House Rules/Regulations



In the common interest of all residents of this house/building as well and for the proper treatment of the property, we issue these house/building regulations.

It regulates the co-existence of all residents residing in the house/building at:

Hauptstrasse 242, 69117 Heidelberg.

The rights and obligations contained herein apply to all residents of the house. We respectfully therefore ask you to comply with the regulations as detailed below.

1. Quiet times and Noise avoidance

1.1. Each resident is required to use their best endeavours to enable fellow residents’ quiet enjoyment of the property, to include unnecessary noise in the apartments, in the communal areas within the house, the gardens and on the property as a whole.

1.2. Special consideration is required between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m.  (referred to as quiet hours).  During quiet hours’ radios, televisions, CD players, etc. are to be used at normal listening volume.  This also includes the use of appliances such as a hoover.   Excessive noise is strongly discouraged.

1.3. On Sundays and public holidays, you are required to uphold the quiet hours for the duration of the entire day/evening. 

2. Security

2.1. Front doors and courtyard doors must always be kept closed (but NOT locked) between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. for security reasons. The escape routes (house and courtyard entrances, stairs and corridors) must always be kept clear. Excluded from this are prams, walking aids and wheelchairs, provided they do not block escape routes and inadvertently hinder the exit for residents.

2.2. During the cold season, windows in the stairwell and hallways must be kept closed. Windows must be closed and locked when there is bad weather, such as rain, storms and/or strong winds and when leaving the room unattended.

2.3. As far as this is recognizable for the residents of the house, leaks and other defects (for example   electrical, water pipes) are to be reported immediately to the landlord (; Tel 0049 6221 543690). Portable gas cooking facilities are not permitted.

2.4. Grilling with charcoal is generally not permitted on the balconies.

2.5. The storage of flammable, easily inflammable and odour-causing substances in the apartments are prohibited.

2.6. Electrical devices must not be left unattended. Electrical devices must be switched off when leaving the apartment and the plug removed from the electrical socket.

2.7. Cooking in the apartments is only allowed under constant supervision.   Please do not leave the kitchen unattended when in use.  Strong (cooking) odours should be avoided.

3. Cleaning

3.1. Apartments are to be kept in a clean and tidy condition.

3.2. Hair colorants or hair dyes may not be used in the apartment or bathroom thereof.

4. Garbage

4.1. Garbage generated in the apartment may only be disposed of in the garbage/rubbish containers provided for this purpose. Hazardous waste and bulky goods must be disposed of separately according to city regulations and do not belong in the in-house garbage containers.

4.2. Garbage must be separated consistently and properly in accordance with official regulations.

4.3. Garbage is to be emptied daily. There should be no odour ideally so as to not attract vermin and such. 

5. Ventilation & Smoking

5.1. The apartment is considered sufficiently ventilated, even in the cold season, by opening the windows.

5.2. Smoking is prohibited throughout the house. Smoking is allowed in the garden area only. Cigarettes must be properly extinguished and disposed of in the ashtrays provided in the garden.

6. Electronic/Motorized Vehicles

6.1. Motorized vehicles (including E-Scooters/E-Bikes) are not permitted to be parked in the yard, pathways or in the green areas of the building. 

6.2. Bicycles may only be parked on the bicycle racks provided in the garden.

7. Children

7.1. Whilst appropriate consideration is to be given to children and their play/recreation needs, for safety reasons however, children are not permitted to play or gather in communal areas within the building.

7.2. Children playing in the courtyard and on the green areas, belonging to the building is permitted at your own risk- except during IWH events and/or in consideration of IWH conference guests. Paddling pools may be set up/used as long as this does not impose on fellow residents’ and/or conference guests’ enjoyment of the building, or damage to the outdoor areas of the building.

7.3. Children and their parents after using the gardens and communal areas must clean the areas after use.  The gardens and communal areas are to be left in an orderly manner.

8. Pets

Pets are generally not permitted.

9. Washing/Laundry

Wet laundry must not be hung up in the rooms to dry. There are suitable washing lines in the garden or on the balconies.

10. Commercial Use

Commercial use of the rented rooms, building or grounds belonging to the building is not permitted.

11. Violation of House/Building Regulations

In the event of disregard and/or violation of these house regulations, the resident(s) will receive a warning from the landlord. In the event of multiple warnings, the landlord reserves the right to terminate the residency without further notice.

12. Right to Modify

These House/Building Regulations may be changed or altered at the discretion of the landlord.

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Letzte Änderung: 21.03.2024
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