciplinary and rich curriculum of the HCA what attracts me most. Heidelberg is the best place for me since my initial academic aim is to absorb everything about American Culture and Literature.

Why American Studies?

My aim is to pursue an academic path in translation studies. I am interested in literary translation, subtitling and dubbing. During my B.A. studies, I have found out that I tend to choose an American subject matter. As I studied American culture and literarature, I became more and more fascinated by it and craved for more.

Bahaa AlDahoudi


2013 - Aldahoudi Bahaa FotoBahaa was born in Saudi Arabia to a Palestinian family in 1987. When he was 11 years old his parents moved back to Palestine where he lived until his second year of high school. In 2004, he attended the United World College of the Adriatic, Italy, where he received his International Baccalaureate. After his IB, he was offered a scholarship to attend Westminster College, MO, USA, where he received his B.A. double majoring in International Relations & Diplomacy and Business Administration. He loves languages and speaks Arabic, some Spanish and Italian and hopes to add German.

Why Germany?

Having my Education from the USA and Germany would be the best that I have ever wanted. Based on the great reputation of German Education and the fact that I love travelling, I decided that Germany is the finest choice to continue my education. Germany is full of rich culture and beautiful people and I am looking forward to moving there.

Why Heidelberg?

My uncle lived in Stuttgart for four years and he always talked about a city next to it, called Heidelberg. The city is beautiful and it hosts one of the oldest and finest Universities in Germany, if not in whole Europe. I have heard nothing but awesome things about Heidelberg and I can‘t wait to be part of it.

Why American Studies?

I have always wanted to focus my studies in Conflict Resolution so that I can find, learn and implement the means of solving a conflict, which in my case would be the Arab-Israeli conflict. The United States has always been involved in working with the Arabs and the Israelis to find a solution. The big influence that the United States has on this issue is the reason behind my interest in learning more about American culture, history and politics. American studies will allow me to learn more about how and for what purposes, does the biggest mediator (United States), implement its foreign policies in our world.

Natalia Bayduraeva


2013 - Bayduraeva Natalia FotoNatalia was born on May 24, 1988, in Ulyanovsk, Russia. In 2010 she graduated from Ulyanovsk State University, where she obtained two Magister‘s Degrees with honour in Linguistics and International Relations. In addition to participating in science conferences and social events, she worked as a personal tutor in English with primary school children. After graduation she decided that she had to change her life and experience something new. This was the reason why she moved to Germany for one year to work and study the language.

Why Germany?

I spent in Germany one year and I really fell in love with this country. Except for its long and rich history, I appreciate the loyalty, punctuality, diligence, and persistence as well as the cultural opportunities in Germany. This is the country which has one of the world‘s highest levels of education, technological development, and economic productivity.

Why Heidelberg?

Home to the oldest university in Germany, Heidelberg is said to be the jewel among German travel destinations and has sometimes been called a secret intellectual capital of Germany. With 28,000 students, the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität is one of Germany‘s larger academic institutions. Heidelberg is truly an internationally and culturally diverse city, where, I believe, one can enjoy the atmosphere and amazing landscapes.

Why American Studies?

The greatest value of the program in American Studies is diverse thinking. It can give one a solid academic foundation as it is rooted in traditional disciplines and focuses on developing a core set of skills. You are really given the bricks to build whatever career you want because you are covering so much. By understanding the forces that have moulded and continue to shape America, one can understand our contemporary world. I am deeply convinced that the interdisciplinary Master degree that this program offers is the best way of concretizing my future because of its international orientation, well structured and worked out system. I believe that a completion of this course will be an excellent springboard for my future career and will provide me the knowledge and confidence to realize my dreams.

Akua Bobson


2013 - Bobson Akua FotoAkua was born in Germany, but spent most of her life in Accra, Ghana. She studied at the University of Ghana, graduating with a major in English and a minor in Psychology. She worked as a teaching assistant with the Department of English, University of Ghana.

Why Germany?

I spent some of childhood years in Germany and I have wonderful memories of those years. It has always been my wish to come back. Also, I wanted to experience a system of education different from what I am used to. Thus, since Germany‘s educational system is regarded as one of the best in Europe; I decided that I wanted it as part of my experience. Finally, it also gives me the opportunity to work on my German language skills.

Why Heidelberg?

My father did part of his studying in Heidelberg and he talks about the school all the time. He describes the beautiful scenery and the idyllic setting with such passion that I became curious about the school. I started researching and reading about it. I was impressed by everything I read and heard about Heidelberg, including the fact that it is one of the oldest and best universities in Europe.

Why American Studies?

I studied English in school and took some American Literature courses. I fell in love with the diversity of America‘s literature. The more I studied it, the more I found out about America itself; its history, its culture, etc. I want to specialize in American Literature, and I know that I would have to learn more than just the literature aspect to be well-versed in it. Thus, an all-round interdisciplinary study on America is just what I need to finally specialize in and teach American Literature. Besides, a vast knowledge of America (its history, culture, art, law and economy) makes one an invaluable asset to any international institution.

Stefanie Drews


2013 - Drews Stefanie Foto WebStefanie was born in Northern Germany in 1984. She holds a B.A. in French and Spanish from Humboldt University of Berlin as well as an M.A. in Language, Culture and Translation from Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz. Her international experience includes study programs in the U.S., the Netherlands, and Belgium. In addition to her job as a staff writer for an aviation news website, she currently also works as a tutor and foreign language teacher.

Why Germany?

Germany has a very special relationship with the U.S. and by studying American Studies here in my home country I hope to gain a deeper understanding of this relationship along the way. Besides, studying in the country where I live allows me to carry out my other professional responsibilities as well as stay close to my friends and family.

Why Heidelberg?

The combination of the excellent reputation of its university, the charming, picturesque city center as well as its international flair make Heidelberg a very attractice city to live and study in. But in the end, it was the MAS program that made me want to come to Heidelberg.

Why American Studies?

The historical and contemporary developments in America have been of great influence in Europe and the rest of the world. The MAS program with its interdisciplinary approach will give me the opportunity to pursue my interests in the political and economic developments as well as the culture of the United States. Besides, the program attracts students from all over the world, whose different points of view will make the debates in class all the more interesting.

John Andrew Elsik


2013 - Elsik Andrew Photo WebDrew was born in San Antonio, Texas, in 1984. He earned his BA from Westminster College in Missouri where he double majored in Political Science and Philosophy with a concentration in History. Following his undergraduate studies, Drew worked in two Missouri state political campaigns. He worked as a campaign manager and as a field director. In 2008, Drew served as a legislative aide for Missouri House Minority Caucus Secretary Sara Lampe. He enjoys reading, spending time with friends, and maintaining his knowledge of current events.

Why Germany?

Germany is an influential European power, and a critical United States ally with an old and rich history, and an even more remarkable culture. Studying in Germany will provide a unique opportunity to reflect and study my country from alternative perspectives otherwise not available to me in the United States. Furthermore, as I am half Czech and a quarter German in descent, the location provides an exceptional chance to continue exploring my roots.

Why Heidelberg?

Apart from being the oldest in Germany, the University carries a most prestigious academic reputation, and the city makes for a phenomenal place to study and live. Moreover, with such a high number of international students, the University provides an impressive opportunity to engage a plethora of intellectuals from different backgrounds.

Why American Studies?

Heidelberg‘s MAS program offers a pristine opportunity to further my education in international relations and US foreign policy. I‘ve had a passionate interest in foreign policy and the United States‘ political evolution for nearly my entire life, and the MAS program provides an ideal platform to explore my interests on a graduate level.

Rachel Goss


2013 - Goss Rachel PicRachel was born and raised in Indiana, USA. Rachel attended Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis where she was presented with several opportunities to volunteer, including in Hurricane Katrina recovery in New Orleans and water projects in Haiti. She graduated in 2010 from Indiana University with Highest Honors and a B.A. in Political Science along with minors in Spanish and Religious Studies. After graduation, Rachel moved to Germany to work as an intern in the Global Services and Parts department at Daimler AG in Stuttgart.

Why Germany?

Speaking in terms of international economics and politics, Germany is a key European country both historically and today. Studying in the country will give me new perspectives, enhance my learning experiences, and will allow me to continue learning more about Germany, its language and to become part of its culture. In addition, the time I spent in Stuttgart during my internship has made Germany feel like my second home.

Why Heidelberg?

I had several friends who studied in Heidelberg, and they could not stop raving about how their time spent there was the best of their lives. Heidelberg is a beautiful city, rich in history and culture. I especially like the diversity I saw just from being a tourist there. In addition, Heidelberg University is one of the most prestigious universities in Europe - and who would not want to study there?!

Why American Studies?

I have always been interested in the social sciences and learning about cultures, religious, political systems, and ways of life in general. The opportunity to study American Studies in a different country will expose me to a wider scope of information, opinions and topics than what I might learn in the US from an American viewpoint. In the future, I would like to work for an international organization supporting human rights, so I know that an American Studies degree will help me to acquire a unique perspective on the United States. I will have more informed and well-rounded knowledge on a country that is currently one of the major players in our increasingly globalized society.

Naijun Liu


2013 - Liu Naijun Foto WebNaijun was born in 1986 in Tianjin, a coastal city in northern China. She grew up there and went to Nankai University where she received a Bachelor Degree in World History and a Master‘s Degree in American History. During her school years, she volunteered as an interpreter at an international communication program of Nankai University, working together with students from Germany, the Netherlands and other parts of Europe. In the summer of 2010, she taught English and American History in the summer camp of Tianjin New Oriental School.

Why Germany?

Germany is the birthplace of numerous great poets, philosophers, musicians, etc. I‘m convinced that the German high education system is one of the best in the world. As I intend to explore more in the field of American Culture, I figured that I need a perspective different from American‘s, a more objective one. I believe that Germany is my best choice.

Why Heidelberg?

As one of the most prestigious universities in the world and the oldest one in Germany, the University of Heidelberg was the first one that came cross my mind when I was applying. Apart from its long history and world-wide reputation, I was also attracted to its renowned faculty and diverse students. I‘m really looking forward to have a wonderful and life-changing experience in Heidelberg

Why American Studies?

With less than 300 years of history, US has become the super power of the world and exert great influence on China. After 3 years study of American History, I‘m eager to learn more about different aspects of America, including its religion, literature and politics. I‘m particular fascinated by the characteristics of American culture and the reason why it has enjoyed such popularity around the world. I‘m hoping to discuss the subject with students from different countries and backgrounds.

Anthony Rush


2013 - Rush Anthony FotoTony was born in Peekskill, New York in 1989, and lived in Putnam Valley, NY. He graduated from the United States Naval Academy in May 2011, with a B.S. in Political Science Honors and a minor in Arabic. As an undergraduate student, Tony participated in a semester exchange program with the U.S. Military Academy at West Point and in a summer foreign exchange cruise with the Spanish Navy. With his acceptance into the HCA, this is Tony‘s first opportunity to study abroad.

Why Germany?

With German being my fourth language, and after studying German at the Naval Academy, I have a great interest in the language and culture of Germany. Living in Germany will allow me to immerse myself in the culture, which is a critical part in learning a language. Additionally, after writing my honors thesis on the EU and Turkey, my interest in Germany only increased.

Why Heidelberg?

I have only heard good things about Heidelberg. From the River Neckar to the castle to the picturesque oldcity landscape, Heidelberg is an aesthetically beautiful city that provides a great atmosphere to experience German culture. That, added with the history and excellence in education associated with the university, makes Heidelberg the perfect city to pursue my education while experiencing the German heritage.

Why American Studies?

As an officer in the US Navy, and even just as a citizen of the US, it is important to recognize the international community‘s perception of America. At the same time, it is just as important to study and understand America‘s identity, in particular her history, her culture and her values. The American Studies program provides me an excellent opportunity to develop that understanding while interacting with people from around the world.

Ferdinand Sacksofsky


2013 - Sacksofsky Ferdinand FotoFerdinand was born in 1985 in Heidelberg, Germany. This is where he lived most of his life, which is also due to him playing rugby for one of Heidelberg‘s teams in Germany‘s Bundesliga. He received his Bachelor‘s degree in 2011 from the Goethe University Frankfurt am Main, where he majored in Political Science, with American Studies as his minor. He spent a semester abroad at The College of New Jersey in Trenton, NJ, USA. Before returning to Germany he interned at the North American Bureau of the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation in Washington D.C.

Why Germany?

Studying American Studies in Germany might seem a bit strange at first. But considering the multicultural German society with its more and more divers citizens and its open-minded approach towards other cultures, it starts to make sense. It is the balance between traditions and future that makes Germany unique. It is a country with a great history, great responsibility and great expectations. Studying here makes me be a part of all this and gives me the opportunity to follow the long line of great minds, educated in Germany.

Why Heidelberg?

Growing up in this city, I have already experienced what many of my fellow students will within the next two years. Heidelberg makes you fall in love with it and it never lets you go again. Besides many social ties I have in the city, it was mainly the opportunity to study in one of Europe‘s most elite Universities. I saw the possibility of working in an environment, which has been a breeding ground for many of the world‘s best and brightest for over 600 years, as an once-in-a-lifetime chance.

Why American Studies?

Within the last years, the world has changed in a way no one would have predicted and the balance of power shifted dramatically. The United States, the superpower of the 20th century will have to redefine itself. This makes our time the most interesting to study the American culture, its economy, society and politics since the Cold War. The possibility of researching this development, combined with the experiences I‘ve made during my time abroad and my life-long fascination with this nation were the most prominent reasons for my choice.

Cody Smith


2013 - Smith Cody FotoCody was born in Loveland, Colorado, in 1988. He recently graduated from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln with a B.A. in International Studies and minors in German, History and Political Science. Over the past 4 years, he has traveled extensively to study at the University of San Diego, the Leibniz University Hannover, and DID Institute in Berlin. His interests are spending time with friends, traveling, and meeting new people.

Why Germany?

Germany is amazing. With its central location in Europe, countless social and cultural possibilities, and a reputation for academic excellence, Germany is the perfect place for students looking to broaden their view on the world. Besides, Germany became my home away from home after spending my junior year of high school as a Rotary youth exchange student in Wolfsburg.

Why Heidelberg?

Aside from being located in one of Germany‘s most beautiful cities, Heidelberg is consistently listed among the finest research universities in the world. Heidelberg‘s location is also perfect for the occasional weekend trip to visit friends or neighboring countries.

Why American Studies?

