Events Events

Digital consultation hour occupational safety

We can now offer interested persons a digital consultation hour on occupational safety topics (a UniID is required). The consultation hour can be booked on Fridays from 10:00 - 11:00.

Appointment booking digital consultation

Digital consultation hour biosafety

From now on we can offer interested persons a digital consultation hour on topics of biological safety (a UniID is required). The consultation hour can be booked on Fridays from 10:00 - 11:00.

Appointment booking digital consultation

Fire safety assistant training courses

It is necessary to instruct employees in fire safety so that small fires do not result in major fire accidents and damage.

Fire safety assistant training courses

Safety officer training course

Safety officers need a basic knowledge of various occupational safety issues in order to fulfil their duties. To provide this knowledge, the Occupational Safety department offers a one-day training event (divided into two thematic blocks) in cooperation with Unfallkasse Baden-Württemberg.

Safety officer training course

First aid courses

For first aid training, please contact the company medical service (BÄD).

First aid training at BÄD

Executive training

The executive training course on occupational safety is aimed at managers at the university with responsibility for staff and premises. The training takes place quarterly and gives you as a manager an overview of your responsibilities in occupational safety and the occupational safety organisation at Heidelberg University.

Executive training

Introduction day at the university

A compulsory introduction day is held regularly to familiarise new employees with different areas of work and the legal and organisational framework at the university. The next induction day will take place on 29/02/2024.

Introducion day for new employees

Health day at the clinic

The next Health Day at the hospital will take place on 23.04.2024 at the Orthopaedics Schlierbach. Further information on the Health Day can be found in the BGM newsletter of the University clinic.

Project manager training courses in genetic engineering

In 2024, further training to acquire expertise for project managers in accordance with Section 28 GenTSV will take place again.

Registration for genetic engineering training

Safety inspections

Since 2017, the Occupational Safety department has been organising and carrying out safety inspections in all university and university hospital facilities together with the company medical service and staff representatives.

Dates of the 2024 safety inspections

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