Institutions Team Communications and Marketing


Marietta Fuhrmann-Koch
Press Officer
Phone +49 6221 54-19011

Administrative Office / Assistance

Lena Bollheimer
Communications and Marketing
Grabengasse 1
69117 Heidelberg
Phone +49 6221 54-19012


Corporate Design and Corporate Publishing


Anja Förster
Project Management and Corporate Design
+49 6221 54-19011
Charlotte Gärtner
Corporate Design
+49 6221 54-19019
Martina Menke
Corporate Design
+49 6221 54-19030
Carmen Bueno Iglesias
Corporate Design
+49 6221 54-19029
Carmen Braner
Corporate Design
+49 6221 54-19028
Mirjam Mohr
Corporate Publishing
+49 6221 54-19026

Web Office


Christian Watzke
Web Office
+49 6221 54-19013
Catherine Stiefel
Web Office
+49 6221 54-19025
Jürgen Albers
Web Office, Photo Editor, Social Media
+49 6221 54-19018
Hannah Schütt
Web Office
+49 6221 54-19033
Alexander Hofmann
Web Office
+49 6221 54-19016
Malte Groß
Web Office
+49 6221 54-19034
David Lippmann
Student Assistant, Web Office
Markus Baier
Student Assistant, Web Office

Press, Media, Content


Press and Media
Administrative Office
+49 6221 54-2311
Dr Ute Müller-Detert
News Editor, Deputy Press Officer
+49 6221 54-19017
Dr Oliver Fink
News Editor, Unispiegel, Annual Report
+49 6221 54-2214
Dr Tullia Giersberg
News Editor, International Affairs, 4EU+
+49 6221 54-19022
Katharina Schryro
News Editor, Social Media
+49 6221 54-19014
Ute von Figura
Internal Communication, Alumni-Publications
+49 6221 54-19023
Dr Paula Órdenes
Editorial Assistant
+49 6221 54-2311

Marketing and International Affairs


Adriana Lopez
Strategic Communication, International Cooperations
+49 6221 54-19027
Caroline Werkle
Marketing, 4EU+, International Cooperations
+49 6221 54-19032

Science Communication and Event Management


Nicole Hoffmann
Science Communication, Rectorate Events, Awards Ceremonies
+49 6221 54-2687
Monika Conrad
Science Communication, Rectorate Events, Awards Ceremonies
+49 6221 54-19015
Ursula Sembach
Rectorate Events, Room Reservations
+49 6221 54-19031
Anorte Opladen
Room Reservations, Old University Services
+49 6221 54-19021
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