Looking backRuperto Carola Sommerparty 2024

Prof Dr Frauke Melchior opened the Ruperto Carola Summer Party for the first time in her term of office as Rector.

Under the motto "UNIted", the historic courtyard of the Marstall became the meeting place for an atmospheric summer evening with talks, dancing and music at the end of June. Students, staff, friends, sponsors and many alumni of Ruperto Carola came together in the heart of the old town to celebrate a party for the whole university. In addition to various activities and performances – including live music by the Teddy Fonda Combo and a dance performance by students from the Institute of Sport and Sports Science – there was also a surprise performance by the Collegium Musicum brass ensemble under the direction of University Music Director Michael Sekulla. The Studierendenwerk Heidelberg catered for visitors to the summer party with food and drinks.

De-escalation through communication

Shortly after the Rector had called for mutual respect and dialogue in her welcoming speech at the Summer Party 2024, the Students for Palestine Heidelberg disrupted the event. The group of around twelve people distributed flyers and unfurled a large banner to draw attention to the war in the Middle East and its victims on the Palestinian side. The disruption presented the event organisers, and the rector in particular, with the task of de-escalating a difficult situation with around 1,500 guests already present. This was achieved by communicating with the disruptors and asking them to leave the grounds peacefully. 

Impressions of the 2024 summer party