
Different publication formats for specific target groups enhance Ruperto Carola’s national and international visibility and also internal identification with the university. The publications addressed to members, friends and supporters of Ruperto Carola, as well as to a broad public, contain information about the activities and sense of identity of Heidelberg University and sharpen its profile.

The research magazine “Ruperto Carola” is each time devoted to a socially relevant focal theme, which Heidelberg researchers take up when presenting their scholarly work across the disciplines and subjects. “Unispiegel”, the university newspaper for the members, alumni and friends of Ruperto Carola, generally appears three times a year and contains news about research, student affairs and campus life. The Annual Report of Heidelberg University presents all its various activities in the preceding calendar year. “HAIlife”, the magazine of the Heidelberg alumni network, reaches out specifically to Ruperto Carola’s former members, all over the world.


Newsletters of the University

A range of newsletters, which can be subscribed to by e-mail, inform you about news at Heidelberg University.

New Page: Publications