Organisational fire protection Organisational fire protection

Structural and technical fire protection measures are usually supplemented by organisational measures.

These include, among others:

  • Maintenance, servicing and use of fire protection equipment, e.g. Extinguishing devices
  • Creation and display of escape and rescue plans
  • Display of fire protection regulations for fire prevention and emergency measures (emergency fire department)
  • Marking and keeping escape and rescue routes clear

Organisational / occupational fire protection includes regular instruction for all employees regarding escape and rescue routes and existing extinguishing equipment such as: Fire extinguishers and emergency showers, what to do in the event of a fire and the training of fire protection assistants.

Training and instructions

It is necessary to instruct all employees in fire safety matters so that small fires do not result in major fire accidents and damage. A major fire leads to serious personal injury and environmental damage as well as job losses.

The training and instructions include the training of fire protection assistants and fire protection officers, as well as fire extinguishing and evacuation exercises.

Fire safety regulations

The fire protection regulations are intended to promote fire safety awareness among all employees through company-related information and rules of conduct. The fire protection regulations contain all important fire prevention measures and information on what to do in the event of a fire. It is displayed in all buildings in clearly visible places and allows all employees to regularly inform themselves. The current fire protection regulations of the University and the University Hospital of Heidelberg can be found below as a PDF file.

Fire protection regulations part A

Part A is the fire protection notice, which must be displayed at least in the entrance areas of every building. This part is aimed at everyone in the building and represents binding instructions (notice).

Fire protection regulations part B

Part B contains preventive fire protection measures as well as general information on fire protection. This part, in which information from Part A is presented in more detail, is issued to all employees.

Fire protection regulations part C

Part C contains what to do in the event of a fire or what to do in the event of a fire. This part is for people with special tasks in the event of a fire.

The fire protection regulations are intended to promote fire safety awareness among all employees through company-related information and rules of conduct. The fire protection regulations contain all important fire prevention measures and information on what to do in the event of a fire. It is displayed in all buildings in clearly visible places and allows all employees to regularly inform themselves.

Escape and rescue route plans

Since there are a large number of people unfamiliar with building layouts, escape and rescue plans must be posted in all buildings in easily visible places (e.g. in hallways and/or near stairwells). These plans show all means for escape from the building in an emergency. Extinguishing devices and fire alarms are shown as symbols on the plan. These plans also contain a summary of the most important measures in the event of fire and accidents.

Welding work - welding permit

Welding work often leads to fires. Before welding, cutting, soldering, thawing and grinding work is carried out, the client and those carrying out the work must take preventive fire protection measures. The clients must coordinate the necessary safety measures with the executors, the companies or external companies and specify them for each individual case in a welding permit certificate. Welding work may only begin once the welding permit has been issued and the safety measures have been determined or the safety measures have been met.