Call for Industrial Scientists

The Flagship Initiative Engineering Molecular Systems (FI EMS) is set up to promote and establish molecular systems engineering at Heidelberg University and to stimulate new collaborations between different disciplines in this emerging field. It deals with the smart use of molecular components to design advanced functional materials, methods, technologies, devices, and therapies on the meso- and/or macroscopic scale. The molecular components can be synthetic or natural with specific electronic, chemical, biological or biomedical properties. This will potentially lead to a societal impact in areas including:

  • Materials sciences and engineering with applications in diagnostics, drug discovery and delivery, sensors, machines, clean energy, or environmental technologies.
  • Engineering of vaccines and cells with unique properties, e.g. pathogen-fighting capabilities.
  • Engineering and development of new algorithms for data processing.

To strengthen EMS at the Heidelberg University and to intensify collaborations with industry partners, the FI EMS is funding Industrial Scientists working for two to six months in a Heidelberg University research group. Candidates can be nominated by a member of Heidelberg University by writing a proposal to the FI EMS.

Possible scenarios the call will cover:

  • A candidate from industry working on an own EMS scientific project or supporting the research of an already ongoing EMS project.
  • A candidate from industry pushing an EMS project to the point of transfer, e.g., as support for a technology transfer project.
  • A candidate from industry helping with the transfer of an EMS project to application.
  • Any other scenario of a scientist from industry, which the EMS at Heidelberg University will profit from, is possible. Please state the details in your proposal.

The FI EMS will fund the position for the candidate. This might take place during a sabbatical, after early retirement or any other constellation, which is in agreement with Heidelberg University´s policies and the candidate´s employer. Details about the employment can be discussed with FI EMS and heiINNOVATION. Please contact for more information

In addition, material expenses will be funded. The applicant has to provide the lab facilities for the suggested project and the working environment for the industrial scientist.

Scope and duration of funding

Funding for the position (please contact for information) and material expenses up to 20.000 €.

Funding period: 2 to 6 months

Funding Start: anytime


Proposal has to be submitted by a member of Heidelberg University

Proposal: maximum 4 pages including abstract (approx. 2500 characters), affiliation of applicant, affiliation of proposed industrial scientist candidate, project/work description and aim for the candidate, description of benefit for EMS at Heidelberg University (transfer, sustainability, knowledge gain etc.), in addition CV of industrial scientist (max. 2 pages) and statement of applicant to provide lab facilities and working environment for the candidate

Deadline:  this is permanent call, you can submit your proposal at anytime

Evaluation: Proposals will be evaluated individually; funding will be recommended by the FI EMS Board and confirmed by the rectorate.

Application submission and questions: Please send them by email to the FI EMS administration office at

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