
ERASMUS OutgoingInsurance and Finances

Health insurance options

There is no insurance cover included in an Erasmus scholarship. You should therefore ensure that you have adequate insurance cover for the duration of your period of study abroad. 

National health insurance policy

If you are covered by a national health insurance policy, you can use the E128 form or the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) to access healthcare abroad, in accordance with the Social Security Laws in the respective country. Before your departure, ask your insurance provider if this agreement applies to your host country and apply for the necessary insurance card or form. The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) emphasises that, since its introduction, the European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) often only provides medical cover in case of illness or an accident where emergency medical care is needed. The DAAD therefore recommends that additional (private) travel health insurance is taken out. 

Private health insurance companies

Private health insurance companies  generally do not participate in the European insurance agreement. Please speak to your insurance company in good time to find out about insurance cover abroad.

Student health insurance

Some partner universities (e.g. in the UK) offer student health insurance on enrolment, which you can take out in addition to your own health insurance policy. It is also possible to apply for the DAAD group insurance scheme, which provides combined health, personal accident, and private liability cover. 

Travel health insurance

It is recommended that you take out additional private travel health insurance which includes repatriation. 


Additional insurance

Erasmus students are automatically included in the statutory accident and occupational disease insurance during their study abroad period. However, the statutory accident insurance only applies to instances that that are causally linked to attending the institute of higher education, i.e. time spent on the premises of the host university for the purpose of studying and associated commutes.  Instances associated with own economical or personal gain, e.g. buying books or groceries in a shop are not covered.  Please verify that your liability insurance also applies to your study abroad period. 

Financing your study abroad period

The Erasmus scholarship is by no means a full scholarship. Therefore, when awarding Erasmus places, it is assumed that the scholarship holders have sufficient funds available to cover the (sometimes higher) cost of living during the study period in the host country.

Before the Erasmus study period, it is therefore important to obtain sufficient information about the cost of living in the host country and to check your own financial resources. Particularly at the beginning of the study period, considerable financial resources are required to cover one-off payments such as rent deposits, bus tickets and insurance. There may also be unforeseen delays in the payment of the Erasmus grant, the BAföG grant or scholarships from foundations. It is therefore strongly advisable to ensure that you have sufficient financial security in good time.

Combinability with BAföG and scholarships

The Erasmus+ funding for the international mobility of students is a grant for additional costs incurred abroad. It is not basic funding and not a full scholarship. Students eligible for BAföG can claim BAföG for a stay abroad with Erasmus+. In the case of an integrated training phase within the framework of the Erasmus programme, the amount of benefit includes, in addition to the usual needs rates in Germany, travel costs, possibly an additional amount for health insurance costs, possibly a rent subsidy. Please make sure that you submit your application early (usually at least 6 months before your stay abroad). Information on BAföG benefits is available at www.bafög.de.

Erasmus students may receive regional, national or other funding from a ministry, regional authorities or private foundations as a supplement or alternative to EU funding (mobile participants with "zero grant funding"). Some DAAD scholarships are also compatible with Erasmus in accordance with the respective DAAD programme requirements (please submit proof of compatibility).

The Erasmus mobility grant may not be offset against other national scholarships, i.e. these may neither be reduced nor suspended.

Double funding of the same activity from EU funds is not permitted. The combination of Erasmus with a scholarship from the Baden-Württemberg Foundation is also excluded.