Faculty of Philosophy Egyptology – Master

Egyptology is the study of ancient Egyptian civilisation in all of its aspects. The time span covered comprises approximately 5,500 years, beginning in prehistory in the fifth millenium B.C.E. and ending with the Arab conquest of Egypt in 641 C.E. The geographical region to be examined consists of the Lower Nile Valley and its neighbouring regions.

Facts & Formalities

DegreeMaster of Arts
Type of programmeConsecutive
Start of programmeWinter and summer semester
Standard period of study4 semesters
Language(s) of instructionGerman
Fees and contributions161.10 € / Semester
Application procedureConsecutive master’s programmes with access restriction
Application deadlinesInformation about deadlines can be obtained after you have put together a degree program.
Part-time optionYes
May be studied as a minor subjectYes

Course Content

In the Master’s degree programme Egyptology as a major subject, students will expand upon the linguistic and subject-specific competencies acquired in the Bachelor’s degree programme in the understanding of the scripts, language, and culture of ancient Egypt. Students pursuing the degree as a major subject will learn the Coptic, and, optionally, Demotic scripts and languages and will gain translation practice through readings of sophisticated source texts from both different text genres as well as different language and script phases. At the same time, students will expand their knowledge of the culture, history, archaeology, and art of ancient Egypt and will extend this through the research of specific questions regarding ancient Egyptian culture.

The minor subject Egyptology can be studied with or without prior knowledge.

Depending on prior knowledge levels and interests, students can individually compile their modules (amounting to 20 credits) from the Bachelor’s or the Master’s segment courses. This enables the students to design their minor in Egyptology as advantageously as possible in order to complement their respective major subject, i.e. to use their minor to facilitate a specialisation as required by their individual career goals.

It is mandatory to choose a minor in combination with this Master programme. For further information please refer to the Examination Rules and Regulations.

Course Structure

The Master’s degree major subject Egyptology consists of the areas “Script and Language” and “Religion, Archaeology, History, Literature, Methodology” as well as the area of specialisation and the advanced modules:

  • In the advanced modules focussing on script and language, students will learn the Coptic language and will consolidate their knowledge of the hieroglyphic and hieratic scripts as well of the Egyptian language levels in the context of reading courses.
  • In the modules focussing on religion, archaeology, history, literature, and methodology, students attend two advanced seminars, each focusing on a topic from the field of religion and world views, archaeology and art history or from text and script culture. As part of a lecture and practice class, students will discuss specific problems from Egyptology while an additional lecture (with practice class) will focus on the role of Egypt in the ancient world.
  • In a specialisation area, students can either learn the Demotic script and language level or consolidate their historico-cultural skills and knowledge in the context of two main seminars.
  • In another elective specialisation area, students set their own focus by selecting either a reading course, field trip or an internship.

The fourth and last semester in the major subject option is dedicated to completing the written Master's thesis, presenting it in the accompanying colloquium and participating in the oral Master’s examination.


The Master’s minor subject Egyptology has very flexible course options. Students with no prior knowledge of Egyptology can learn either Middle Egyptian or Coptic and/or acquire the basics of Egyptology in lectures and seminars of their choice. Students with prior knowledge can chose their modules according to their personal interest and research focus, i.e. they can either consolidate their knowledge of the Egyptian language levels in language and reading courses and/or consolidate their knowledge of historico-cultural topics in seminars, lectures and practice classes.


My Way To Application And Admission

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