As someone interested in International Relations and Conflict, it is only natural to study the United States. Since the Cold War ended, America has found itself in the unique position as the world‘s only superpower. I have found the HCA to be a perfect fit because it will allow me to study America from a more objective perspective than one could find in the United States.

Bryce Taylor


2013 - Taylor Bryce FotoBryce was born in Pleasant Grove, Utah, USA, in 1982. Before his university studies, he spent two years in Frankfurt, Koeln, Darmstadt, and Mannheim volunteering for a service based Christian outreach program where he fell in love with the German people. He earned his B.A. in History from Utah Valley University. For the past three years Bryce has been a teacher and basketball coach for both primary and secondary students at American Heritage School. When he is not reading, Bryce enjoys writing, music, and playing a variety of sports.

Why Germany?

My previous experience in Germany affirmed my desire to return as an international student. The scholarship, people, culture, and food were more than enough to excite my academic mind and keen palate. Germany‘s history represents one of the most dynamic of any country in the world. Through her ruin and rebirth Germany has once again become a thriving nation. Having the opportunity to study America through a German/European lense represents for me an academic adventure I could not pass up.

Why Heidelberg?

Heidelberg University is considered among the top universities in the world. Being able to study America from an international and abstract perspective, in one of the oldest and most distinguished universities fits perfectly with my goals in academia. Goethe‘s words come to mind when I think about returning to the city I visited a number of times as a 20 year old. The university, renown faculty, international students, city, and culture will provide me with the opportunity of a lifetime.

Why American Studies?

The governmental philosophy on which America was founded has proven to generate the freest society the world has ever seen. The Declaration of Independence, Constitution and subsequent Bill of Rights turned the law against the government and into the hands of the populace. The literature, religions, economics, sociology, laws, culture and philosophies which have formed from this great experiment continue to generate successes and failures on a local and global scale. The MAS program will help consolidate what I have studied and what I want to study in my goal of becoming an arbiter in American Studies.

Robin Tim Weis


2013 - Weis Robin Tim FotoRobin Tim Weis was born in Zoetermeer, Netherlands in 1989. However he grew up in Vienna, Austria. He is a graduate of Vesalius College (Brussels, Belgium) and holds a B.A. Cum Laude in International Affairs. During his studies in Belgium, Robin worked at the American embassy in Brussels and for the global logistics firm UPS. In the meantime, Robin has taken on a freelance journalist position at FrumForum.com, where he reports on primarily European affairs helping David Frum and others on providing the conservative American reader with a commonsensical news source.

Why Germany?

Having grown up in Austria, Germany become somewhat of a familiar „face“ to me. Apart from the aspect of familiarity, Germany has always entertained strong transatlantic ties with the U.S.. Hence it is for the upholding and fostering of these transatlantic relations which I myself want to work for in the future. Therefore it makes perfect sense for me to position myself at the very source of American-German transatlantic dialogue.

Why Heidelberg?

Apart from Heidelberg being picturesque and tranquil it is the very history of the place, which makes the study of American studies in Heidelberg very appealing. With Heidelberg not being completely annihilated during WWII it became the headquarters of the Americans and Germans, which culminated in American cultural and religious events being hosted in Heidelberg. Apart from the city itself, the commitment of the Heidelberg University towards its humanities makes Heidelberg a prime research destination. In addition when regarding the multitude of research facilities be it the grand main library or specific institutes such as the Heidelberg Institute for International Conflict Research it becomes clear that the foundation for fruitful research is to be found in Heidelberg without a doubt.

Why American Studies?

While it is the American culture with which we most interact with today it seems that less and less people seem to comprehend the U.S. and what it entails. Hence it is utterly vital to study the cultural beginnings and outset of the U.S. in order to comprehend why the U.S, is where it is today and what values, morals and ideals fuel the „City on the Hill“. Personally, I see American studies as a great way to gain cultural sensitivity towards the U.S., which I will look to project onto my envisioned career field namely government consultancy. Furthermore, having worked with primarily American individuals and corporations the idea of studying something related with the U.S. has manifested itself over the past years.

Oliwia Wolkowicz


2013 - Wolkowicz Oliwia FotoOliwia was born in Warsaw, Poland, but spent her childhood and adolescence in the United States. She returned to Poland after graduating high school and enrolled in the Faculty of Philology where she graduated with an M.A. in American literature from the Jagiellonian University in Cracow.

Why Germany?

They say that history likes to repeat itself. When I was a very small child, my parents escaped from communist Poland first to Germany. We spent a year there and I attended German preschool. The Germans were very gracious and friendly and my parents recall our stay there quite warmly. It is only natural then that when thinking of a country to continue my academic journey, Germany was the clearest and best choice and a kind of return to my roots.

Why Heidelberg?

Heidelberg is one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in Germany and Europe, offering an excellent opportunity to expand my academic horizons and learn from the best. Why not study at Heidelberg?

Why American Studies?

American Studies have interested me ever since I can remember. The MAS program offers a chance to dive deeper into the history and culture of the U.S. The history of women in the United States during World War II and during the post-war era is still a field being uncovered today, especially in terms of the role women played in the Armed Services. I firmly believe that the MAS program will offer the perfect chance to explore this area more and perhaps shed new light on it.

Yi Xiao


2013 - Xiao Yi FotoBorn in Suzhou, China, in Oct. 1987, Yi received a B.A. in English Education in 2010. During her studies, she volunteered to work for many international cultural events and participated in exchange programs in universities in HK, Macau (2007) and South Korea (2009). She has work experience as a translator, as a teacher of English, and as a staff member in Italy Pavilion Shanghai EXPO (2010).

Why Germany?

Besides experiencing the excellent education that Germany is famous for, I would like to take this opportunity to learn the German language, experience its rich culture and further expand my horizons.

Why Heidelberg?

Heidelberg University is a prestigious university with the longest tradition of academic excellence in Germany. Along with the international environment provided by the HCA, it is a more than ideal (and idyllic) place for scholars to study, experience and prosper.

Why American Studies?

Majoring in English, I am profoundly interested in the cultural and social aspects of English-speaking countries. The USA, young but influential, plays an important role in the world, thus exploring its culture would be a fruitful experience. In addition, this programme provides participants with an excellent platform for cultural exchange. All fellow students will benefit from mutual learning and sharing.

Mahmoud Abdou (Palestine)

AbdouMahmoud was born in Gaza City, Palestine in 1986. However, he lived eight years of his life in Saudi Arabia, where his father worked for more than 20 years and in 1995, following the signing of the Oslo agreement between the Palestinians and the Israelis, his family and he moved back to Gaza. He graduated from Middlebury College in 2009 with a BA degree in Political Science and a minor in Economics. Additionally, he spent the fall semester 2008 studying International Law at American University in Washington, DC. Middlebury College was also the place where he studied Hebrew and Spanish.

Why Germany?

I always wanted to study in Germany, especially given the reputation of Germany‘s elite Academic institutions
such as Heidelberg University. I love Germany‘s culture and my many friends from Germany made me want to go there even more. They made me feel like Germany is a very friendly and welcoming place. Also, considering the County‘s rich history and its very strong relations with the United States, this will make for a perfect environment to gaining an outsiders perspective about the United State‘s own history and rich culture.

Why Heidelberg?

Every time I mention the name Heidelberg to a professor or a friend they excitingly appraise the beauty and the peacefulness of the City and the University. Heidelberg is considered one of the top ranked universities in Europe as well as on the global scale.

Why American Studies?

I am very interested in studying the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict. The United States has always played an important rule in mediating between the Arabs and the Israelis and my hope is to gain a greater understanding of the United States foreign policy in general and particularly its policy towards the Middle East. The different research projects that I did on the undergraduate level have led to me to believe that a long and lasting peaceful resolution to the Conflict will only be brought about through the mediation and the contribution of major global economic and political powers such as the United States and the European Union.

Bryan Banker (USA)

BankerBryan has lived all over the United States, but New Jersey is his home. He received a B.A. in History in 2005, focusing on subjects ranging from revolutionaries to the American Labor movement, and African-American history. After university, he settled in the Washington, D.C. area to focus on writing, and to teach. He has taught US History, American Literature, and Film at the high school level in Virginia for a number of years.

Why Germany?

The special relationship between the United States and Germany gives me the opportunity to attend a great program at one of the oldest universities in Europe, and one of the most distinguished.

Why Heidelberg?

Heidelberg is one of the most prestigious universities, and provides a unique prospect to gain an abstract perspective of America. The university is grounded heavily in history and philosophy, which can lead to great edification. The prospect of studying at such a proud and diverse university presents me with immense opportunities to learn from its vast background, and its programs, professors, and students. Heidelberg is a perfect fit!

Why American Studies?

Heidelberg’s program presents the challenge to delve deeper into American subconscious and identity. By studying the historical significance of American art, literature, and culture within the confines of the program
and under the guidance of the professors, I aim to learn concepts and ideas in the transcendental, that will lead to a fuller understanding of the American identity.

Ivana Banovic (Croatia)

BanovicIvana was born in Split, Croatia. After she graduated from highschool she enrolled in the Faculty of Philosophy in Zagreb, Croatia where she graduated in English and Art history. Since then she has worked as a translator.

Why Germany?

Even though I have never visited Germany I know that it is a great country that offers excellent educational possibilities to anyone who is willing to learn. On numerous occasions during the course of my studies I had the chance to get acquainted with Germany‘s rich cultural heritage, and now I want to experience it first hand.

Why Heidelberg?

Because the University of Heidelberg is one of the oldest and finest universities in the world. Also, from what I‘ve heard so far, it is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe where students from around the world come in search of knowledge.

Why American Studies?

During my junior year I took a course in American history and culture which gave me greater insight into the workings of the world in which we live today. It was then and there that I fell in love with that subject and decided to pursue it further.

Ergün Baylan (Turkey)

BaylanErgün was born in Karabük, in 1987. He is a graduate of Hacettepe University, Department of American Culture and Literature. After graduation, he started to work as a Research Assistant for the Department of Western Languages and Literatures at Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University. He published numerous essays in a departmental journal and also wrote articles for a nationwide youth periodical. In addition to participating in several academic conferences as a speaker, he has been engaged in several social projects and groups. His main interest areas cover philosophy, sociology, culture and literary theories.

Why Germany?

Germany, I believe, is the place where I can get a really challenging education, taste the social and cultural heritage of the Continental Europe, better know the country which has cultivated throughout the centuries a number of great thinkers, scientists and artists and have the chance to broaden my horizon by acquainting myself with a new culture, academic tradition and a second foreign language.

Why Heidelberg?

As a prospective academic, the most crucial point for me is the academic tradition in which I will get educated and hopefully prosper. It has made it possible to access every kind of knowledge in an instant and from any part of the world. Yet, in academia, the academic tradition is, I believe, much more important than the bulk of knowledge. Heidelberg, as the oldest university in Germany and one of the best in Europe, is the most suitable place for me to make use of such an academic tradition. Also, the interdisciplinary curriculum of the HCA, its international student profile and the marvelous atmosphere it provides are the foremost reasons for me to choose Heidelberg.

Why American Studies?

Studying literature, culture and politics of the United States has fascinated me ever since I was admitted to the department of American Culture and Literature at Hacettepe University, Türkiye. During my undergraduate education I decided to actualize my dreams and be an academic in American Studies combining the areas of literature, culture, sociology and politics. I believe that American Studies is a discipline which encourages a true interdisciplinary approach. It is indeed not just a discipline for me; on the other hand, an inspiring way to answer some matters of question in our world, not for the US only. As I know of Heidelberg’s worldwide reputation as one of the greatest universities in the world and its being a perfect place for research, I wish to join to your family and contribute to the academic and the real world by making use of Heidelberg’s opportunities. My intention to pursue a master’s degree and then a Ph.D. with research goals is based on my desire to be in the academia.

Nina Maria Pinheiro de Britto (Brazil)

BrittoNina was born in São Paulo, Brazil, in 1983. In 2008, she received her B.A. in International Relations from the University of São Paulo. In that year, she went to North Carolina to observe the US national elections as a participant of the US State Department’s program “Study of the US Institutes”. She has work experience as an English teacher, as a staff assistant at the Argentinean General Consulate, and as an Institutional Development intern at an NGO. Before starting MAS, she held a position as an analyst of social projects at the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo.

Why Germany?

Germany has attracted me for several reasons. As an International Relations student, I wanted to experience life in one of European Union’s central countries, as it means a good opportunity to have concrete references not only of the positive outcomes of this political, economic and cultural integration process, but also of the practical implications, responsibilities and constraints - imposed by such position - in the country’s daily life and society. Paradoxally, living in Germany also means to me having the chance to “discover” Brazil, by taking distance and gaining a new perspective on its culture, society and its role in the international scene. During my everyday life, I intend to observe the many aspects that help shape both Germany’s and Brazil’s foreign policies and national identities, ranging from their geopolitical context to their historical and cultural differences. In addition, I am eager to learn the language, to be geographically closer to friends I made while in Poland, and to live in a land which is full of ancient sites, great museums, nice people and excellent food and drink.

Why Heidelberg?

In 2009, I had the pleasure of spending a few days in the city, which impressed me for its organization, historical buildings, the Neckar and the woods. Although I was very short in time, I was lucky enough to make friends with one student and one former student of the University, and they both strongly encouraged me to apply, as I had plans for a master. Back in Brazil, I learned more about the University and found HCA´s program, which suited perfectly to my interests and goals. Studying in one of Europe’s top universities and sharing classes with students from the most diverse backgrounds is a dream coming true to me. It is an honour to take part in an Institution that has been home of great thinkers and scientists, throughout the centuries. In Heidelberg, inspiration for studying is everywhere. And, in case one needs even more, take the Philosophenweg for a walk!

Why American Studies?

Despite being Brazil´s major commercial partner, its most influential country in the mass culture consumption and a historical political ally in the region, the USA are not considered as an object of study up to the point of having their own independent field research in the Brazilian academy. There are no American Studies graduate programs, and, consequently, there is a lack of experts in the area. To me, it seems crucial to have a deep understanding of this complex superpower, its people and their actions as a major international player, in order to be able to think more strategically when conducting businesses and politics with them. I believe HCA´s MAS will provide me with the analytical tools needed for that, which I intend to apply as a future diplomat and academic researcher.

Evan Cacali (USA)

CacaliEvan was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He lived in various Rocky Mountain states before graduating Summa Cum Laude from the University of Montana. During university, he participated in a yearlong exchange at the University of Utrecht in The Netherlands, where he was first introduced to American Studies. For the past five years, he has been living in Japan and teaching English in public schools. He enjoys everything.

