Working & Researching in Heidelberg Working contract at University

General information

If you would like to work as a research assistant at Heidelberg University, it is a good idea to get into touch personally with the institute or facility where you would like to work. Your department will contact the Human Recources Division and will forward your documents. The University Human Recources Division is responsible for employment contracts and other personnel issues.  Please note that the Medical Faculty Heidelberg and the Medical Faculty Mannheim each have their own Human Recources Division.

Once you are employed by Heidelberg University you will have to pay taxes and social security contributions. Generally the social security contributions will be automatically deducted from your salary.


Job Market

You can find a list of all open employment positions at the University on the University homepage.

Employees in Science, Administration and Technical Services

For further information on employment at Heidelberg University please have a look on the homepage of the Human Recources Division.

Employees from third countries

Those who are not citizens of an EU or EEC country or of Switzerland and who would like to work in Germany need a residence permit that includes permission to work. Before coming to Germany, it is necessary to apply for the appropriate (work) visa at a German consulate or embassy in the home country or country of residence.

Employees from privileged countries

Citizens of Australia, Israel, Great Britain, Japan, Canada, South Korea, New Zealand and the USA can obtain the appropriate residence permit after arriving in Germany from the Aliens’ Office. Please note: Without the residence permit it is not possible to start at the new job. If you want to start work immediately after entering Germany we recommend to apply for a visa in your home country.

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