Mathematics – Degree Programme Component in the Master of Education

Students of Mathematics acquire the skill of abstract thinking required to understand mathematical texts as well as the mathematical terminology that is necessary to ensure precise communication. On this basis, they further learn to independently acquire, apply and develop mathematical methods

Information about the Master of Education

The Master of Education is a degree preparing for a future teaching job. In the section "Become a teacher" you will find all the information about the course of the complete teacher training programme from the choice of the subject, the bachelor’s and master’s phase to the teaching practice.
Become a teacher

Facts & Formalities

DegreeMaster of Education
Type of programmeConsecutive
Start of programmeWinter and summer semester
Standard period of study4 semesters
Fees and contributions161.10 € / Semester
Application procedureApplication for Master of Education
Application deadlinesInformation about deadlines can be obtained after you have put together a degree program.
Part-time optionYes

Course Content

Graduates of the mathematics degree programme component in the Master of Education, profile ‘teaching degree Gymnasium’ [teaching degree secondary school]  know the mathematical concepts and constructions that are the foundation of mathematics at school, can analyse them and justify them from a broad perspective, can structure and interlink mathematical areas and highlight connections to mathematics at school, can adequately present mathematical facts and situations both orally and in writing, and can independently acquire mathematical content, have the ability to argue conclusively and precisely and can constructively respond to objections, can review lines of argumentation in terms of validity, clearly present mistakes or gaps and assist in correcting or specifying mistakes, are aware of mathematical fields of practice and can model extra-mathematical problems, find and apply appropriate mathematical methods to deal with the models and clearly communicate solutions, can name, understand and explain essential mathematical references in everyday life, public texts and general language on the basis of their general mathematical education.

Course Structure

The modules in the degree programme component in mathematics comprise 18 credits for theory and methodology (TM) and 13 credits in specialised didactics (SD). The Master's thesis is an optional module and is not included in the aforementioned credits. The blended module “Geometrie und Unterricht” [geometry in the classroom] consists of two components: the lecture “Einführung in die Geometrie” [introduction to geometry] and the specialised didactics seminar. A further blended module, “Didaktische Reduktion eines Themas aus der Mathematik” [didactic reduction of a mathematical topic], also consists of two parts: the lecture “Ein mathematisches Thema” [a mathematical topic] and the seminar “Didaktische Reduktion” [didactic reduction].

The module handbook includes model curricula for the start of programme in both the winter and the summer semester. Due to the very different combination of subjects, we strongly recommend that students attend a personal consultation upon application and/or enrolment in order to design a curriculum best suited to personal curricular circumstances.

My Way To Application And Admission

Via the button “Select subject and apply +” you can add this subject to the study program finder's watch list. There you will find information on application, admission and enrolment tailored to your individual application profile, and can also access the application platform. Please observe the respective dates and deadlines.