Why Germany?

Ancestral ties and fondly-reminisced travels would be reason enough to want to study in the country. But these reasons are overshadowed by my interest in Germany’s historical, artistic, musical, and philosophical influences on the world.

Why Heidelberg?

Where to begin . . .? The picturesque city of Heidelberg is coupled with the oldest German university, one of the best academic institutions in Europe, to form the elegant wrapping that envelops the beautifully conceived MAS program. Its internationally oriented interdisciplinary study plan is taught in English in a 300-year-old baroque townhouse, a few steps away from an impressive research library. What more could someone ask for? Also, did someone say something about dueling grounds, a philosopher’s walk and a student prison?

Why American Studies?

American Studies provides an opportunity to explore the nature of the country I call home. It gives me cause to study the origins of, and the debates surrounding the ugliest as well as the most transcendent aspects of my culture in an academic setting. In the future, I hope to become an American Studies teacher who is capable of both repulsing and inspiring students depending on what facet of American culture is being considered.

David Cagle (USA/Turkey)

CagleDavid was born in Augusta, Georgia in 1989. Because of his father‘s occupation in the U.S. military his family moved around a lot until finally settling permanently in his mother‘s homeland, Turkey. That is where he started his education. He recently graduated with a B.A. in American Studies from Ege University in Izmir. During his studies he volunteered, organized and participated in various symposiums on culture studies. He spent his second year at university studying in Germany at TU Dortmund via the Erasmus Exchange Program. He also minored in Teaching ESL and has taught 6th and 7th grade English for a semester at Yavuz Selim Primary School.

Why Germany?

Germany is a wonderful place to live and study. During my one year stay in Germany I became enamored with the country and its people. My studies at TU Dortmund provided an enlightening experience as I witnessed the high-level education that is given in German universities, especially in the field of American Studies. I have been hoping to return to Germany ever since I came back and I am very glad to be doing so as I work towards earning my Master‘s degree!

Why Heidelberg?

I lived in Heidelberg for two years, actually. Although I was too young to remember the experience, my parents, along with a great many friends, assure me that Heidelberg is a delightful place to live. I also spent new years of 2009 in Heidelberg and had a great time exploring the city. I have been recommended to consider the University of Heidelberg for my M.A. studies many times and I believe the university will offer me the opportunity to achieve my aims.

Why American Studies?

I wish to pursue an academic career in the field of culture studies and gain knowledge of many different cultures, starting with America. My initial interest in America came from the fact that I have, technically, lived abroad almost all my life and was, therefore, greatly curious about the subject. As I began my studies I realized that the subject was more complex and more interesting than I had imagined. Now that I have my B.A. in American Studies I wish to further my knowledge regarding all aspects of American culture by becoming an HCA student. There are many aspects that I wish to explore in detail. For example, being a Turkish-American, I am interested in how „hyphenated“ Americans construct their identities and express themselves through literature, media and politics.

Doina Octavia Dumbravescu (Romania)

DumbravescuDoina was born in Brasov, Romania, in the summer of 1988. She recently graduted from ‘Transilvania’ University of Brasov with a BA in American Cultural Studies. During the three years at the department of American Studies, she teamed-up with some class-mates and founded the American Culture Club (February 2008) at Brasov, the first of its kind in Romania. She has also worked as an English teacher at Magister Educational Center in Brasov, with pupils ranging from 5-6 years of age to adults of over 30, a fact which gave me the best chance to develop my communication skills.

Why Germany?

I visited Germany a few months ago, and made a lot of friends who are students. While having a conversation and comparing the educational systems in my country and theirs, I came to realize that the rules which govern the institutions of education in Germany far exceed those in Romania, and therefore I made the decision to further my studies at one of the country’s most prestigious universities, namely Heidelberg University. More so, what made me choose Germany over all other European countries is the fact that it is more “Americanised” than others, while still preserving its cultural heritage with very high dedication.

Why Heidelberg?

I first heard about Heidelberg – one of Europe’s finest research-based center for students interested in the field – while studying anthropology, as “the father of anthropology” Franz Boas studied at the University of Heidelberg, undergoing anthropological research that enables us to see cultures with different eyes in this world of patriotism and nationalism.

Why American Studies?

Americanism is very present throughout Romania and Europe, let alone the ‘exotic’ far East. The American culture is clearly dominant within the multitude of the world, and no matter how much people fight it, they succumb to it through the process of inculturation. This process alone brings fascination, therefore I am without any doubt that the master’s program will add to my knowledge in the field. The issues that Americans have to deal with day by day may be called overrated and outdated, but seeing how a country of a magnificent quilt of cultures can prosper and develop even in the hardest of times is one idea that cannot be overlooked, for it goes beyond the intricate backgrounds of the people that inhabit the United States, beyond even the individual itself. Getting to the littlest of detail even within just one of the fields of study in American Studies would be a great addition to my developing personality and individuality.

Aikaterini Katsouri (Greece)

KatsouriAikaterini was born in Komotini, Greece, in 1988. She obtained her BA in English Literature and Philology from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in 2009. She also studied at Karl-Franzens University of Graz, Austria, during her last semester of studies. After that, she worked as an English Teacher in Schools of Foreign Languages and held private lessons as well.

Why Germany?

German Universities have an excellent reputation world wide. Their educational system is challenging and demanding. Apart from that, studying in Germany is an opportunity to improve my German language skills. Moreover, the living cost is lower compared to studying in the UK.

Why Heidelberg?

First of all, Heidelberg is considered to be a landmark, world-class research university, which library is ranked as second best in Germany. Being the oldest in Germany and being ranked 71 on a world wide basis, it reassures superior educational and research opportunities. The Interdisciplinary method used and the Colloquium course offered in the university are also a reason why somebody searching for academic exchange would study in Heidelberg. Heidelberg, being home to over 27,000 full-time students – including more than 6,000 foreign ones – provides chances to get acquainted with an international learning, community, which holds a diverse and cosmopolitan way of thinking. Last but not least, one should not overlook Heidelberg picturesque city itself.

Why American Studies?

The United States exert a huge influence upon contemporary global culture, construct images, and recycle stereotypes through movies and music. The fact that America is one of the most ethnically diverse nations in the world makes American Studies multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary , which means that they integrate an array of subjects within one degree and explore the same issue from different perspectives and variations. It should also be noted that I would like to know the history of a nation that is a paradox in itself. America focuses on religion, but struggles for materialism. It promotes radicalism, but it is the most conservative. For all the above, I hope American Studies will be a challenging field to explore.

Nicholas Musto (USA)

MustoNick was born in 1987 in Boston, Massachusetts and spent most of his life in the New England area. He recently graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland, with a B.S. in History and a minor in Spanish. He enjoys many outdoor activities such as skiing and hiking. Nick is excited to be studying in Germany and hopes to gain new perspectives on the US in the international community.

Why Germany?

The German people have a reputation for being some of the friendliest in Europe and it will be fascinating to explore their country and culture. Germany is also an important ally of the United States and one of the most influential countries in the European Union. I have wanted to study abroad for some time but this is my first opportunity. I have always been interested in the German language. What better way to learn German than to live and study in Germany?

Why Heidelberg?

Heidelberg is a vibrant and beautiful city. It provides the ability to enjoy the nightlife on the Hauptstraße or just as easily hike in peace and quiet along the Philosophenweg. The university has a reputation for being an exceptional location in which to study. I also like that there are many international students studying here. Since Heidelberg is centrally located in Europe, I will be able to travel around Europe more easily as well.

Why American Studies?

A former student recommended MAS to me. I like that the program is interdisciplinary, which will allow me to continue my study of history but also branch into other fields. As an American, I feel it is important to gain insight into the rest of the world’s views on the United States. Being very limited in travel experience, the MAS program will allow me to interact with people from all over the world.

Tami Newton (USA)

NewtonBorn in the USA, Tami received her B.A. in Journalism and Mass Communication from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She went on to travel extensively as an international fashion model before penning her debut novel, Men: Custom-Made, a hilarious read about dating issues, which was released to the German-speaking market in 2006 and the audio CDs in 2008. Tami enjoys hanging out with friends, sunny days, and Häagen Dazs by the truckload. She also loves a good game of tennis even if she’s not exactly the Venus or Serena on court her alter ego tries to make her out to be.

Why Germany?

Why not?! After living and working in different countries, Germany has, through pure coincidence, become my second home. I’m still no fan of beer, and for the life of me, I cannot decide between a pair of Lederhosen and a Dirndl. I am leaning toward the Dirndl though!

Why Heidelberg?

The first time I visited Heidelberg I thought I’d stepped right into a fairytale. Aside from the University’s great reputation, I was blown away by the warmth and appeal of the city and its surrounding area. The river Neckar, the castle, the pedestrian zones and quaint little shopping miles, the small vineyards and beautiful landscapes, and all the different kinds of people running about their merry little way. It was as if I’d stepped right smack into the middle of a magical mix of contemporary meets good old-fashioned tradition. DREAM-MER!!!

Why American Studies?

I’ve been interested in America’s genetic makeup for as far back as I can remember. My primary interest is in breaking down the building blocks of American culture to take a closer look at the individual components and how America today compares to that of yesterday. I’m particularly fascinated by the factors affecting the economy, the role history plays, and America’s report card on global welfare. I’m also really looking forward to sharing and interacting with others of different cultures, backgrounds, and beliefs.

Chester Prestes Pra Baldi Junior (Brazil)

PraChester Prestes was born in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, in 1975 and moved to São Paulo in 1991. There he finished his High School studies and attended a Bachelor of Social Science at the University of São Paulo (USP). For the past 8 years he worked at the Instituto Itaú Cultural, which promotes and researches Brazilian arts and culture. He focused on Brazilian music and also engaged in projects using arts as a mediation tool in conflict zones.

Why Germany?

In the state where I was born, in the South of Brazil, most German immigrants settled in the 19th century. Therefore, the cultural influence from Germany is quiet strong. Germany in a way was always around. I remember that the fall of the Berlin Wall really impressed me as a teenager and made me curious. Back in those times I never imagined to visit this place. But as life happens to be, I got to know students from Germany who showed me more about their country and culture. And finally, as a passionate brazilian soccer fan, I only fear two national teams in times of World Cup: Argentina and Germany!

Why Heidelberg?

During my studies at the USP I became friends with students from the University of Heidelberg. We shared experiences about our universities, cities, cultures and countries. They invited me to visit them and so I did in summer 2009. The atmosphere and structure Heidelberg offers for students really impressed me. For example, the fact that people ride their bike to university without getting stuck for hours in traffic jams made me want to have this experience, too. The Heidelberg reality is a totally different one to where I come from and that makes it an even more attractive place. As a consequence, I decided to apply for the Master Program at HCA.

Why American Studies?

Brazilian institutions have always used the United States of America as a benchmark more than Europe. Brazilian Anthropology includes cultural studies comparing the two countries, especially in terms of the racial issue where there was apparently a peaceful coexistence between whites and blacks in Brazil at the same time that segregation existed in the U.S. My interest in knowing more about this country is much more cultural than economic, more anthropological than political. In fact, my interest is in the hugh differences and similarities between these two countries with a similar population and geographical size.

Nikola Radinovic (Serbia)

RadinovicNikola was born in Belgrade, Serbia, in 1987. He was enrolled at the University of Belgrade, at the Faculty of Political Sciences, Department of International Studies. In 2008/09 Nikola was one of the first students from Serbia to be granted a scholarship funded by the EU, and studied at the Institute for Political Science at the University of Heidelberg for a year. Through the course of his studies Nikola took part in UN simulations and various conferences on human rights, leadership and diplomacy.

Why Germany?

Germany is a place-to-be in Europe. There are so many chances to develop your skills and pursue your interests. It‘s the heart of Europe and its influence is felt across the continent and beyond. This enables me to learn at a different pace and in different ways than in my home country, constantly opening new possibilities in pursuing a career I always dreamed of.

Why Heidelberg?

Heidelberg is a perfect setting for my studies. Very traditional and yet very modern, Heidelberg has it all. This combination of traditional and modern creates an atmosphere of being part of an extraordinary history this town and its University have.

Why American Studies?

At a very young age, before and while in an exchange program in the United States I understood that this country is of a huge interest to me. This interest has not ceased through my university studies and persists to this day. The impact American Presidential Elections have, not only in the lives of Americans but of people throughout the globe as well, is a subject I want to research. The broad spectrum of courses offered by the HCA enable me to continue with plans to one day work in diplomacy in connection to the USA.

Edra Sulo (Albania)

SuloEdra was born in 1984 in Shkodra, Albania. She graduated in American and English Studies at the University of Shkodra “Luigj Gurakuqi”. She has worked as a lecturer at this university, where she has also lectured on American Literature. In addition, she also worked as a teacher of English in “28 Nentori”, one of the oldest secondary schools of Shkodra.

Why Germany?

When I started my academic studies, Germany attracted me as a country with a rich history, tradition, and culture as well as the vitality of the German nation. It has always been inspiring for me the fact how the German nation fell down the Berlin wall encouraging not only my country but also the east European countries. It was interesting to learn more about the devotion of the Germans to reunite their nation. So that, when I was given the opportunity to study for a Master degree, I chose without hesitation Germany, as an opportunity to know and touch the German reality.

Why Heidelberg?

Some of my friends who live in Germany have told me that Heidelberg is one of the cities that has left impressions to them. It attracts with its architecture and landscape not only the tourists but students, too. This was one of the main reasons why I wanted to learn more about the University of Heidelberg, the life there, the university programs, and the academic staff. I hope to make real my goal to get a Master in American Studies, doing in this way a comparison among the American, European and Balkanic studies.

Why American Studies?

One of the oldest Albanian emigrations is toward United States of America. It started in 1884. Since those days, Diaspora has enlarged and it has also been a joining bridge between America and Albania. This is one of the main reasons why I was attracted by the American culture, tradition and history during my university studies. At the university of Shkodra there is a program on American Studies and I hope that after getting my Master at the University of Heidelberg, I will be able to widen and deepen this program for the students.

Michael Taylor (USA)

TaylorMike was born in Pleasant Grove, Utah, USA, in 1985. Before entering his university studies, he spent two years in Hamburg as a volunteer for a Christian outreach program where he developed a deep passion for the German people, language, culture, and of course, food. He recently earned his B.A. in English and German Studies at Brigham Young University where he was also employed as a German Instructor and Honors Writing Tutor. He enjoys researching, writing, and interacting with others.

