Your Sponsoring Idea
In addition to traditional donations, you can also turn your ideas into action. There are a number of different alternatives to express your connection with the university, from a use contribution, an endowment contribution, to a foundation fund. Such donations can also be made to the corporate assets of Heidelberg University. We are managing a large number of financial assets with varying purposes and make sure that donations and annual proceeds are used rightfully. We are happy to support you in turning your ideas and wishes into action.
We would like to show you on this page how diverse the support of research and teaching can be.
Use contribution
You want to make a difference during your lifetime and it is important to you to accomplish the purpose of you contribution within a limited period of time? Then a use contribution might be the right choice. A use contribution makes it possible to use the annual proceeds as well as the capital stock to fulfil the purpose of the contribution. The means are only to be used for this purpose.
We are managing a large numer of financial assets with varying purposes and make sure that the donations and annual proceeds are used rightfully. Please feel free to contact us. We will be more than happy to answer your questions.
Thanks to this use contribution, scholarships can be awarded to PhD students of the Faculty of Theology, annually.. The scholarship period is two years.
Estate Erika Korn
The Seminar of Philosophy was made heir of Mrs Korn's assets in memory of her son who died in 1984 and who was also a former student of the Seminar.
Estate Dr. Lieseberg
The use contribution was made after the death of Dr. Lieseberg. Its purpose is to support research at the chemical instutes of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of Heidelberg University by providing the necessary means.
Endowment contribution
The future of Heidelberg University is a topic that is close to your heart? You are interested in a lasting commitment to Ruperto Carola and you want to make sure that your assets are safely invested? An endowment contribution makes this possible. With an endowment contribution which ist meant for eternity since the annual proceeds of the capital reserve are used to fulfil the contributions’s purpose, you can help shape the development of science, research and teaching for an indefinite period. For instance, you can establish a foundation fund in the corporate assets of Heidelberg University that bears your name.
„Ute und Roland Wielen Foundation Fund“
The “Ute and Roland Wielen Foundation Fund” is a new foundation fund within the assets of Heidelberg University (corporate assets). This fund is meant for the long term. Its proceeds are intended to support science, research and teaching at Heidelberg University, primarily the Astronomisches Rechen-Institut and the Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics at Heidelberg University.
Professor Roland Wielen is a Professor Emeritus of Heidelberg University and has been working at the Astronomisches Rechen-Institut for many years since 1963. After a temporary position (1978-1985) as Professor and Director of the Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics at the Technical University of Berlin, he was Director of the Astronomisches Rechen-Institut in Heidelberg from 1985 to 2004.
His wife Ute Wielen, who died in 2021, also worked in the field of astronomy. She could not complete her studies for political reasons in the GDR. Therefore, she first worked as a scientific-technical assistant at the Babelsberg Observatory and then, after her escape, in an astronomical working group at the Freie Universität Berlin. She worked as a programmer at the University of Heidelberg, most recently at the Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics, from 1963 until 1978.
Your Contact
Division for Foundations and Assets
T: +49 6221 54-12801
F: +49 6221 54-12980
Postal address
Division for Foundations and Assets
Heidelberg University
Seminarstr. 2
69117 Heidelberg