Subject area – translation and interpretingAlumni Day at the Institute for Translation and Interpreting

With around 350 members, the alumni group of the Institute of Translation and Interpreting (IÜD) is one of the largest subject area groups within the HAI network. Every two years, the IÜD organises an alumni day with a programme for former and current students. On 5 July 2024, it was that time again – and HAI was also traditionally represented with an information table.

For the fifth time now, the IÜD hosted its Alumni Day with a varied programme of lectures and workshops. This included the HAI information table, where our student assistants Zoe Petrakakis and Jonas Over informed interested alumni and students about the benefits of HAI membership. Other items on the programme included two presentations by alumni Marike Telgen and Manuel Konstantin Hevesi, who are now employed as an interpreter and translator at the Federal Foreign Office in Berlin and the European Parliament's Directorate-General for Translation respectively: They told the audience of around 40 about their work in the institutions and the path that led them there, and gave tips on how current students can get started.

Various workshops were also offered with around 60 participants, for example on sign language interpreting in Italian or personal branding for translators. The Federal Association of Interpreters and Translators (BDÜ) was also on hand to answer students' questions.

IÜD Setup

You will find a whole range of subject area groups under the umbrella of Heidelberg Alumni International. The IÜD alumni group is one of the oldest at HAI – the institute decided to establish the group in the HAI network back in 2010 when it expanded its international programme. We look back on 14 years together and remember many wonderful events and activities.

With its activities and offers, such as the alumni days or the institute's job exchange, the IÜD alumni group is aimed at current and former students, researchers, staff and lecturers of the Institute (formerly Seminar) for Translation and Interpreting at Heidelberg University. Do you know any Heidelberg alumni who studied, researched or worked at IÜD (formerly SÜD) and are not yet part of HAI or the IÜD alumni group? Then tell them about it and invite them to join HAI and benefit from the network's offers!

IÜD Setup