Why Germany?

Since my initial German experience, I have always hoped for an opportunity to return. Besides my afore mentioned passion for Germany, I am extremely curious to learn about America from a German/European
perspective, a perspective that continues to form through a roller-coaster of wars and reconstructions, economic growths and recessions, and through coming to terms with America‘s overwhelming international influence--both positive and negative.

Why Heidelberg?

In 2006, I spent one day in Heidelberg and it was enough to „lose my heart in Heidelberg.“ I see Heidelberg, with its history, renown faculty, diverse student body, and thought-provoking landscapes, as the ideal location to further discover and fine-tune my intellectual heart.

Why American Studies?

I have always celebrated the underlying ideals upon which the United States was founded; however, as I mature, I recognize the many domestic and international controversies resulting from Americans seeking to fulfill and impose their individual interpretations of such ideals. The MAS program will enable me to more narrowly examine America‘s successes and failures in order to promote the former and avoid the latter through future teaching, researching, and writing.

Fiona Würthner (Germany)

W _rthnerFiona was born in 1985 near Düsseldorf, where she later received a Bachelor‘s Degree in History and Media Science. She went on to become part of the first class in the Master‘s Program of Public History at the Free University of Berlin. As a High School student Fiona spent a year in Indiana, USA, and has worked in various countries throughout the world, including Ecuador, Canada, and Australia.

Why Germany?

Growing up in a country with a long tradition of creative talent and inventiveness on the one hand, and a conscience-stricken memory culture on the other, was certainly a unique experience as a prospective historian. Germany to me represents a country with many faces, a nation in a constant state of flux - dynamic, bustling, visionary - and yet never forgetting the ruins it was built on.

Why Heidelberg?

Having spent the last few years in flashy, politic crazy Berlin, the longing for a more serene and picturesque alteration seems to come naturally. At last I want to be one of the people humming „Ich hab mein Herz in Heidelberg verloren“!

Why American Studies?

Just like empires rose and fell in ancient times, power structures today, too, break and form anew. The U.S. will have to face many challenges throughout the 21st century and I am very excited to be able to debate them with students from around the world at the HCA. Finding out more about the societal, political, and economic state of affairs, as well as digging deeper into the history of this young nation, is my primary aim for the Master‘s program.

Kuiling Yu (China)

YuKuiling was born in Shanghai in 1986 and grew up there. She received a B.S. in Polymer Materials Science and Engineering and a B.A. in English Studies from Donghua University in 2009. After that, she went to Germany and studied German at the Herder-Institute at the University of Leipzig. As a member of China Red Cross, she participated in a lot of volunteer activities in her spare time, such as the 2008 World Special Olympic Summer Games, etc.

Why Germany?

Germany is one of the most developed countries in Europe with well planned infrastructure. After one year living in Germany, I really love the fresh air and friendly people here. I can also enhance my German skills and get to know the German culture and tradition better.

Why Heidelberg?

Heidelberg is a world famous historical and cultural city, which can provide great atmosphere for me to study and improve myself in every respect. I’ve been there once as a tourist, and was totally fascinated by its natural beauty. No wonder Goethe said, ”Ich habe mein Herz in Heidelberg verloren. ”

Why American Studies?

America is undoubtedly worth studying. Since it’s the only superpower in the world today, it is impossible to study our common world without studying America. This master course could provide me with the superb opportunity to study America in the perspective of Germany, another super powerful country. I’m really looking forward to listen to more opinions and absorb more ideas. Now that I’m in Germany and have been around, I would really like to take full advantage of this and study and compare every social and cultural similarities and differences between America and Europe.

Hasan Adwan (Palestine)

Adwan HasanHasan was born in Gaza City, Palestine in 1985. He started his education at United Nations‘ schools in Beit Hanoun in Northern Gaza before he went to Red Cross Nordic United World College in Norway where he received the International Baccalaureate. Following the IB, he became a Davis-UWC scholar in the United States at Westminster College in Missouri where he graduated with a BA, double majoring in Political Science and History. He participated in and organized many political debates. He enjoys writing, especially political journalism.

Why Germany?

Germany is one of the United States‘ most important allies, making it one of Europe’s key countries in understanding transatlantic relations; both historic and contemporary. The German education system has a reputation of being very challenging. Germany is rich in culture and history, and the landscape is fascinating. Last but not least, the Bundesliga!

Why Heidelberg?

We learnt about Heidelberg and its university in Medieval Europe history courses. It’s considered as one of Europe’s oldest and finest. HCA provides the opportunity to study with people from many countries with different educational backgrounds. Heidelberg is old and beautiful and provides a great atmosphere to study and live.

Why American Studies?

My undergraduate degree played a major role in my decision to pursue higher education in American Studies. I like American history and politics. I find it intellectually challenging and fulfilling. I still have much to learn about the U.S. from its early development until today. I‘m most interested in U.S. foreign policy and also the evolution of the United States‘ Constitution.

Redona Boriçi (Albania)

Borici RedonaRedona was born in Shkoder in 1988. She has just graduated with a B.A. degree in British and American Language and Culture. She has worked for several years as a volunteer as English teacher and translator. Coming to Germany is her first experience abroad and she is looking forward to meeting new people from all around the world.

Why Germany?

America today is the only leading power in the world and the destiny of many countries is closely related to that of America. The MAS, with a huge variety of topics to study, offers me the possibility to see different facets of this country and get a closer insight of its dimensions and perspectives. With this vision, the Master’s degree would offer me an excellent opportunity to increase my knowledge with regard to American Studies. I am sure that this Master’s will enhance my interpersonal skills, and it will be a very interesting opportunity to exchange ideas regarding America with people from all around the world. This program will be an excellent opportunity for my future career, and will provide me with the knowledge, confidence, and contacts to achieve my aims, and make it in this competitive world.

Why Heidelberg?

My admiration for Germany started when I first had the opportunity to hold in my hands one of the books of a distinguished Albanian author and fellow citizen, Martin Camaj, who taught Albanian at the University of Munich. Even though it may sound strange for a student who has devoted almost all her life to British and American Studies, Germany has always been my favorite country. I have always admired its traditions, values and above all its high-quality education. Studying in Germany will not only give me the opportunity to learn something more about German culture and traditions, but it will also offer me the unique chance to deepen my knowledge of German.

Why American Studies?

Being the oldest university in Germany and one of the best universities in Europe and in the world, Heidelberg University is a dream and an aim for many students around the world. Throughout my stay in Heidelberg, I am sure that the MAS will put me into a new cultural and studying environment and it will make a very big impact on my growth as an independent thinker. Heidelberg seems to be the perfect place for my studies since it resembles my place of birth, Shkoder. They both have a wonderful castle, a bridge and a river. In this way, I am leaving my city for a year and a half, but I am going to find another city similar to mine

Lidia Beatrice Butacu (Romania)

Butacu LidiaLidia was born in Bacau/ Romania in 1987. She studied journalism in Bucharest and she also worked at the Romanian Broadcasting Corporation as junior editor.  Lidia is very excited that she is going to study in Heidelberg and that she is going to get a new perspective of the American culture.

Why Germany?

I really wanted to do a master program abroad and Germany seemed the perfect choice. Even though I don’t know the language, I am sure that it will be easy to get to know the culture and the society because Germany is a very friendly country with the foreign students.

Why Heidelberg?

I’ve read that Heidelberg is a wonderful place to live and also it’s the best academic environment possible since all the great sociologists, philosophers and political scientists like Max Weber, Jürgen Habermas and many others have been professors here. I only hope to be clever enough to take advantage from this experience as much as I can.

Why American Studies?

Without any doubts this master program will gave me the opportunity to learn in a professional way about the culture that influences my country the most. Furthermore, I want to become a journalist who knows what she’s talking about.

Elena-Laura Caprioara (Romania)

Caprioara LauraElena-Laura was born in 1982 in Piatra Neamt, Romania and has a High School diploma in Foreign Languages, main subject English (June 2002) and a Bachelor Degree in Political Sciences, from The Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Political Sciences, at the “Al. I. Cuza” University, Iasi, Romania (June 2006).

While studying in the Department of Political Sciences, she had the opportunity to actively participate in various national political and cultural projects. In June 2008, she succeeded in obtaining her Master‘s Degree in Human Resources, with a Master‘s Thesis dealing with the impact of motivation on people performances.

Why Germany?

I always considered that Germany has the strong rich background of a higher educational system and that education takes place to a great extent. I chose Germany, first of all because of its outstanding reputation in the field of education, and then because I was always fascinated by this country’s history, culture, people and traditions. Besides all these, I believe that the German professionalism can have a key role in helping me to consolidate my knowledge, enhance my intercultural competence and gain a significant European perspective on American topics. Therefore, I am eager to deepen my interests and to experience the intercultural exchange that Germany can offer.

Why Heidelberg?

I visited Heidelberg for the first time in 2004 and I was impressed from the very beginning, by the charming and pleasant ambiance. Taking into account Heidelberg’s excellent educational status and the remarkable reputation, I considered that having the chance to study at the one of the prestigious and landmark universities worldwide would give me the deserved chances to mature in both personality and academics. That is why in searching for a representative institution that focuses on the issues of American Studies and at which I could have the opportunity of studying at the high standards as well as in a culturally rich environment; I became acquainted with the HCA at the University in Heidelberg and read with high interest about the research domains developed here. It is a both a great honor for me to have the opportunity to study at Ruprecht-Karls-University in Heidelberg, a true exponent of high educational standards and to study at HCA, an authentic international learning environment that develops a multicultural dialogue between nations.

Why American Studies?

How does the rest of the world view the U.S.A.? How do Americans see themselves and their nation in the twenty-first century? How did the assassination of JFK change the future of the American nation? What are the effects of 9/11 upon the American nation? These were some of the questions that stimulated and motivated me to possess and keep a continuous desire to learn more about American Studies. The domain of American Studies always represented a field of great interest for me as means to implement my theoretical knowledge, consolidate and develop my expertise in order to obtain significant achievements and learn more about the American culture. American Studies is a vibrant, challenging and exciting field of studies that can make me understand better the dynamics and the diversity of the USA and can also help me unravel this international power’s mechanisms of development. The chance to obtain a Master of Arts in American Studies was definitely crucial in opening further routes for my development as a good specialist in this field. For me, one of the major challenges of American Studies as an academic field is that of learning to appreciate the difference between the sorts of symbols and generalizations that nurture understanding and the stereotypes that do not. American Studies emphasize the history, literature, and culture and can be a representative symbol for nations, for a set of feelings, ideas or ways of life. In terms of global impact American culture is the world’s only “super-culture“.

Kimberly Chadwick (USA)

Chadwick KimberlyKimberly was born in Southern California in 1987 and has lived in the immediate area of Los Angeles County, California her entire life.  Her high school courses exposed her to European cultures for the first time, as well as providing her an opportunity to travel to Europe in the summer of 2004.  Kimberly is a recent graduate of California State Polytechnic University, Pomona holding a B.A. in Liberal Studies.  Throughout her undergraduate studies, Kimberly has held a high interest in American societal concerns. 

Why Germany?

Since visiting Europe in 2004, I planned to study abroad during my undergraduate studies.  As I became more involved in college clubs and philanthropic events, I ran out of time to study in Europe for a semester or year.  After meeting a few of the International/Exchange students that attended my college, I found that the German students held a high respect for their education system.  During my last year at CSU Pomona, I researched German graduate programs and came across the University Heidelberg.  

Why Heidelberg?

I visited the city of Heidelberg during a summer vacation in 2008 and took notice to this setting.  The city itself holds a respectable reputation, especially in regards to Academic relations.  The city offers a number of opportunities to embrace new cultures as well as share new perspectives.   

Why American Studies?

My undergraduate courses revolved around community conflicts, controversies, and expressions.  In my last few class researches, I focused on relations between American traditions/controversies and drew upon European parallels.  Heidelberg’s MAS Program not only offered me an opportunity to expand on my previous ideas, but also to become submerged in a rich culture.  I am extremely interested in the European point of view, and it will be most beneficial to see an outside perspective on my own histories.  As an educator, I would hope to provide a new perspective for young students.  If I remained in California to pursue a Master’s Degree, I would not gain the same level of experience and expertise in an area I wish to teach.

Yung-Han Chiang (Taiwan (ROC))

ChiangYung-Han was born in Taipei in 1985 and has spent most of her life on this beautiful island, Taiwan. She has a B.A. in Diplomacy from National Chengchi University and is currently completing a M.A. degree in Development Studies at the same university. This MAS program in Heidelberg will be her second Master‘s degree.

Why Germany?

All for Heidelberg!

Why Heidelberg?

Heidelberg is my dream school. It’s a university of high academic reputation and beautiful scenery. It is my hope to start an academic life in this prestigious university as well as an experience of fascinating European culture.

Why American Studies?

My main research direction is the international relations in Northeast Asia. The U.S. is a geographically outsider but the most pivotal state actor in the region. As a superpower globally and regionally, of course the United States is worthy of studies. In the MAS program, I’m going to focus on the relations between the U.S. and Northeast Asian countries.

James Ferrell (USA)

Ferrell JamesJames was born in Roanoke, Virginia in 1984. He lived in North Carolina and Florida for the majority of his life. He has a Bachelors Degree in Political Science and Social Sciences from Florida State University. He also received a Masters in Applied American Politics and Policy in May 2009. He interned in Florida‘s 2009 regular legislative session with a lobbyist group representing Florida‘s Public Schools. He eventually wants to work towards a PhD.

Why Germany?

I like the people and the country. And I have always wanted to live outside of the U.S. for the experience.

Why Heidelberg?

Heidelberg is in a beautiful part of Germany and I had the pleasure of visiting in 2007. I enjoyed the town and the castle. So, when I found the American Studies program at the University. I decided to apply.

Why American Studies?

Apart for the aforementioned information, I would like to learn the perspective the world has on America. The American Studies program allows me to do this in a scholastic environment.

Elif Huntürk (Turkey)

Hunturk ElifElif was born in Izmir in 1988. Later on she moved to Istanbul for her university education. She received her B.A from the Bogaziçi University Western Language and Literature Department. She is currently studying for the American Studies Certificate Program at the same university. She has attended several Model United Nations simulations in different countries. She really likes to experience new cultures. Apart from that, her biggest interest is Ottoman music, ethnic music and photography.

