
Faculty of Physics and AstronomyPhysics – Bachelor 100%

Students in the Physics academic programme focus on natural processes that are accessible to experimental exploration, measurement, and mathematical representation, and which are subject to universal laws.

Facts & Formalities

DegreeBachelor of Science
Type of programmeUndergraduate
Start of programmeWinter semester only
Standard period of study6 semesters
Language(s) of instructionGerman
Fees and contributions151.05 € / Semester
Application procedureSubjects with entrance examination procedure
Application deadlinesInformation about deadlines can be obtained after you have put together a degree program.

Course Content

The Bachelor’s degree programme in Physics is organised by the Faculty of Physics and Astronomy. Instruction focuses on scientific fundamentals and the methodological skills necessary for entry-level professional positions in the field of physics in research, development, administration, as well as, in particular, the pursuit of a consecutive Master’s degree in Physics. Students who wish to earn a teaching degree and teach physics at the Gymnasium level have the option of pursuing an in-depth education in the specialised subject area “Teaching Degree for Physics at the Gymnasium Level”. 

Graduates of this degree programme will possess knowledge of theoretical, experimental, and applied physics as well as of mathematical methods. They will have obtained practical knowledge that enables them to take on multi-faceted physics research questions and approach them as problems rooted in the conditions and associated changes found in nature, independently planning and performing the necessary research as well as documenting and presenting the results. This includes practical knowledge of measurement methods and the use of algorithmic data processing as well the ability to work well in a team. Along with the skills necessary for performing scientific research and presenting independent results, graduates will also possess methodological knowledge on the reception and interpretation of research literature and on the assessment of alternative research approaches from both a subject-specific and generic perspective.  

Finally, graduates will have gained the skills to address a research problem from the field of physics within a limited time frame, using scientific methods. This includes the ability to recognize interrelationships with physics, to categorize specific research questions, and to be able to develop scientifically-based argumentation. 

Course Structure

When taken as a major subject, the Bachelor’s degree programme comprises 180 credits. The programme runs for six semesters. A total workload of approximately 900 hours per semester is expected. This can only be accomplished if students also plan to work a significant number of hours in the intercessional periods between the semesters. 

Students with sufficient subject-related qualifications have the opportunity, beginning in the third semester, to pursue individual interests and the acquisition of particular skills during the course of study. This can take the form of the selection of a specialisation in a particular area of physics or through courses in other subjects in the Natural Sciences, or through courses that foster the acquisition of additional cross-disciplinary qualifications. 

The Bachelor’s degree programme offers both a research-oriented emphasis for students who already intend to pursue the Master’s degree as well as a more practice-oriented programme available through the choice of several of the more application-oriented modules. Students who wish to pursue the Master’s degree will be given the opportunity even during the Bachelor’s programme to be exposed to current research. This is primarily accomplished through project internships involving collaboration in a variety of research groups as well as through the Bachelor’s thesis. 

The modules offered in the Bachelor’s degree programme are divided into two categories: The Physics compulsory modules (including the Bachelor's thesis) and the Mathematics, compulsory elective modules and elective modules. Students who wish to pursue the teaching degree for teaching at the Gymnasium level have the opportunity to take specialised courses, in particular, in combination with the teaching degree in Mathematics.

My Way To Application And Admission

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