
EU-Funding – Horizon EuropeApplication & Research Support

General Information

The administrative guidelines for research funding describe the most important rules and procedures for third-party funding at the university.


Gender Equality Plan

Since 2022, the Gender Equality Plan (GEP) is a mandatory criterion for all public institutions, universities and research institutions applying for Horizon Europe calls for proposals. The Senate of Heidelberg University adopted a Gender Equality Plan 2021-2025 in February 2021.

Data of Heidelberg University for the Electronic Proposal Submission

PIC (Participant Identification Code): 999987648
Short name: UHEI
LEAR: Dr. Günther R. Mittler, guenther.mittler@zuv.uni-heidelberg.de

Start-up finance for EU projects

Start-up finance from funds of the Ministry of Science, Research and Arts Baden Württemberg can be applied for at the Research Division for the preparation of project proposals in Horizon Europe. Start-up finance is possible for all applications under Horizon Europe - whether as coordinator or partner, whether in mobility, collaborative or individual projects (ERC grants). It is recommended that you contact the Heidelberg Research Service at an early stage.

Research Support – Contact

The project managers of the Heidelberg Research Service (HRS) will be happy to advise and support you in the application process for a research project within the framework of Horizon Europe.

Heidelberg Research Service


The hei_INNOVATION team will be happy to answer any questions you may have on the subject of technology and knowledge transfer.