Why Germany?

In 2007 I came to Bonn to attend the World Parliament Experiment project. It was a turning point in my life. I met with many very good German students who came from prestigious German universities. The Intellectual environment, order in daily life, famous German study discipline and multicultural atmosphere really appealed my attention and convinced me to pursue an academic study there.

Why Heidelberg?

My first encounter with Heidelberg was through a pure coincidence. Just after I decided to continue my studies in Germany, I searched for American studies programs in German universities and found the HCA. The more I read about the university and its program, the more I was motivated to apply. Heidelberg is an enchanting city and the university is one of the most renowned and prestigious universities of Europe. 

Why American Studies?

Actually my interest in American studies stemmed from the rising anti - American discourses. Especially in some countries, there is nearly no trust in the U.S. and generally it has a very negative image in the eyes of people.

This negativism made me ask the question „why?“ In order to find an answer to my question, I had to understand America, get familiar with its politics, history and sociology. So I chose to specialize on American Studies.

Cen Jiang (P.R. China)

Jiang CenCen was born in Shanghai in 1987, and received her B.A. in English language and literature from the University of Fudan in 2009. She has been an exchange student to Yale University in 2008 where she studied Maths and Art History. In her free time she is interested in Fine Arts, Music, Drama Acting, Travelling, Reading and doing Sports.

Why Germany?

Germany is among the most developed countries in the world. It is the land of great thinkers, musicians as well as fancy cars and hi-tech industries and has aroused my interest a long time ago. Ever since my personal visit to Germany, I have been even more attracted to this country because of the beautiful landscape, the friendly people and their lifestyles. That is why I want to study in this charming land to experience its rich culture, to have a better understanding of Europe and to improve my German language skills.

Why Heidelberg?

Heidelberg is such a prestigious university with a long history and high academic reputation across the world. I came to know it from an erudite Heidelberg alumnus when I was only a child. From then on, I have always been longing to have a real experience studying at Heidelberg, to visit the historic castle and to walk along the famous Philosophers’ Way. Little wonder that this beautiful and placid place will be my ideal destination for academic research and personal development.

Why American Studies?

As we all know, being a superpower in the world, the United States has accomplished such a wonder in its short history. How was that achieved? What can we learn from its experience? And how will the U.S.A interact with the international community in the time of Obama? All of these questions are worth the attention of both China and Europe. The MAS will provide more professional and systematic insights into these relative issues.

Axel Phillip Kaiser Barents von Hohenhagen (Chile)

Kaiser AxelAxel was born in Santiago de Chile in 1981. He is a lawyer with Masters degree in International Law from the University of Heidelberg. From 2007 to 2009 he worked as a business lawyer and as legislative adviser to a Chilean senator. In 2008, he started writing for the Cato Institute in Washington DC and in 2009 he became professor of Latin-American politics and political philosophy at two Universities in Chile. Since 2005 he is an opinion columnist of the Chilean financial newspaper “Diario Financiero”.

Why Germany?

As a German descendant, I have always been exposed to the German culture. Since I was child I have dreamed of spending a few years in the country of Beethoven, Goethe, Kant and Einstein. Besides its interesting history and beautiful landscape, Germany offers a friendly atmosphere, an intense cultural life and high living standards in general.

Why Heidelberg?

Its reputation worldwide makes from Heidelberg a very attractive place to study. As a student, its exciting to know that renown thinkers such as Hegel, Hannah Arendt, Karl Jaspers and Max Weber, among many others, have been former students or professors at Heidelberg.

Another good reason is the city of Heidelberg, which combines different aspects difficult to find in one place at the same time: an extraordinary beauty, an excellent location in Europe and a life quiet enough to study but at the same time very amusing.

Why American Studies?

I have always been very interested in everything related to the US. and particularly in the causes of its great success as a nation. I`m sure that the American culture can still make gigantic contributions to the world in terms of freedom and prosperity, and especially to my region, Latin America.

Ana Maric (Bosnia-Herzegovina / Germany)

Maric Ana PhotoAna Maric was born in 1985 in Bosnia and Herzegovina. After the civil war between the Balkans states broke out in 1992 her family decided to leave for Germany where she spent the majority of her childhood. She pursued her B.A. in History and Political Science at the Eberhard Karls University in Tübingen, Germany. During her studies she discovered her growing interest for American culture and politics.

Why Germany?

Germany has been home to me and my family for many years. A culturally rich and historically dynamic country that is as captivating to the mind as it’s landscape. Naturally traveling abroad is my plan but the strong ties to my family and an invaluable network of friends made it an easy choice to stay.

Why Heidelberg?

The first time I visited the city of Heidelberg I fell in love with it. Heidelberg although being a small but historical city has a very international flare. The long tradition of the University, stellar professors and a diverse student population make Heidelberg a great environment to study in.

Why American Studies?

American Studies has always been an interesting field for me. The United States, although a rather young country, has a rich cultural and historical significance in our world and I am looking forward to learn more about it during the MAS program.

Xianzhi Meng (P.R. China)

Meng12Xianzhi was born in Shandong which is known as the hometown for Confucious, and spent most of her adult life here. She got her master‘s degree from Sun Yat-sen University in 2009, majoring in English Language and Literature. She also had a second major in Japanese.

Why Germany?

Germany, a country known for its rich culture, well-developed industry and high quality education, begins to attract more and more attention in the world. However, Germany fascinates me most is its philosophy. I was enchanted with the philosophy since my undergraduate years and my interest has never faded since then. I believe there is no country in the world to learn philosophy better than Germany. I hope my years spent in Germany can deepen my understanding of my knowledge of philosophy. Also I have learnt German during my graduate study and I want to take this opportunity to learn it well there.

Why Heidelberg?

As one of the top-ranking, world-class universities, Heidelberg University would offer the best intellectual environment for me to pursue a comparative, global approach to study American culture and literature. Its long tradition of humanism, of intellectual inquiry, and of excellence and leadership in research and scholarship goes back for several centuries. The preeminent faculty and the individualized nature of the program, will definitely bring out the best in me.

Why American Studies?

Even though I have learnt English language and literature for years and got my bachelor degree in English language and literature, I do not think what I have learnt up to now can give me a very deep understanding of American culture and literature. As one of the most powerful country in the world, both American culture and literature have its valuable aspects worth our study. Particularly now, as China is catching up with the West politically and culturally, it is quite necessary for us to learn more about American culture and literature. The Heidelberg Center for American Study, as one of the best schools of American study, will provide opportunity for me to deplore American culture deeply, and diversity of research interests in American study is particular interest to me.

Nanda Kishore Pinpati Sudhakar (India)

Herr Pinpati 02Kishore was born in Bangalore, India. After graduating with an Engineering degree in Computer Science from Bangalore University during 1994, Kishore went on to pursue his Graduate studies in International Business at an American University in Germany.  Kishore has worked in the IT industry in Management for more than 12 years with American and European software companies.

Why Germany?

As a child in India the first exposure to Germany were its cars, machinery and documentaries on TV as to how well everything is organized in this country. During high school I was very much interested to learn about 20th century German history.  Germany today with its diverse and international young population combined with world class industries makes it one of the most important countries in Europe to live and work in.

Why Heidelberg?

The University with its 600 years of tradition combined with a beautiful old town, the Neckar valley is an ideal place to pursue one’s studies.  This city keeps one “young” and as one says in German is “klein aber fein”.  Heidelberg is a truly international city in continental Europe and together with its research institutions, gives an opportunity to interact with intellectuals from around the world.

Why American Studies?

United States has influenced my life since the early 80s when the first software companies started developing software in my home town of Bangalore, India. American Democracy and the entrepreneurial spirit of its people always fascinated me and have had very good experiences working with American companies. The interdisciplinary MAS program is ideal to pursue my PhD in International Relations.

Styles Sass (USA)

Styles-sass-09Styles Sass was born and raised in North Dakota and later attended the University of Iowa, where he received his BA in English.  Completing his last semester on a study abroad program in Donostia / San Sebastian in the Spanish Basque Country, he remained there for another two years, working as an English teacher.  Later moving to Germany, he pursued a career in writing and, after a series of grants, eventually settled in Stuttgart. 

Why Germany?

Since I am already living here, it is the place most compatible with my other professional and familial responsibilities.

Why Heidelberg?

The HCA offers one of the most thorough American Studies programs in all of Germany—a fact attested to by the rapid growth of its academic reputation.  In addition, the three aspects that attracted me most were its truly interdisciplinary approach, the international character of its students, and that the center rightly chose to use English as its official language. 

Why American Studies?

During my time abroad, I have had many opportunities to observe the fascination (both critical and favorable) that American culture holds for people around the world—the recent presidential campaign of Barack Obama being the most obvious example of the latter.  This curiosity has reignited my own interest about the U.S. and I would like to deepen my understanding of it through a structured approach.

Thi Hai Ly Tran (Vietnam)

Hai LyThi Hai Ly, born in 1984, graduated from the College of Foreign Languages at the Vietnam National University with a B.A degree in English Language Teaching in 2006. After working as a lecturer of English at the Vietnam University of Social Sciences and Humanities for one year, she moved to the Banking Academy of Vietnam and has been teaching there until now.

Why Germany?

Germany, with its rich cultural heritage, outstandingly beautiful landscape with fairytale castles, highly developed economy and advanced education system, seems like an ideal place for me to live and study. Moreover, German hospitality and its cuisine are renowned worldwide and studying in Germany is definitely a valuable opportunity for me to explore all of these nice things myself.

Why Heidelberg?

One of my university friends has been studying in Heidelberg and she is greatly enjoying the MAS program. From her conversations, I am extremely attracted by the lively multi-cultural learning environment, outstanding academic staff and excellent schoolmates found in this university. I truly think one and a half years in Heidelberg would be a great source of further knowledge and invaluable intercultural experience, which is essential for my professional and personal development.

Why American Studies?

After America‘s devastating war in Vietnam, the unfavourable impression about the U.S and its people still remains in mind of many Vietnamese citizens. Although the governments of the two countries are cooperating effectively in fostering a bilateral relationship, the ideological and cultural differences between the two nations lead to contradictions in humanitarian and religious issues which considerably hinder the normalization process. As a lecturer of English for Economics in a renowned institute of Banking and Research in Vietnam, I fully realize the influence of U.S-Vietnam relations on the development of Vietnam’s economy. Therefore, I wish to take part in this course to obtain better insights into American politics, economy, religion, and culture. I believe a proper perspective on America gained from the course, which I hope to pass on to many generations of my students, will promote mutual understanding and a long-lasting relationship between the two countries.

Ana Cecilia Velázquez-Rodríguez (Mexico)

Velazquez Ana CeciliaAna was born, grew up, and went to school in Guadalajara, Mexico. She has graduated from the University of Guadalajara and her major was Political Science and Government. She is interested in Political Science and Culture and she has been working on and studying the relationship between the media and the society. She wrote a dissertation on: The Construction of the Political Culture. Theoretical Research of the Contribution of Mass Media in the Construction of Identity and Political Culture”

Why Germany?

Ever since I was a child I have been interested in German culture. Recently, authors such as Kafka, Goethe, Kant, Hegel, Weber, Heidegger, Habermas and Arendt were the cause of my fascination with the German way of thinking. On the other hand, because of the readings I have done and the movies I´ve watched, I think that Germany not only offers the best education in Europe, but it also offers the chance to learn from its way of living and to actually enjoy it.

Why Heidelberg?

The University of Heidelberg offers educational prestige and an international learning environment.  I´m interested in being a student at this university, since I know that is the oldest in Germany and worldwide known for its excellence in academics. 

Why American Studies?

I´m interested in political culture, the media and international affairs, since I have already worked on such subjects. The United States represent an essential part of Mexico´s economy, politics and culture. Americans and Mexicans share a border and complex issues that need to be solved such as, illegal immigration, security cooperation and social welfare, which is why I´m really interested in studying a master degree that gives me the opportunity to understand and know more about my neighboring country, The United States.

Scott Werner (USA)

WernerScott completed his BA in German Language and Literature at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, Virginia in 2007. He minored in teaching and is a state licensed German teacher. After finishing his enlistment in the Army reserves, he went to Germany to complete a six-month internship at the Goethe Institute Mannheim-Heidelberg. He then decided to stay and has been teaching English as a foreign language at Berlitz for nearly two years.

Why Germany?

I really became interested in Germany after my first trip when I was 17. It was such a profound experience that I made it my life’s goal to learn German. When I moved here for the internship, I was immersed in German culture and language and I decided living here was a good idea. It has definitely exceeded my expectations and broadened my perspective on my things. I want to be an informed American citizen as well as world citizen. To attain the objectivity needed to study one’s own system of values, Germany serves as the perfect starting point.

Why Heidelberg?

Simply put, Heidelberg is a great place. There is no other city like it in the world. The cultural and historical aspects of this city, blended with a touch of modern Germany, make this city a perfect place for the HCA to call home. I have visited countless times for countless reasons and each time there is something new to experience and take back with you. They say you can lose your heart in Heidelberg, and for whatever reasons you might have, it is true!

Why American Studies?

I have been teaching for a while and inevitably questions crop up from my students about America. Many are very thought provoking and I began to see what my students see when they think about America. Their curiosity has in turn fueled my own. America is a struggling superpower, trying to rebuild itself domestically and internationally, amid an ever changing global landscape. I am truly looking forward to studying how the events taking place in America will affect not only America, but the rest of the world as well.

Oksana Yeshyorkina (Turkmenistan)

Yeshyorkina OksanaOksana was born and raised in small town Turkmenbashi, Turkmenistan. She graduated from high school in 2002. After graduating she spent a year living in the USA and studying as an exchange student at an American high school in Naperville, Illinois. In June 2009, she graduated from the American University of Central Asia (AUCA) in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan with a B.A. in American Studies and a minor in International Public Law. While studying and living in Bishkek she gained valuable experiences in teaching English and lecturing various topics in the field of American Studies.

Why Germany?

I chose Germany because of my interest in German language and the role Germany plays in the international arena and the high-quality education Germany offers. In addition, it is an opportunity for me to experience another culture, people and historic places.

Why Heidelberg?

While searching for European schools that offer a Masters Degree in American Studies I found the Heidelberg Center for American Studies to be the one that fully suits both my academic and professional interests. Heidelberg University is known for its academic achievements and educational heritage. The HCA allows its students to study in a multi cultural environment which gives a wide perspective for sharing and learning.

