Medical Faculty Heidelberg International Health – Master, continuing education

The Master of Science in International Health (MScIH) degree programme focuses on poverty-related health problems in low- and middle-income countries.

Facts & Formalities

DegreeMaster of Science
Type of programmeContinuing
Start of programmeWinter semester only
Standard period of study2 semesters
Language(s) of instructionEnglish
Fees and contributions7,050.00 € / Semester
Application procedureContinuing-education master’s programmes and Law - Legum Magister
Application deadlinesInformation about deadlines can be obtained after you have put together a degree program.
Part-time optionYes
Can be completed entirely in EnglishYes
International degree programYes

Course Content

To make health services available to those who need them the most, many developing countries need to improve health care policies, to improve efficency at all levels of organisation, planning and management across the health care system, and to ensure sustainable financing. The MScIH programme at Heidelberg University has been designed with these factors in mind. The objective of the programme is to provide students with a solid foundation in international public health principles and to equip them with the knowledge and skills necessary to implement and run sustainable programmes for disease control, health promotion, and health services development across a wide range of populations and countries.


Course Structure

The Master of Science in International Health (MScIH) is a modular programme and permits students to pursue studies  either full-time (one year) or part-time (up to five years). Before commencing the programme, applicants must decide which mode of study they wish to pursue. Both full-time and part-time studies require the same course components and number of credits and lead to conferment of the same final degree. They nonetheless differ in terms of time and flexibility, especially with regard to the advanced modules that are permitted to be taken at Heidelberg University or at partner institutions within the tropEd network.

The Master’s degree programme consists of three major components:

Core Course
The Core Course consists of six units of study. Each unit focuses on a specific topic related to International Health, e.g. health problems and their determinants, research methods, or health policy and management. The Core Course is mandatory for both full-time and part-time students and runs each year for a period of fourteen weeks, from September to December.

Advanced Modules
Advanced modules allow students to gain in-depth knowledge on selected topics and to specialise in specific aspects of international health, according to their personal interests and needs. Advanced modules also bring students into contact with other students and researchers from the field of international health. Following  successful completion of the Core Course, both full-time and part-time students must complete a series of advanced modules, totalling 20 ECTS points.

Thesis/Oral Exam
Under the supervision of an academic adviser, participants will write a thesis on an important health issue. The thesis is to be based upon qualitative and quantitative information from a literature review or primary study. Following completion and submission of the thesis, students are required to take a final oral exam that will include content from the Core Course, the advanced modules and the Master’s thesis.


My Way To Application And Admission

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