
Ruperto Carola Summer Party 2024

Dear students, staff, and colleagues, dear friends of the university,

The Ruperto Carola Summer Party is a relaxed get-together for the whole university and all those connected to it, and I cordially invite you to join us again this year.

With "UNIted" as the motto on 28 June 2024, I look forward to celebrating the traditional summer party with you for the first time in my term as Rector.
Standing together is more important than ever at present in these politically tense and worrying times! 
Please bring your children, relatives and friends, and let us spend a relaxed evening in the Marstall quadrangle with conversations, dancing and music.
I look forward to seeing you there!
Yours sincerely,
Prof. Dr Frauke Melchior

Plakat Sommerparty 2024

The rector invites you on

Friday, June 28, 2024
to the Marstallhof
From 6.00 pm

Food and drinks:
Studierendenwerk Heidelberg


In addition to various activities and performances, the Teddy Fonda Combo will provide atmospheric live music for a full dance floor, and the University Choir under the direction of Michael Sekulla will once again be taking part.