Core Facility Metabolomics Core Technology Platform

The Metabolomics Core Technology Platform (MCTP) is a DFG-registered (RI492) core facility of the Heidelberg University and is part of the Centre for Organismal Studies (COS).

The MCTP determines concentrations of small molecules in biological samples on a recharge, non-profit base. Depending on the requirements of your project, we offer tailor-made solutions as well as standardized Metabolomics assays.

Logo image, 4 round buttons aligned like a vertikal bead-string, each holding the first letter to each following word: Metabolomics Core Technology Platform. The word “Technology” is accompanied with vertical lines in grey, green and red making it look somewhat like a diagram.

We strive to provide high-quality analytical services at competitive prices, and regularly customize and develop assays to fit our users’ needs. We are project partner of the bio-medical research consortium SMART-CARE as well as the CRC 1118 “reactive metabolites as a cause of diabetic complications”.

In addition, we are one of the few certified laboratories worldwide for Metabolomics kit based assays developed by Biocrates.

decorative image: a collage of 4 photos shows some of the matrices that the facility offers to analyze. In the center a transparent red square overlaps the photos with white text: Analyzed Matrices - Prokaryotes; yeast; cell cultures; tissue, e.g. human, animal, plant; body fluids, e.g. blood, urine, CSF; supernatants, e.g. from cultures; further matrices can be established upon request

Project Request

All researchers from Heidelberg University and the Health + Life Science Alliance Heidelberg Mannheim are welcome to request help or place orders for metabolite analyses. External projects can be accepted upon discussion.

Illustrated MCTP Timeline with 6 steps for Service Requests: 1. First Contact via Email to, 2. Research Plan: Setting Project aims, 3. Online Request via iLab (see Button “Ordering&Billing” on Website), 4. Sample Submission: Samples are submitted according to guidelines, 5. Lab Work: Measurements are performed / Methods are developed, 6. Analysis results: results are sent out.

Before sample submission please:

  • follow the steps of our sample submission checklist.
  • read carefully the general guideline for metabolite analyses with specified requirements for metabolite analyses.
  • see our end-user license agreement (EULA) for more general information on the MCTP's services as well as users' rights and duties. New customers are requested to bring a signed copy of the EULA when submitting the first sample set.

The costs of core facility services – system usage and consumables - have to be charged directly to the users. For detailed prices of the different analyses please contact the MCTP. Prices can also be seen upon login to the online booking system.

The MCTP uses an online system from iLab Solutions designed to streamline the process of ordering and billing for core service requests.


Ordering & Billing    Services & Equipment



For project related enquiries:

For sample submission and pickup:

Managing Director 
Dr. Gernot Poschet 

Scientific Director
Prof. Dr. Rüdiger Hell

Shipping Address
Centre for Organismal Studies
Universität Heidelberg
Im Neuenheimer Feld 360
69120 Heidelberg

Map Screenshot of the MCTP´s location in Heidelberg´s Botanical Garden


Selection of recent publications with significant contribution of MCTP members


Funding Resources

Row of logos of funding resources, from left to right: Federal ministry of education and research, German Research Foundation, German Cancer Research Center, SmartCare, SFB1118, Excellence Cluster CellNetworks