Why American Studies?

In the future I would like to teach courses in the field of American politics, international relations and foreign policy issues. Studying in the field of American Studies will allow me to gain knowledge in these topics thoroughly and will prepare me to become a competent scholar in the chosen field. American Studies is a field which allows focus on many different academic areas. American Studies allows research combining various disciplines and areas in ways unsuitable for many other subjects.

He Zhang (P.R. China)

Zahng HeHe Zhang was born in Jiangxi/China in 1983, and studied at China Foreign Affairs University where he finished his L.L.B in Diplomacy in 2007. He received a B.A. in English in 2005. Before joining the MAS, he worked for the Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympia (BOCOG), and served as an interpreter for different organizations, like the Foreign Aid Department of the Chinese Ministry of Commerce, Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council, Confucius Institute Headquarters, Beijing Chinese Language and Culture College and the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse. Among his interests are public speaking and broadcasting.

Why Germany?

Because of the HCA! I have to thank a friend of mine who is studying at the HCA for introducing the MAS to me. Having been learning in China for a long time, I really look forward to studying in a multi-cultural community, particularly for such cross-cultural programs, like American Studies. Thus, Germany becomes my perfect location for further education. Besides, it would be a golden opportunity to pick up German as a second foreign language and discover the charms of Germany.

Why Heidelberg?

Playing a leading role in cross-cultural studies, and offering a dynamic learning environment in my intended field with selected professors, HCA offers the most suitable program to study America from an outside perspective. Moreover, the curriculum offered by the HCA will strengthen my ability to analyze and solve practical problems encountered in a work environment. Last but not least, there is no better place than Heidelberg to study in such a beautiful place!

Why American Studies?

Since Sino-U.S. relations had become one of the most dynamic and important bilateral relations in the world, the better understanding of America is one of the important qualities for the one who wants to work in foreign affairs.

Due to my propensity for America’s foreign policy and its culture, I want to extend my vision of the Asia-Pacific region to Europe and to explore how America interacts with Europe. Meanwhile, drawing on the experience of European integration can help me study America’s influence on the East Asia regional cooperation and integration.

Sarah Alexander (UK)

Sarah was born in London in 1984 and has spent most of her life growing up in the South East of the United Kingdom. She has a BA in American Studies (History) from the University of Kent in Canterbury and also spent a year at Purdue University in the US as a part of her undergraduate studies. Sarah is currently completing an internship at the Benjamin Franklin House in London and hopes to pursue a career in the heritage sector after her studies.

Why Germany?

Ever since my first visit to Germany, I was instantly drawn to the country because of its people, its culture and its landscape. Germany and the US played important roles in one another’s development during the 20th Century and I think that this, in itself, is an interesting aspect to consider. However, I also really wanted the opportunity to become more acquainted with another culture, another way of life and another language. Whilst my studies have focused on the US, they have also underlined how important it is to understand other countries and cultures that exist around you.

Why Heidelberg?

Heidelberg has an incredible academic reputation, not just throughout Germany but the rest of the world. To be able to participate in a programme at such an institution, in an academic area that I find so interesting, will be a wonderful opportunity. With the city of Heidelberg renowned for being so beautiful and so steeped in history, I couldn’t think of a better place to be!

Why American Studies?

I have always been interested in American culture and the way in which it interacts with the rest of the world. My undergraduate degree helped to refine the more general interest I had with this Superpower, at the same time as forcing me to challenge my more conventional ways of thinking. I’m really looking forward to doing an MA in American Studies as I want to continue to broaden and deepen my understanding of this immensely powerful, complicated and influential country.

Thi Diem Ngoc Dao (Vietnam)

Thi Diem Ngoc graduated from the College of Foreign Languages, Vietnam National University with a B.A degree in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) in 2006. Since then, she has been working as a lecturer of English at this college. Apart from teaching English, she also work as an interpreter for short-term projects and a collaborator translator for a publishing house in Hanoi.

Why Germany?

As the search for American studies courses went, I came across the MAS program in Heidelberg, Germany, which struck me as a golden chance to study about America and at the same time stay in a country lying at the heart of Europe. Studying in Germany will enable me not only to enjoy every new cultural discovery but also to explore a land where great thinkers were born.

Why Heidelberg?

All the same, my attention is profoundly drawn to the rich educational prestige and international learning environment of the University of Heidelberg, especially the Heidelberg Center for American Studies.
Believe it or not, my choice of study in the MAS program in Heidelberg seems to be proved right when Heidelberg appears in the list of “World’s best places to live 2008” recently rated by BusinessWeek online newspaper. I truly think that studying in Heidelberg will enrich my knowledge to the fullest and enhance my living experience to the most.

Why American Studies?

With my B.A in TEFL, I have familiarized myself with a wide variety of social and cultural contexts of the English-speaking countries. Inspired by the study in American literature, I am really interested in getting to know more about American people and culture. I believe that taking part in a course in American studies will give me more insights about the country which has many socio-political links with Vietnam.

Jordan Dubin (USA)

Jordan was born in Arizona in 1985. He grew up in the Phoenix metropolitan areas of Chandler and Cave Creek. After graduating from high school, he attended the University of Arizona in Tucson and graduated in May of 2008 with a B.S. in Psychology and a minor in Philosophy.

Why Germany?

I chose to come to Germany to experience an entirely new continent and culture. Being in Germany will allow me to visit many historical areas of Germany as well as other European countries with diverse histories and traditions. I also hope to immerse myself in the German language, becoming fluent by the end of the year.

Why Heidelberg?

I picked the University of Heidelberg not only because of its prestigious international standing, but also because
it offers me an opportunity to explore the rich history of the city and surrounding areas. The scenery in Heidelberg is a polar opposite to my home state of Arizona so living here will be a great adventure.

Why American Studies?

I chose to pursue a MAS because I want to learn more about my country of origin and learn its history from across the Atlantic. It will be fascinating to watch the upcoming American presidential election through a different perspective. Many of the fields of study offered by the MAS coincide perfectly with my personal interests. I am also excited to make lasting relationships with students from completely different cultures than my own.

Yulia Egorova (Russia)

Yulia was born, grew up, and went to school in Yaroslavl, Russia. She graduated from high school in 2003 with a silver medal and entered two Universities: Yaroslavl State Teacher Training University, with the majors in English, German and Education and International University of Business and New Technologies with the Finance major. She finished both of the Universities this year with Specialist Diplomas with honors. Yulia also gained job experience during her part-time summer work with the charitable organization Cross-Cultural Solutions, where she worked as a translator. Among her interests are Art, Traveling, and Culture Studies. She also loves working and communicating with people.

Why Germany?

I have been interested in Germany, German language and Culture since I was a child. Therefore, I chose German
as one of my majors at the University. I had an opportunity to travel to Germany twice which deepened my interest. However, my German language command is not sufficient to use it in work and communication. Therefore, studying and living in Germany, I hope to master the language.

Why Heidelberg?

I was very lucky to visit Heidelberg last year and I fell in love with this beautiful city at once. But the main reason for my choice was, of course, the reputation of the University as one of the best not only in Germany, but in Europe and in the world.

Why American Studies?

I have always been interested in Culture, particularly in American Culture. I believe that with its diversity and dynamics it presents the best field for investigation. My diploma project also had to do with American Studies. But, unfortunately, due to the unavailability of the necessary material I was unable to make American Studies the major topic in my Diploma. The curriculum of the MAS is most suitable for me to reach the objective of focusing my interest on American Culture and continue my studies in the chosen field.

Marianne Fleurimont (USA)

Marianne was born in 1981 in Shanghai/ China, grew up in Ithaca/ New York, and studied Architecture, History, French, and International Communications Management. Marianne spent the last 7 years in Europe, first in Strasbourg and then in Neckarsteinach. Last year she completed a six-month internship at Lufthansa Cargo‘s marketing communications department on the Frankfurt Airport.

Why Germany?

I‘ve been spending my last 3 years studying International Communication Management in Bruchsal, Germany.
During that time, I‘ve been living in Neckarsteinach where there are four castles in one town, plus Dilsberg across the river. Naturally, I fell in love with that! In addition, Germany offers some of the most impressing architectural monuments, both old and new, as well as a plethora of art museums within easy reach of public transportation. I must also confess: I fell in love with German cuisine…

Why Heidelberg?

Heidelberg is the first city in the mind of many Americans when thinking of Germany. The Heidelberg University is a landmark in Western intellectual history. The old ruined castle that inspired Romanticism is still today an icon across the world. So, little wonder that I also succumb to the charms of this romantic little city with its saturated atmosphere. In many ways, it’s like my hometown in America: Ithaca, NY—an international place in the middle of splendid nature, dominated by a university and its intellectual tradition.

Why American Studies?

Having been away from the USA since 2001, I’ve lived the vivid experiences of my country “second-hand” in Europe. Turbulent changes and traumatic events have taken place meanwhile, and on my visits home, I’ve discovered a homeland altered and transformed. My European experience has also left its marks on my views and ideas. This is why I appreciate the opportunity the HCA has to offer me: to study America. I’d like to dedicate one year of my life to better understand my own country and how it emerged from the traumas of the last 7 years. This “outsider view”, moreover, becomes increasingly important for America as the world shrinks and neighbors rub more than just elbows.

Nastasja Gerlach (Germany)

Nastasja was born in Limburg/ Lahn in 1985, from where she moved to Bruchsal to pursue a B.A. in International Communication Management. Before she came to join the MAS Class 2009, Nastasja spent five months as an exchange student in Singapore at the Nanyang Technological University and worked for the Heidelberg software company zetVisions AG.

Why Germany?

Germany as the “country of poets and thinkers” allows me to gain first class educational experiences and to be close to my family and friends. What would I want more?

Why Heidelberg?

In my opinion, Heidelberg is THE German student city. The fact that the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
is the oldest German university and enjoys an excellent educational status make Heidelberg especially attractive to students- not to forget its romantic flair and international atmosphere.

Why American Studies?

Through my experiences at IU Bruchsal and NTU in Singapore, I have seen how important it is to understand each others’ cultural heritage and backgrounds. Although the world seems to have become smaller, not to say a “global village”, people do not necessarily understand each other better. American society plays a twofold role in this context: as an international power affecting globalization and thus bringing the world together and at the same time as a melting pot which –itself- consists of different cultures and beliefs. Studying these complex connections shall be a challenging, but interesting task for me.

Stephanie Johnson (USA)

Born in 1987, in Indianapolis, Stephanie graduated from secondary school early, and at age 15 she entered Indiana University where she recently graduated with a B.A. in English. After spending the summers of 2006 and 2007 studying Hebrew at Haifa University, Stephanie returned to Indianapolis and interned at the State Treasurer’s Office.

Why Germany?

When I visited a Germany in 2007, I found it to be a very intellectual, politically aware country. When I was looking for master’s degree programs, Germany was my ideal location due to its progressive higher education system.

Why Heidelberg?

The HCA’s MAS program was perfect for my interests. Furthermore, the university is world renown for excellence in academics. Everyone had told me Heidelberg was a beautiful, fun city to live in, and it seemed the perfect location for my studies.

Why American Studies?

I would like to work in foreign relations, and after traveling abroad, I realized there is a significant disparity between the World and Americans in deciding what aspects of history and current events are viewed as important. There are many aspects of our history that are ignored altogether in American classrooms. I would like to reach a fuller understanding of my own country, and I believe the only way to achieve that is through listening to different perspectives. Later in my career, such an understanding will help me better appreciate how other countries view the United States; I hope I will be better able to resolve conflicts and misunderstandings.

Balazs Kantor (Hungary)

Balazs was born in 1983, and studied at Trinity College in Hartford, CT and at the University of Budapest (Eötvös Loránd University) where he finished his dual M.A. in English and American Studies in 2008. Before joining the MAS, he had worked as an English teacher and an intern/lecturer at the University of Budapest. In his free time, he is also an aspiring journalist.

Why Germany?

I chose Germany because of my interest in German culture, language, and, perhaps most of all, the fabled German professionalism. While studying in Heidelberg, I would like to improve my German language skills, discover the country, and to get to know the culture to enhance my intercultural competence.

Why Heidelberg?

A friend of mine who attended the programme before highly recommended the MAS. I visited Heidelberg in April and instantly fell in love with the city and found the unique university environment captivating. Studying at the internationally renowned Heidelberg University makes the place all the more attractive.

Why American Studies?

I have studied American Studies before in Hungary and in the United States. I would like to learn more about American politics and history from another (international) perspective and to use that knowledge in my future academic and professional career.

Carrie Khou (Germany)

Carrie was born in Hamburg in 1983, and received her B.A. in American and British Studies from the University of Mannheim in 2006. Afterwards she continued her education abroad at the University of Massachusetts Boston and studied Media Studies, Spanish and American Studies. Back in Germany she pursued experience on the job at BASF SE and ABB AG before joining the American Studies program at the HCA.

Why Germany?

Having been abroad gave me the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the culture I was born into. Being away from your familiar environment puts a lot into perspective and helps to understand how other cultures function. I decided to join a German program, in order to intensify the German point-of-view of American topics, before I finally go abroad again.

Why Heidelberg?

Heidelberg offers a unique accelerated program which matches my goal to receive another academic degree within a short period of time. Furthermore, this program is supported by BASF and other well-known institutions,
which shows that the program also pursues a practical approach.

Why American Studies?

Social interaction, political decisions, cultural understanding are all part of modern business life. Since the business horizon has significantly expanded beyond mere figures, it is highly important to know about the idiosyncracies of the global player, in order to be able to make sustainable decisions that are benifical to both, society and businesses.

Melanie Lewis (USA/ Germany)

Born to a German mother and an American father in the southern U.S. state of Georgia in 1986, Melanie was raised in a small town in southwest Germany. In 2000, she returned with her family to America where she lived and studied in Arizona. She received her B.A. in British and American Literature in the city of Tucson from the University of Arizona in 2008. After years of living in the States, Melanie has returned to Germany to join the HCA and be reunited with her family.

Why Germany?

After eight years of life in the United States, I am ready to re-familiarize myself with my roots which lie here in Germany. The MAS program offered me the perfect opportunity to return home where I can be close to family and friends.

Why Heidelberg?

I grew up in a small town called Heidelsheim here in Baden Wuerttemberg and am excited for Heidelberg to be the place where I continue my university studies. I have always seen Heidelberg as a special place to study and reside in, not only because of its grand history and friendly people, but also because of its university’s worldly focus.

