Research Alumni Network RAN Newsletter

The newsletter of the Research Alumni Network: Contributions from the university and the network for all former visiting scientists, internationally active Heidelberg researchers, and other academically interested persons

Interesting news from science and research, reports on activities of the network as well as on projects of individual network members are a regular part of the RAN Newsletter. In the section "I lost my heart in Heidelberg", international guest researchers share their memories and impressions of their research stay at the Neckar with the readers and add a personal touch to the newsletter.

Participate in the newsletter

Submission of text contributions

Have you reached a milestone and would like to share this with the network? Reports on current or already completed scientific projects in cooperation with Heidelberg colleagues or other research alumni of the network or other scientifically interesting contributions can be submitted to the editorial team if you would like to be published in the “News from the network” section. If you are interested in participating, please send us a message!

Interview series “I lost my heart in Heidelberg”

In the “I lost my heart in Heidelberg” section of the RAN Newsletter, network members report on their research stay from different perspectives and against the background of individual experiences, during which some lost their heart in or to Heidelberg. With your contribution and your experiences as an international guest researcher in Heidelberg, you could expand the interview series “I lost my heart in Heidelberg” and make it even more interesting. If you are interested in participating, please send us a message!

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Since 2012, the Research Alumni Network newsletter has been providing you with news, insights into current events in the university's research landscape and information about the network's offers and the activities of selected Heidelberg alumni. Have you missed an edition? You can find all previous editions of the Research Alumni Newsletter in the archive.

New Page: RAN Newsletter