Call for Proposals 4EU+ Fellowships for Doctoral Candidates and Researchers Impacted by the War in the Middle East

The 4EU+ fellowships are intended for doctoral candidates, postdoctoral researchers and professors. The fellowship programme aims to enable them to spend one or several months doing research at Heidelberg University in order, for instance, to conduct or advance their own research project, to continue individual work towards an academic qualification or to collaborate in a research project based in Heidelberg.

Eligible to apply are Heidelberg University faculties and also institutes and centres (via the respective faculty) in conjunction with the host researcher (or academically responsible contact person) at that location. Visiting researchers cannot submit their own applications. The host institutions undertake to provide a workplace for the visiting researcher. The related costs are not covered by the fellowship funds.

Target group

The call is intended for doctoral candidates, postdoctoral researchers and professors from Israel or the Palestinian territories whose academic work is adversely affected by the war.

Funding period

The length of funding lies between one month and three months in 2024, with a single extension of up to three months being possible if the preconditions are met.

Amount of funding

The amount of the fellowship is based on the researcher’s academic qualifications and stands at

  • 1,700 € per month for doctoral candidates,
  • 2,300 € per month for postdoctoral researchers and professors.

A family allowance of up to € 500 per month may be granted. The allowance will depend on the number of children and the family situation.

Application process

Applications should be at most five pages long (11 point type, 1.5 line spacing) and structured as follows:

  • General information on the applicant faculty or institute and the person wishing to do research at Heidelberg University as a visiting scholar
  • Statement by the host researcher at Heidelberg University on the visiting researcher’s academic qualifications (research focus, appraisal of academic achievement) and workplace, and, as appropriate, on their planned integration into the respective research group 
  • Brief description of the topic to be researched
  • Time and work schedule
  • Brief description of the extent to which the visiting researcher belongs to the group for which this call for proposals is intended 

Please attach the following documents, if available:

  • CV of the visiting researcher
  • Publication list
  • Prizes and references, as appropriate
  • Evidence of accompanying children, as appropriate
  • Evidence of residence status
  • Declaration that no other scholarship or fellowship to advance a qualification or research project has been approved for the same funding period

Applications, in German or English, must be made in electronic form – if possible as one PDF file – and addressed to Dr. Anne Sommer, 4EU+ Office | European Office:

Closing date: 31 March 2024

The applications will be reviewed by a commission chaired by the Vice-Rector for International Affairs and Diversity, Prof. Dr. Marc-Philippe Weller.

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