Philosophische Fakultät Chinese Studies – Degree programme component in the Master of Education

In the Chinese Studies academic programme, students learn about both traditional and contemporary aspects of China, including the role played by China in the greater world and the associated diversified exchange processes that link both China’s history and its present-day existence to other regions. 

Information about the Master of Education

The Master of Education is a degree preparing for a future teaching job. In the section "Become a teacher" you will find all the information about the course of the complete teacher training programme from the choice of the subject, the bachelor’s and master’s phase to the teaching practice.
Become a teacher

Facts & Formalities

DegreeMaster of Education
Type of programmeConsecutive
Start of programmeWinter and summer semester
Standard period of study4 semesters
Fees and contributions161.10 € / Semester
Application procedureApplication for Master of Education
Application deadlinesInformation about deadlines can be obtained after you have put together a degree program.
Part-time optionYes

Course Content

China and Chinese, or Mandarin, is playing an increasingly important role in forward-looking education policies. Furthermore, Chinese as a school subject is becoming more and more common with efforts to increase its appeal and develop the subject. At the same time, conveying skills and competencies associated with China is being actively promoted in the education sector. The Master of Education/degree programme component Chinese at Heidelberg University prepares students for competence- and communication-oriented teaching duties in Germany. At the same time, graduates become disseminators of China-competencies in schools. The degree programme component is aimed at graduates of the BA programme Chinese studies or East Asian studies (with a specialisation in Chinese studies) who consider their main strengths to be in didactic and pedagogical work. 

Chinese studies in Heidelberg focusses on the cultural and societal examination of Chinese societies, including their historical development, modern manifestations, regional interrelationships, and material manifestations. The Master of education/degree programme component Chinese is a consecutive degree programme that is based on a preceding BA degree programme. The aim is to enable students to gain in-depth insights into the associated topics and issues. To this end, the academic programme primarily encompasses seminars and reading courses in which students hone their analytical and didactic skills on the basis of associated case studies. These are complemented by tools courses, practice classes and a colloquium to ensure that, in addition to subject-specific skills, students also acquire the didactic competencies required to convey the Chinese language. The degree programme component Chinese (Chinese studies) in the Master of Education in Heidelberg is characterised by a wide range of electives and compulsory electives. The (compulsory) electives pertain to premodern and/or modern specialisations in the various lectures and courses. 

For the Sinology degree programme component in the Master of Education, language proficiency equivalent to the B.A. (50%) in Sinology is required.

Course Structure

The academic programme is divided into three blended modules and two subject modules as well as the practical semester in a school. In the blended modules, acquisition of didactic skills is linked to the acquisition of practical, linguistic and specialised competencies. The aim of the subject modules is to provide students with an opportunity to gain more in-depth knowledge of topics and issues associated with Chinese studies. The practical semester in a school is scheduled for the 2nd or 3rd semester and is accompanied by specialised didactics support courses. Further information can be found in the special section of the module handbook for the degree programme component Chinese in the Master of Education.

My Way To Application And Admission

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