Erasmus+ KA171 Staff Mobility

As part of the “International Dimension” - Erasmus+ KA 171, Heidelberg University has funds available to support teaching and training staff mobility at the universities listed below.

  • Israel, Hebrew University, Call 2023 – interdisciplinary
  • Israel, Weizmann Institute of Science, Call 2023 – Biosciences, Physics
  • Egypt, Cairo University, Call 2023 – German as a Foreign Language Philology, Languages and Cultures of the Middle East
  • Western Balkans, University of Sarajevo, Call 2022 – interdisciplinary
  • Western Balkans, University of Montenegro, Call 2022 – interdisciplinary

Who can apply for funding?

ERASMUS+ teaching and training staff mobilities can be applied for by teaching staff/training staff of Heidelberg University who have a contractual employment relationship with the university. After consultation and approval by the institute or the ERASMUS subject coordinators, teaching staff without a salary, teaching staff with work contracts, emeritus professors and retired teaching staff, company personnel can also be funded. Persons with special support needs (traveling with a child / traveling with physical disabilities) can apply for additional grants.

Due to limited ERASMUS+ funds and in accordance with the DAAD's award guidelines, priority should be given to training staff who have not yet received ERASMUS+ mobility funding. If sufficient funds are available, repeated applications for funding can also be considered.

Staff of the above-mentioned partner institutions should contact their home university to apply. Further information about your stay in Heidelberg can be found under the link: Information for Incoming Staff Mobilities

What are the eligibility criteria?

Teaching Staff Mobility

Funding for teaching stays at an ERASMUS+ KA 171 partner university is possible from five days and with a teaching workload of at least eight hours per stay or per week or part thereof. Due to limited funds, only teaching stays of up to 5 working days can generally be funded. Longer funding periods are possible in exceptional cases by prior arrangement and with sufficient ERASMUS+ funding.

The courses should be integrated into the subject area of the host institution and coordinated with the host university and your own subject area (Teaching Agreement). For an ERASMUS guest lectureship, a contractual agreement between both universities on the intended teaching stay is also required.


Training Staff Mobility

Funding is available for vocational training and further education measures offered by the ERASMUS+ partner universities. The funding period generally covers a period of 5 working days. Longer funding periods are only possible in exceptional cases by prior arrangement and with sufficient ERASMUS+ funds.

Most of the participating universities in partner countries offer so-called Staff Weeks, which last around five working days and include university-related workshops or language courses.

The following activities can be funded:

  • Job shadowing with colleagues at the partner university in a similar field of work
  • Participation in curriculum development (only for teaching staff)
  • Participation in workshops and seminars
  • Participation in language courses

Funding for research projects, research conferences and any course or participation fees cannot be covered or subsidized by ERASMUS+ funds.

The applicant is responsible for contacting the host institution and for planning and organizing the stay. Further education and training requires the approval of the responsible personnel officer by approving the business trip. The International Relations Department will be happy to advise you.

How can I apply for ERASMUS+ funding?

Applications for funding for ERASMUS+ staff mobility should be submitted to the International Relations Office by e-mail in good time, at least 12 weeks before the start of the mobility, and should include the following information:

  • Name of the Heidelberg applicant(s), subject area, address
  • Name of the host university, country
  • Brief description of the project
  • Planned period/duration of the stay
  • Letter of invitation from the host university

After receipt of the informal application by e-mail, further information and the necessary documents will be sent. If a visa is required, you will also receive an official invitation from the partner university. An ERASMUS+ mobility agreement (Teaching Agreement/Mobility Agreement) must be agreed between the employee, the host university and the home university before the start of the trip and submitted with the business trip application. The grant agreement between the traveler and Heidelberg University, represented by the Department of International Relations, is concluded on the basis of these documents.

Early application is recommended, as funding for ERASMUS+ teaching staff mobility can only be granted if sufficient ERASMUS+ funds are available. The International Relations Office will be happy to answer any further questions you may have.