Useful Information and Links for the Start of your Programme

Are you new to the University, and perhaps new to Heidelberg, too? You’re not alone - more than 5,000 new students arrive in Heidelberg every year. This article offers useful tips for the start of your programme, and provides links to key sources of information.

10 Tips for the Start of your Programme

  1. Build a network for the start of your studies.
    And continue to grow this network throughout your degree programme. A network will allow you to ask questions, build study groups, and divide up work.
  2. Attend the welcome event and introduction for your subject/departmental student committee.
    Take the opportunity to approach other students, particularly during the first days and weeks of your programme. Particularly at the beginning of the semester, many students are new and it’s a great opportunity to meet interesting people and settle into Heidelberg. 
  3. Ask questions.
    Former students, lecturers, and professors are all great sources of information and advice. Don’t feel anxious if others seem to know a lot more than you do.
  4. Don’t take too much on.
    You’ll always be able to begin a voluntary language course in a later semester. If you realise that you’ve taken too much on, you can de-register from courses during the first few weeks of the semester.
  5. Find a good balance.
    Studying can be one of the best times of your life. Alongside academic work, you should make the most of hobbies, groups, sport, parties, and an array of other opportunities.
  6. Always attend the first session of a course.
    You’ll find relevant information about the course for the coming semester and may have the opportunity to sign up for your preferred presentation topics.
  7. Get yourself a calendar (digital or handwritten).
    Keep track of important dates and appointments. No one will do this for you. A calendar will help you keep an overview of appointments, examinations, etc.
  8. Set yourself priorities.
    Read the module handbook and the examination rules and regulations for your degree programmes. You’ll find information in these documents indicating which courses you’ll need to complete, what weightings are given to different elements of the course in the calculation of your final grade, and what topics and areas you’ll need to understand in-depth. Besides this, you’ll get a good feel for what you’re interested in.
  9. Make use of available support and don’t feel discouraged.
    Don’t hesitate to seek support if ever you feel unable to move forward. Suitable sources of support might include your departmental student committee, tutors, the academic advisory services, the Central Student Advisory Office, ...
  10. Take your time and have the confidence to do things differently to your peers.
    In contrast to school, there are many different ways to achieve your goals during a degree programme. It’s much more difficult to compare yourself to others. On the flipside, you have a lot more freedom - make the most of it!

Checklists: Prepared as Possible to Begin your Studies

Are you interested in studying at Heidelberg University and wondering what your next steps should be? How should you apply and what else needs to be done before you can begin your studies? No problem - our checklist “Prepared as Possible to Begin your Studies” will help you gain an overview of the most important steps and provides useful tips on where you can find additional information or advice.

Plan to Study Well - Checklist

Studying at degree-level is a new challenge, particularly when it comes to organising your own learning. The checklist “Plan to Study Well” offers you numerous tips and tricks to help you overcome the challenges of studying, and help you organise your week in an efficient and sustainable way.

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