Communications and Marketing Services


Photo Pool

The Photo Pool of the Department of Communcations & Marketing offers you visual materials from various departments of Heidelberg University for general and press purposes. Further images can be provided on request.

Graphics Services

Whether you need posters, brochures or invitations – we organise the entire process for you, from the text and design through composition and printing. Our products in the university's corporate design have high recognition value.


The logo is available in colour and black and white. The colour version is used for all media in which the use of colour is possible. Both logos are available as regular and open versions.

Office Communication

Letterhead with institution-related letterhead is created for all university institutions. The logo of the university is placed in the upper right corner. The name of the institution and, if applicable, its logo is displayed on the left next to the university logo.

Event and Conference Materials

Event and conference materials with the Heidelberg University corporate design can be ordered from within the university at cost through the University Shop.

Business Card Service

Business cards in the university's corporate design can be printed by the Communications & Marketing department on request.

Room Reservation

Allocation and management of premises in the historical Old University.

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