Why American Studies?

After almost a decade of living as an American, I have to say that no matter how often I disagree with the government’s doings or am annoyed by America’s obsession with Hollywood celebrities, I will always have a soft spot in my heart for the U.S. It is because of this that I am so thrilled to be able to revisit its history and culture in my MAS studies at the HCA.

Mahshid Mayar (Iran)

Mahshid did her BA in English language and literature at the University of Tehran. Then, she moved to MA in the same field, and as soon as the newly-founded field of American studies started at the same university, she switched to this 2-year program. Thus, MAS is her second major in American studies. She has persistently worked as English teacher and translator. She has also been a researcher in the same field for the last 10 months.

Why Germany?

Long lines of history: division and unity, industrial wheels and political burdens, economic headway and philosophical headship; these make Germany a perfect academic destination.

Why Heidelberg?

Long roots of knowledge: pioneer academy, scientific edge, THE honors, top German university, interdisciplinary
niche; these make Heidelberg a perfect academy.

Why American Studies?

Long threads of excellence: diverse research ideas, robust relations, interdisciplinarity of perspective, precision
of objectives; these make HCA perfect.

Anne-Kathrin Pusch (Germany)

Anne-Kathrin was born in Bendorf, Germany in 1983, went to school in Neuwied and afterwards to the University of Constance, Germany. She received her B.A. in British and American Studies (major) and Sociology (minor) in 2007. During her studies, she spent one year abroad at the University of Richmond, Virginia, USA (2005-2006) to study English and Anthropology and also took classes in Spanish, History and Sociology. At the U of R, she also worked part-time for the Institute of Modern Languages where she was an instructor for German as a Foreign Language. In 2008 Anne-Kathrin started working for a German Lifestyle magazine in Essen as a journalist. She still helps out at the magazine part-time.

Why Germany?

Since I‘m pretty sure that I‘ll go abroad again in the future, staying in my home country for another year simply feels right. Education in Germany is high-quality and I also like living here.

Why Heidelberg?

The reputation of the university of Heidelberg made my decision easy. Besides, the city offers a rich cultural heritage with an impressive old townscape and is at the same time a vibrant place where to encounter an international mixture of people. Being relatively close to my family and friends is another advantage of Heidelberg.

Why American Studies?

The HCA seems a great place to study American Studies. The participation of various faculties and the large range of subjects offered here are very attractive. I hope to gain a better idea of America in a broader context. The structure of the MAS and its organization in small groups sounds just perfect and I appreciate the chance to work together with people from all over the world. I am looking forward to the discussion of varying perspectives on North and South America, their politics, arts, economy and the influence on the rest of the world. Selected professors and the high academic activity at the HCA are great advantages and hopefully prepare me for my future academic or professional career. The international orientation of the Master program combined with an intercultural exchange will make me more sensible for cultural matters and enhance my knowledge about America and other nations.

Zeynep Selen Saydam (Turkey)

Zeynep Selen is from Turkey and graduated this semester from Ankara University with a BA in American Culture and Literature.

Why Heidelberg?

While I was applying for some great universities,I came into HCA MAS in Heidelberg and luckily I’m here. I hope in a few years I would be also teaching in this field.

Why American Studies?

Right along my educational life,I’ve been interested in various languages,cultures and literatures and I’ve chosen to study American Literature which was a great interest for me. As the end of my University education got closer, I noticed that the only thing I dreamed of for my whole life was to continue learning and reading in American Studies.

Erhan Simsek (Turkey)

Erhan was born in Ankara/Turkey in 1986. He received his B.A in English Language Teaching from Middle East Technical University with a minor degree in European Studies from the department of International Relations. Before coming to MAS, Erhan acted as the president of METU Book Club and worked as an English tutor.

Why Germany?

The prevalent rich heritage, understanding people, distinguishing educational services and the fact that I could improve my German made my way to Germany. As a developed Western country with a high number of foreign immigrants, it gives me the chance to experience different cultures and traditions within the German context. I believe that Germany will help me gain a European perspective in scrutinizing the American culture and politics.

Why Heidelberg?

In the summer of 2007, I attended a voluntary work camp around Heidelberg. I was thinking of pursuing graduate studies but I did not plan where to attend. The trip to Heidelberg helped me make my mind. MAS program has an eclectic curriculum, which seems to prepare the students in a wide scope of areas. I think that the interdisciplinary approach of the MAS program in Heidelberg and the inspiring intellectual environment would help me learn more about American Studies.

Why American Studies?

The undeniable role of the U.S in world affairs and U.S/Europe relations matter in world politics. What is more, American culture dominates many regions in the world and expands with globalization. Thus, studying American Studies attracted me for social, cultural and political position of the U.S in the world.

Silvia Toma (Romania)

Silvia was born 1986 in Resita, Romania, and grew up speaking Romanian and German. She studied German Language and Culture in Bucharest, with a minor in English. During her study, Silvia has been a translator and an interpreter, which is the job she enjoyed most. She has also been working as a journalist at the newspaper of the German minority in Romania. Silvia is now eager to dive in another culture and get a new perspective on Germany or Europe.

Why Germany?

Last year, while studying for three months at Regensburg, I realized that I want to return to Germany, as I like the atmosphere at universities here. I also feel very much at home in this country, while on the other side, I have only seen small parts of it. I’m looking forward to get to know it better.

Why Heidelberg?

Heidelberg means on the one hand an ancient and prestigious university to me. On the other hand, it attracts me with its beauty and its cultural life. I have to admit that I am also happy to be for a year in the center of Europe, which allows me to get to know at least a bit of regions and countries I have never seen before.

Why HCA?

It is thanks to the advice of a professor of mine that I heard of the HCA and its interesting program. This master in American Studies in Germany will help me understand the American culture better, a culture of great influence on Europe and not only, while I can also experience the German culture from the inside. I am very interested in the dialogue between cultures, and I think that the master program as well as living in Germany will be a positive experience in this direction. 

Ruhuan Wang (China)

Ruhuan was born in 1986 in Sichuan/ China. In July 2008 Ruhuan graduated from Peking University (Beijing, China) where she specialized in German in her freshman year and English in the remaining three years. She once participated in an exchange program at Bryn-Mawr School (Maryland, USA) and had an internship at DaimlerChrysler Northeast Asia Ltd. Ruhuan‘s biggest hobby is acting – she used to play in Die Physiker, Fiddler on the Roof and Tartuffe.

Why Germany?

Once a German major at college and an intern at Daimler, I am haunted by the fact that I have never really been to the country. I always wished to learn more about the German language and culture. Plus it really excited me to find out that the field of my primary interest, American studies, has become especially prominent in Germany and Britain.

Why Heidelberg?

Because of the university! Heidelberg is Germany‘s oldest university and a world-class institution with perfect educational heritage and scholarly achievements (it has so far brought forth eight Nobel laureates). Though HCA is a very young institute, it has become one of the leading centers for American Studies in Europe and I would love to make my own contribution to it. HCA appeals to me particularly because it has an interdisciplinary nature and comprises a multicultural student community. Besides, now that I‘ve studied America from the Chinese perspective for three years, it is a tempting idea to see the country from European viewpoints too.

Why American Studies?

My exchange program to the U.S. first triggered my interest in American Studies, which later became my major
field of interest and study at Peking University. The important role USA plays today on a global scale makes
this country of special interest. A sound knowledge of the United States is a prerequisite for one to gain a deeper insight into the modern world. Last but not the least, the American historical and political heritage can be very helpful for countries with developing democracy, like for example my native country China.

Fei Ye (China)

Fei was born in China in 1986 and studied in China Foreign Affairs University and graduated in 2007 with a B.A. in English and International Studies. Before joining the MAS, she took several internships in news agency, corporations, and non-governmental organizations. Besides, Fei also worked as a part-time interpreter and translator between Chinese and English.

Why Germany?

Actually HCA is the major reason I chose Germany to pursue my master’s degree. But the more I learned about this country, the more it attracts me by its fascinating culture, history, society and tradition.

Why Heidelberg?

The university stands as one of the oldest and the most prestigious universities worldwide, giving students precious opportunities to learn from excellent professors with outstanding schoolmates. Moreover, its multi-cultural environment is essential and conducive to the study and research in a culture-related program like American Studies. In addition, it will be great to spend a year in such a picturesque place!

Why American Studies?

The United States is a young yet successful country, and this program will help me understand its miracle of development. Besides, since it always plays the leading role in finding solutions to global problems, its related experience is very valuable for developing countries like China to learn.

Shenggu Chen

Chen, originally from Hainan Province, where he was born in 1985, moved on to Beijing to study English Literature and Culture at Beijing Jiaotong University. He was working as translator and language tutor before coming to the MAS.

Why Germany?
Located at the center of Europe, Germany , to a large extent, plays an irreplaceable role in the development of Western culture. Its quality of education is world-renowned. It is, unquestionably, an ideal place to pursue my MA Study and my interest in the German language.

Why Heidelberg ?
The American Studies program at the Heidelberg center for American Studies can provide me with the opportunity to study the American culture within a western context, an idea that excites me. The reputation of Uni Heidelberg is self-explanatory with its long history and distinctive academic excellence. I believe that the study experience in the Heidelberg University will be beneficial not only to the enlargement of my knowledgebase and the gaining of new perspectives but also to my future career as a medium for intercultural exchanges.

Why American Studies?
The United States is undoubtedly the only superpower in today’s world. In some countries, globalization, for a large part, means Americanization. Therefore, from a macro perspective, a comprehensive knowledge in American Studies will deepen my understanding of the American culture as well as its influence in the world. From a micro perspective, it may help offer me solutions in dealing with cultural matters.

Melanie Gish

Born in Sinsheim in 1976, Melanie received her B.A. in German from the University of Mannheim in 2003. She continued her education at the University of Waterloo ( Canada ) where she graduated in 2004 with a M.A. in German with a focus on Cultural and Film Studies. Melanie first worked as research assistant and then joined the Denver Public Library as Education Program Assistant before joining to the MAS.

Why Germany ?
I have spent the past 3.5 years in North America and I feel like stepping back and looking at my experiences from a distance. Being away from Germany helped me to understand its culture better; coming back and being away from America will help me see the things that I had missed while I was living here.

Why Heidelberg ?
The HCA seems like the finest place in Germany to study American Studies. The University is world famous for its first class academics and Heidelberg is also very close to where my family lives.

Why American Studies?
I would like to place my knowledge of and experience with the American culture in a broader context. I would like to learn more about America on a multidisciplinary level and from a critical international point of view. America is still playing the leading role in shaping the world of today. Having a better understanding of America will help me understand certain problems that occur on all levels of multinational interactions.

Gretchen Greywall

Originally from New Jersey, Gretchen went to the University of Massachusetts , Amherst , to receive her B.A. majoring in Political Science with a minor in German. Gretchen worked for Green Mountain Munchies and Camp Danbee before joining the MAS.

Why Germany ?
Because I have always had an interest in Germany , German culture, and German language. Attending a university in Germany , allows me to learn not only inside the classroom, but also to experience directly the German culture and language. It also gives me an opportunity to learn about my own culture (American) from an outside perspective…not just a German one, but an International one as well.

Why Heidelberg ?
I chose Heidelberg , because of the great experience I had studying here as an undergraduate. I fell in love with the history and the beauty of the University and city.

Why American Studies?
Because I am interested in working in International Relations. I want to understand my own culture at a deeper level, before interacting with other cultures.

Giles Daniel Harber

Born in 1978, in Kansas City, MissouriDan was raised in rural Kansas , second youngest in a large Catholic family. He graduated from the University of Kansas with a BA in Modern Western European History. Before joining the MAS, Dan traveled independently throughout various parts of the world.

Why Germany ?
For starters, when I began to travel outside the U.S., I was drawn to Germany because of my German heritage, and from there I established many lasting friendships that have brought me back through the years. Now that Germany is like a second home to me, it was only natural to explore the possibility of studying there. One also might accuse me of needing to work on my German language skills.

Why Heidelberg ?
If it was okay for Twain, then it’s okay for me. Honestly, having enjoyed living in Heidelberg years ago, I always had it in mind to return.

Why American Studies?
I decided on American Studies for a variety of reasons, but boiled down, I feel it is important that I have a well-rounded foundation of knowledge about my country of birth and its place in today’s world.

Kamila Janiszewska

Kamila, born in 1984, studied at the University of Vienna and Uniwersytet IM. Adama Mickiewwicza ( Poznan ) where she graduated in 2006 with a B.A. in English. Before joining the MAS, Kamila had trained as an English teacher.

Why Germany ?
I have been interested in Germany and its culture ever since my first trip to Berlin as a little girl. German sayings and idioms are witty and abstract and reflect the country’s rich folklore and sense of humor. I am happy that the year at the University of Heidelberg will make it possible for me to explore the diversity of German culture on a daily basis.

Why Heidelberg ?
The university is famous for its long tradition and academic excellence and the town for its picturesque setting. Having heard so much about them from friends and acquaintances, I am glad to have the chance to finally see Heidelberg not as a tourist who has only a fleeting experience of the ambience but a student who will be able to enjoy it and explore it for an extended period of time.

Why American Studies?
The MAS program is interesting and exceptional in that it brings together people from different parts of the world. Since European and American cultures do not exist in isolation but rather in a dynamic exchange, the MAS experience, I believe, offers a variety of perspectives on American Studies and an insight into the import and complexity of the factors which influence the object of study and the approaches towards it.

Gulchekhra Abutalibovna Makhkambaeva

Gulchekhra was born im Termez, Uzbekistan . She studied at Tashkent State University where she focused on languages and pedagogy. Gulchekhra worked as teacher at the Tashkent International School before she came to Heidelberg .

Why Germany ?
I have been to Germany once and fell in love with it. I have always wanted to go back for a longer period of time to be able to learn German and have more experiences. I am happy I can do it now.

Why Heidelberg ?
When I was a student at Tashkent State University , I took Foreign Literature Course and studied Heidelberg poets’ works, which are beautiful. Heidelberg had a big influence on their art, I guess. I am excited about going to Heidelberg to study more not only about America but also about German culture.

Why American Studies?
There are no Universities in Uzbekistan where students would be able to take an American Studies course while in some neighboring countries it is taught as a compulsory subject in universities. Though the relations between Uzbekistan and the US have deteriorated there is a real demand for such knowledge among people of our country and willingness to understand Americans as a nation and America as a country. So I consider this program as a rare chance to get a full course of American studies with the further aim of applying my experience into teaching and training.

