Are you still at school but interested in trying out “real” university lectures and finding out what life as a student might be like? Our Taster Programme gives you the chance to attend regular lectures held at the University. It’s a great opportunity to observe everyday uni life. The Taster Programme is offered as part of our student advisory services. The courses are organised and run by the Central Student Advisory Office. 


  • You are not required to register for the Taster Programme. 
  • Courses are intended for attendance by individual participants. Space limitations generally mean that we cannot accommodate large groups. 
  • The lecture period for the Winter semester 2018/19 begins on 15 October 2018 and ends on 9 February 2019. Information on the time and location for each lecture is provided. We are unfortunately unable to guarantee that lectures will not be cancelled or rescheduled. 
  • The schedule of lectures is updated on an ongoing basis. 
  • Please refer to the list of abbreviations indicating the location of lectures, as well as the map provided in the following course list. 


gHS – großer Hörsaal
gSR – großer Seminarraum
HfJS – Hochschule für Jüdische Studien
HS – Hörsaal
INF – Im Neuenheimer Feld
ISSW – Institut für Sport und Sportwissenschaft
R – Raum
SR – Seminarraum
IÜD – Institut für Übersetzen und Dolmetschen
ÜR – Übungsraum