Call for proposals Core Technology-Platforms (C-Tech)


Cutting-edge core technology platforms building on existing infrastructure can realize synergies, contributing thus to the aims of the university excellence strategy and providing cost-effective, broad access to instrumentation. To incentivize core facility development, the Research Council of the Molecular Foundations of Life, Health, and Disease, Field of Focus 1 (FoF1) / Heidelberg Molecular Life Sciences, provides funding via the CORE TECHNOLOGY call.

Funding may be used for equipment, consumables or other measures to improve the infrastructure of the facility and thus the usefulness to the Heidelberg Life Sciences community.

Maximum Amount Of Funding

Individual equipment may cost maximally 200.000 Euro Brutto. Procurements have to be completed (purchased, fully spent and booked) before December 31st, 2022.


For successful proposals, the added value of the specific measure for the FoF1 community has to be documented, and a list of potential users needs to be included. Please provide a detailed implementation plan for the envisaged technology, including a valid quotation/budget plan, the long-term perspective for successful operation, and explain how sustainability is ensured, i.e., how the new technology platform or the new instrument or service will continue to operate after the RC FoF 1 / Excellence Strategy funds have been used up. Funding for room and maintenance costs cannot be covered and has to be provided by the applicant(s).

Applications that can demonstrate co-funding through other sources are highly welcome, the sum of combined funds may not exceed 200.000 EUR Brutto for equipment, unless a DFG large equipment grant is leveraged.

Proposals may be submitted by all members of the Life Sciences institutions of the Field of Focus 1, but the newly purchased equipment / consumables will have to be acquired by - and belong to - a University institution (Faculty of Biosciences Heidelberg, Faculties of Medicine Heidelberg and Mannheim, central research institutions of FoF1).

Please use this template to submit a proposal:

Review And Quality Control

The Research Council will consult with the CellNetworks Core Facility Platform Steering Committee and select proposals for funding suggestion to the Rectorate. Regular reporting to the Research Council will be expected.


Deadline for proposal submission is March 31, 2022. Procurements have to be completed (purchased, fully spent and booked) before December 31, 2022. Proposals should be sent in a single pdf and with the subject line “FoF1-C-TECH-2022” to:

Proposals submitted after the deadline cannot be taken into account. Please address your proposal to the Research Council Field of Focus 1. Please contact Dr. Andrea Leibfried via email in case of questions:

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