Your Application
Call for Applications 2024
The Robert and Christine Danizger Scholarship is awarded to very good doctoral candidates from Africa (primarily from Ghana or another country in West and Central Africa) who are planning a doctorate at Heidelberg University in the fields of Geography (with a focus on Geoinformatics) or Political Science and who need help with funding their doctorate. Learn more about everything you need to consider when applying, on this page.
What are the requirements for an application?
You can apply for a Robert and Christine Danziger Scholarship if you meet all of the following requirements:
- Your are from Africa (primarily from Ghana or another country in West and Central Africa).
You are planning a doctorate at Heidelberg University in one of the following fields and are in the process of applying for the upcoming winter:
- Geography with a focus on Geoinformatics
- Political Science
- You are among the best in your field.
- You need help with funding your doctorate.
- You would like to do your doctorate at Heidelberg University and therefore live / will live in Heidelberg or the surrounding area.
Please note: The application for a scholarship is not an application for a doctorate. Therefore, please apply additionally for a doctorate at Heidelberg University in one of the above-mentioned fields.
What does the funding look like?
- The amount of the scholarship for doctoral students is 1,200 € per month.
- The maximum funding period is 36 months. The initial approval usually covers 24 months. Before the end of the first funding year, an interim report by the doctoral candidate and a report by the supervisor must be submitted. If according to this interim report, there is no recognisable timely progress, the approval may be revoked. An extension of up to 12 months is possible in justified exceptional cases.
Good to know: During the support with a Robert and Christine Danziger Scholarship,
- the simultaneous receipt of another scholarship is not possible,
- the tax-free personal allowance from income from self-employed or non-self-employed activities may not be exeeded,
- scholarship holders can only accept a max. 25% position for graduate assistants at Heidelberg University if there is no connection to the scholarship in terms of content and time. Please also note the previously mentioned reference to the personal allowance.
Whether the scholarship is tax-free depends on the individual case. Please make sure to contact your tax office for clarification.
Which application documents are required?
Please submit the following application documents during the application period:
- Signed application form
- Current performance records: University diploma that qualifies for a doctorate (original certificate) including the final grade as well as an official translation in German or English and if available, an official conversion of the diploma to the German grading system.
If your university diploma is not available by the end of the application period, it is sufficient to submit a provisional certificate from the university confirming your academic performances, so far (ideally with a grade of all examinations, so far), that states that you expect to complete your course of study by the start of the semester following the application period. Please note that you have to submit your missing certificate by the start of the lecture period. - Curriculum vitae in table form
- Letter of motivation with reference to the topic of the doctorate
- Recommendation (letter of recommendation) for a doctorate from the possible doctoral supervisor (this must be received by the end of the application period)
- Proof of citizenship
- Evidence confirming your financial situation (money available each month, pay slip of the parents, own wage slips etc.)
Please note: If you are selected for a Robert and Christine Danziger Scholarship, the scholarship will not be paid until you submit a valid enrolment certificate.
When and how can I apply?
The application period is closed. You will be informed about a possible new application period in due course, here.
We are happy to help
Please contact us if you have any questions regarding the scholarship programme:
Yasmine Schaller
Tel. +49 6221 54-12801
Simone Raasch
Tel. +49 6221 54-12823