Quality Development Quality Objectives in Student Affairs and Teaching

On 26/06/2012, the senate adopted quality objectives in Student Affairs and Teaching at Heidelberg University: In line with the mission statement and the constitution, Heidelberg University's degree programmes are based on department-specific, interdisciplinary and practical goals for comprehensive academic education and for the students' future careers.

The resulting competency profile is included in the module handbooks as a universally valid qualification profile and is implemented in the specific qualification objectives as well as the curricula and modules of the individual degree programmes:

  • Development of professional competencies with a pronounced research orientation;
  • Development of a trans-disciplinary dialogue competence;
  • Development of practical problem-solving skills;
  • Development of personal and social competencies;
  • Promotion of disposition to assume social responsibility based on the acquired competencies.

The respective hand-outs, both for the wording of competence-oriented subject-specific and generic qualification objectives and for developing and revising module handbooks can be found under downloads.
Downloads (DE)

In order to complete these qualification profiles, the following measures will be implemented:

  1. Close ties between research and teaching in all phases of the academic programmes;
  2. Facilitation of trans-disciplinary approaches through development of suitable courses;
  3. Awareness of the social dimensions of the departments;
  4. Improvement of the quality of courses based on student evaluations
  5. Further development of criteria for improved learning-teaching-quality based on results and findings from training and learning research as well as on student evaluations in subject surveys;
  6. Optimisation of the study environment for an increasingly diverse student population;
  7. Providing graduates with support for a successful transition to their respective careers through appropriate integration of interdisciplinary and practical competencies in the curricula, as well as organisational and advisory assistance.
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