Working and Researching Abroad National Taiwan University, Taipeh - Research stay

Within the framework of the agreement between Heidelberg University and the National Taiwan University (NTU) short research stays in Taipei will be supported. Funding is granted to highly-qualified researchers who pursue a joint project with colleagues from the NTU or for researchers who deem a research stay at the host university is substantial to their research. A short report will be required following the research stay.




One to three months maximum

Scholarship benefits

The hosting university provides for free accommodation and a travel and subsistence expense allowance of 600 Euro/month.


Eligible are researchers of Heidelberg University who will receive salary from the university while on leave. Heidelberg researchers of all faculties are allowed to apply. It will be expected from the Heidelberg researchers that they contact colleagues at the NTU and coordinate the content and scheduling of their research stay.


An (informal) invitation from colleagues at the NTU (see above), a publication list, and the application form from Heidelberg University.

Application deadline

February 15th and July 15th


Application documents can be turned in to:

Dr. Dietlind Wünsche

Dezernat Internationale Beziehungen, Raum 132

Seminarstr. 2

69117 Heidelberg

Tel. +49 6221 54-12741

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