Accident at work? What now? Accident at work? What now?

What to do in the event of an accident at work

Work-related accidents are treated in the general and emergency outpatient clinic of the surgical clinic (around the clock) or any other designated D-medical outpatient clinic. The brochure “Arbeitsunfall: Was nun?" (Accident at work: What Now?, only available in german) of the company medical service contains further information.

Eye injuries should be immediately treated in the eye clinic.

Accident at work: What Now? (only available in german)


Transport after an accident at work

When choosing the right means of transportation, the type and severity of the injury are most important. A distinction can be made between minor and severe injuries. The UKBW (the accident insurance provider of the university and the university hospital) provides assistance for safe transport after initial care.

First aid and documentation

Reporting block (formerly first aid book)

Every injury and every first aid provided in the company must be recorded in writing. A reporting pad or the DGUV “First Aid” documentation form can be used to document first aid services.

The time and place, the course of the accident, the type and severity of the injury or damage to health, first aid measures and the names of the injured person, people who witnessed it and first aiders must be documented. This information serves as proof that damage to health occurred as a result of an insured activity. This can become very important – for example if long-term consequences occur. This is one of the reasons why these records must be kept for five years!

First aid kit

ASR A4.3 specifies the specific requirements for first aid resources and facilities.

Poison emergency Number

In the case of poisoning with hazardous substances (external and/or internal), quick and competent help is the most important prerequisite for avoiding serious damage or long-term consequences.

Poison emergency number (german only)

Information in the event of accidents involving hazardous substances

The BASF website provides specific medical guidelines that contain information and recommendations for first aiders, rescue workers, medical professionals and people requiring care.

First aiders

The occupational health service provides you with information on first aid training and first aid courses.

Needle stich injuries and cuts

  • for all cutting injuries such as punctures, cuts or scratches with sharp or pointed medical instruments (e.g. needles/cannulas, lancets, scalpels) that may be contaminated by a patient's blood or other body fluids and
  • in the event of blood contact with non-intact skin or mucous membrane contact (e.g. eyes, mouth, nose).

are considered needle stick injuries. The official procedure for needle stick injury first aid treatment, reporting and aftercare is found at the occupational health services website.

Coverage of costs for damaged or destroyed glasses

The UKBW provides further information on its website about covering costs for damaged or destroyed glasses.

Incapacity to work for three days or more

Report an accident to the accident insurance company

As a manager, you are obliged to report work-related accidents or commuting accidents to the statutory accident insurance (DGUV) if employees are unable to work for more than three days as a result of the accident.

Additional information

“What legal consequences are there if I make mistakes when giving first aid?” These and other questions are answered by the DGUV in the brochure “Legal questions when first aid is provided by first aiders” (available only in german).

Accident insurance for students

Students are legally insured against accidents in accordance with the Social Security Code (SGB VII). The prerequisite is that you are enrolled at a state-recognized university, college or technical college or are a doctoral or diploma student. The insurance cover is free of charge. The states cover the costs. In the case of work-related accidents, it is therefore important that the accident is reported correctly to the accident insurance fund.

From January 1st, 2024, students at Heidelberg University should send their accident report by email to:
Universität Heidelberg
Abteilung 2.1 – Studierendenadministration
Seminarstr. 2
69117 Heidelberg

Please note: The contact person of the respective institute at which the student is enrolled should be entered under point 22 of the form (“Head (representative) of the institution”).  The Baden-Württemberg Accident Insurance Fund (UKBW) also replaces medical aids (e.g. glasses, hearing aids, etc.) that have been damaged in an accident. This can be indicated in point 15 of the form.