Anja Milde

Anja was born in Weimar, Germany, in 1980. She received her B.A. in linguistics and communication sciences at the Erfurt University in 2003. Since fall 2003 she has been a student at Heidelberg University , majoring in history and art history. Before joining the MAS she spent a year at Trinity College in Hartford, CT, where she worked in the Office of International Programs assisting Trinity students in planning their study-abroad semester and wrote for the campus newspaper.

Why Germany ?
I love my country – and its bread! Moreover, I appreciate being close to my family and friends again.

Why Heidelberg ?
After having been abroad for one year, returning to Heidelberg is like coming home. I heart the city, and it’s the place where my friends are.

Why American Studies?
I especially want to explore the history, politics, and culture of the United States and the larger Americas from an interdisciplinary perspective. An extremely distinguished department, an environment replete with academic activity, and a program offering high quality courses are the factors that have motivated me to decide for the HCA ’s MAS program.

Esen Momunkulov

Esen was born in Osh, Kyrgyzstan, in 1978. In 1999 he spent a year at the University of Washington in Seattle as an exchange student. As for his professional experience he mostly worked for non-governmental and international organizations. For past 4 years he has worked for an American company that provides linguistic services for United States Air Force base in Kyrgyzstan .

Why Germany ?
Because this is a great opportunity for me to get my Masters degree and learn German at the same time. Besides, here are some more reasons for me to study in Germany : Mercedes-Benz, German punctuality, uncontested leader in the EU, October Fest., etc.

Why Heidelberg ?
I was looking for Masters degrees in Germany with instruction in English and I came across MAS 2008. It happened that I liked the program first and now having found out that the University of Heidelberg is one of the most prestigious universities in the world, it feels like I won a jackpot.

Why American Studies?
Well, America has been setting political, economic, military and informational agenda in the world for quite a while now. It is very sad to see how “dirty politicians” or “oligarchs” use America as a tool to achieve their materialistic goals. Nowadays America is loosing its great achievements in protecting human rights, respecting diversity, and being tolerant towards other nations and religions – all the things that made America unique. With the war in Iraq and elsewhere in the world, America is loosing its moral right to carry out any major humanitarian missions with its continuous disregard for international law. Although I believe that America could have done more for its security and spent less out of tax payers’ money if it promoted peace and carried out international humanitarian projects that were directed to eliminate poverty throughout the world. America could have used its best practices in bringing people from different backgrounds together within the framework of the United Nations. I would like to deepen my knowledge in American politics, economy, religion, culture, etc. because, truly, America is a very interesting and great nation that I believe will yet to contribute to peace and harmony in the world. I would like to pursue my career as a college professor at a prominent university specializing on American politics.

Joanna Peplińska

Joanna was born in Gdynia in 1982. She studied English Philology at Jagellonian University where she graduated in 2006. Before coming to the MAS, Joanna worked as a teacher in Krakow .

Why Germany ?
Thanks to a variety of programs and projects run by the German-Polish Youth Cooperation Foundation that I was lucky enough to participate in, I made friends with many young Germans, who have always encouraged me to come and study in Germany . In the past ten years I have visited Germany several times, also for longer periods, and my acquaintance and fascination with the German way of life has been gradually growing. I really cherish the German language, with its structure, melody and all its different dialects. Besides, I highly appreciate the unique German orientation towards order in all spheres of life. Last but not least, I really like German sweets.

Why Heidelberg ?
Mainly because the University of Heidelberg is regarded as one of the top universities in Germany and it offers an outstanding, interdisciplinary course of study which provides an excellent ground for my project. Furthermore, Heidelberg is a beautiful city, in which history and modernity combine to create an exceptional whole, which appeals to me very much.

Why American Studies?
The United States has always appeared to me as a multidimensional phenomenon that
captivated my imagination and intellect. One of my primary objects of interest during the studies at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków was American literature, particularly the literature of the 19th and 20th centuries. The semester spent at the University of Northern Iowa convinced me that the social and religious life of the American people is a subject equally interesting as American literature itself. Therefore, during my stay in Heidelberg , I would like to research American religious experience and the history of American religion.

Emanuelle Catherine N’na Sané

Having been a student in English and American Studies at the Cheick Anta Diop University of Dakar , Emanuelle received her Maîtrise in 2007. Emanuelle, born in Dakar in 1983, worked on “Spirituality and the Image of God in Alice Walker’s The Color Purple” before joining the MAS.

Why Germany ?
To profit from the academic environment of first-class universities with an outside perspective on the subject and to keep improving my German.
I have always been interested in learning new languages as well as coming in touch with foreign cultures and peoples. English and German are just the two foreign languages I favor the most thus Germany looks like the perfect place, for me, where I can exercise both languages.
Moreover during my last year’s stay in Germany I got so many friends, the true and good ones one would like to keep forever so that now I am longing and looking very forward to see them again.

Why Heidelberg ?
The good reputation of Germany’s oldest university, which stands as one of the most prestigious universities worldwide, together with the location of the university and the city itself in a green setting enhanced my wish to study in Germany . In addition, the HCA is affiliated to Heidelberg University and brings together students from various backgrounds. This international atmosphere combined to a comprehensive interdisciplinary curriculum is very appealing and attractive.
Furthermore, the city is not so far from Mannheim, Frankfurt , or Goettingen where my friends live.

Why American Studies?
For many years, I have been involved in the field and come to find it more and more interesting.
Since high school, I have been learning English. However, American civilization I had no idea about, and did not even know there was one out of what I could see on the screen or in the street: “hamburgers, cinema and jeans”!.
Once at the university I have continued studying the subject and discovered an unknown but fascinating world I wanted to investigate. Then I majored in American literature and civilization to deepen my knowledge of the people. I think this one-year study at the HCA will provide me with the required skills I need in my future career to be helpful to my country. I enjoyed the opportunity to widen my knowledge in many fields: religious studies, one I come to be familiar with while writing my thesis but also literature and history.

Juste Šimelyte

Juste was born in Lithuania in 1983. In June 2007 she received her degree from the Law Faculty at Vilnius University . Previous to the MAS, Juste worked as legal consultant in the Vilnius University Law Clinic where she offered pro bono legal advice.

Why Germany ?
My interest in studying in Germany was determined for many reasons. Firstly, I value the fact that Germany combines the rich cultural heritage with intellectual innovations. A twelve-month program would give me an opportunity to deepen my acquaintance with German traditions and culture, to improve my German language skills. A good knowledge of a foreign language such as German is important for a professional lawyer: in today’s world the knowledge of at least several most used foreign languages is the necessity. I also want to deepen my knowledge of the German language and where else would it be more suitable than in Germany ?

Why Heidelberg ?
The spring semester of 2006 I studied as Erasmus student in the oldest German University – Ruprecht – Karls Universität Heidelberg. My memories about the studies in this University are warm. It is not only because of the democratic and simultaneously innovative academic methods that were being used in Heidelberg University , but also because of the wonderful opportunities for studies (a huge fund of books in the spectacular University library, wireless Internet, comfortable hostels, etc). The cosmopolitan atmosphere supplements the cosiness of Heidelberg : over 3.5 mln. people from all over world visit Heidelberg every year.
It is difficult to forget the spectacular castle of Heidelberg , the old Bridge, plenty of architectural monuments, museums and places of visit. Studying in Heidelberg is a pleasure: what could inspire more for research work than the time spent with a book by the river Neckar , which opens a wonderful view to the old town and mountains?

Why American Studies?
The structure of this program, methods of teaching, wide opportunities for students in choosing subjects and the interdisciplinary manner of these studies helped me to make my decision in my postgraduate academic activity. American studies at the Heidelberg center for American studies offer not only theory: students are introduced to transatlantic institutions and miscellaneous seminars are organized. I also find American studies highly valuable for my future. After graduation of this program I would like to seek a PhD. I am convinced that studies in such a world class institution and international experience would be peculiarly valuable to such a country of developing democracy as Lithuania . Furthermore, American studies would not only deepen my knowledge I already have, but it would be a great source of further knowledge and inestimable intercultural experience which I find essential for my professional and personal development.

Polina Sitkevich

Polina, born in 1985, studied at the University of New Mexico and graduated in 2007 from St. Petersburg Herzen Pedagogical University with a specialization in English. She worked as fitness instructor before joining the MAS.

Why Germany ?
I heard Germany is a wonderful country. I’m also very interested in learning more about German culture and way of life. Besides, spending a year in Germany would be a wonderful chance to work on my German.

Why Heidelberg ?
First I got interested in the program Heidelberg was offering. Then I found out more about Heidelberg was really impressed. I can’t wait to start classes. Studying in such a place is absolutely enriching experience. I’m also excited to be a part of international community.

Why American Studies?
After staying in America for a year I got an insight into culture of this fascinating country. When I learned about this program I decided that would be interesting and beneficial to see America from European perspective. Therefore, I want to engage in American Studies with students from all over the world. Nowadays America plays a very important role in the world and I feel that I need to learn more about the U.S.

Alicia Christine Talbot

Alicia Talbot was born in Ann Arbor Michigan, USA . She grew up going to schools in both France and in the United States . She attended several universities including one in Oviedo Spain . She graduated in 2007, with a B.A in history with a minor in anthropology from Michigan State University . During her study at University she volunteered at a Respiratory Camp hosted by University of Michigan’s Mott’s Children’s Hospital, and has done volunteer projects for Volunteers for Peace in Spain and Italy.

Why Germany ?
I had visited Germany years ago and liked the culture and geography, but I really grew to love both Germany and its people while living in Wiesloch last fall. I really enjoyed the many German festivals and cultural activities that I was fortunate enough to participate in and the friends I made. I would also like to continue working on improving my German skills.

Why Heidelberg ?
Heidelberg is a beautiful town, and I really enjoyed the University atmosphere as well as the many Historical sites. I came to know Heidelberg while living near-by and truly missed it when I had to return to the United States .

Why American Studies?
I decided to attend the HCA program, as I wanted a graduate program that would be international, both in student and faculty population that would encourage students towards interdisciplinary studies. I think that given the current situation politically, economically and culturally in today’s world it is extremely important to have a foundation of knowledge of the world’s super powers, as they have an immense effect on what happens around the world.

Annie Wan-Lin Tsai

Born in Taiwan in 1984, Annie received her B.A. from the National Yunlin University of Science and Technology in 2007 where she was a member of the Buddhist Club, the Flute Club and a Volunteer at the Yunlin International Puppet Festival 2006.

Why Germany ?
I was once a German major. Therefore, I want to master German. Studying in Germany is a good way to improve my German proficiency. What is more, nowadays German universities offer international degree programs taught in English. Therefore, I can improve my English ability as well by joinging in an international degree program.
In this way, I will be able to master two foreign languages and become more competent.

Why Heidelberg ?
I decided to go to University of Heidelberg because the university has a good reputation. Furthermore, many people told me that Heidelberg is really a beautiful city. Once you are there, you will love the city. So I think I must live in Heidelberg for a while since I get this chance!

Why American Studies?
I’ve been learning English for almost ten years. English is the official language of the United States . Moreover, the U.S. is the strongest country in the world now. Thus, I desire to get a deep view about this country.

Emma Le Yu

Emma was born in Xuyi ( Jiangsu Province ) in 1983. She graduated from the University of Science and Technology of Suzhou in 2005 and moved on to work in Shenzhen before joining the MAS.

Why Germany ?
I believe in “made in Germany ”. Germans generally have high expectations of the quality of their products, their life, as well as their education. My work experience in a German company and the good business and cultural relationships between China and Germany convinced me that it is valuable to enjoy further studies in this country.

Why Heidelberg ?
I know that I won’t regret choosing this university. Heidelberg University has a rich history that I always admired a lot. In China we have a saying “A good college will benefit you for your whole life”. I love the upcoming experience – that living in a city full of students, without which, who can say “I used to be a student”? Another point is, the service of students admissions in the HCA is so good that they shouldn’t lose any student they’ve chosen.

Why American Studies?
Having majored in English language, I acquainted myself with American history and culture long ago. After 2 years working in the business world, I realise what an important role the USA is playing on the world stage. So I’m quite interested in a deeper study of this nation.

Cassie Lin Zhang

Cassie Zhang Lin was born in Fuyang ( Anhui Province ) in 1982. In 2005 she received her B.A. in English from Shandong University . Before joining the MAS, Cassie worked as trainer for ReSource Pro ( Qingdao ), developing and delivering training on American Insurance Knowledge. Cassie is interested in enhancing cross-cultural communication and she holds an official Qualification Certificate of Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language.

Why Germany ?
My Friends in Germany told me “It is a good place to pursue further study. If you come, you won’t regret.”

Why Heidelberg ?
Heidelberg is the place where Goethe lost his heart. Besides, I can enjoy the pride of being a student at the oldest university in Germany . Excellent reputation can guarantee high quality of teaching and learning.

Why American Studies
I am interested in the course topics. It is one year. I can know classmates from different nations. So, right program in right time with right people.

Yinyin Zhang

Yinyin was born in Tianjin in 1985. In 2007 she received her B.A. from Beijing International Studies University (The Second Foreign Language University Beijing ). Iris majored in Chinese Language and Literature. During her studies she worked as a teacher in the MEA Language Center and served as an interpreter and coordinator during various international, cultural, and political activities.

Why Germany ?
In the whole world, “ Germany ” is a sign of reliable quality of products, the most modern science and technology and the serious academic attitude. These are the most valuable merits which the most developing countries should follow. To study in Germany is the best way to study Germany and German, which helps me introduce these merits to my own country.

Why Heidelberg ?
The first thing I knew about Germany when I was a child was not the beer, the football team or the history, but the University of Heidelberg . There were so many beautiful stories about this University and the city, which impressed me for almost 20 years. University Heidelberg occupies a holy place in my heart. What’s more my German friends told me that Heidelberg is a very small, quiet but beautiful city. I was born and grew up in Tianjin and later on study in Beijing . For 22 years I’ve been living in big cities with crowds and noise. I need a peaceful place to rest my heart. Heidelberg is just perfect for me. Therefore I didn’t consider applying for any other universities but Heidelberg .

Why American Studies?
As it is the newest institute of University Heidelberg , it interests me with the possible modern ideas and ways of analyzing a country and its society. I’m interested in cultural studies for many years and I want to start my study on “cultural globalization of America ”. Therefore I chose to study at the HCA .

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