Faculty of Modern Languages Russian - Master of Education Extension Subject

Information about the Master of Education

The Master of Education is a postgraduate degree which prepares students for work as a teacher. In the section titled “Becoming a Teacher”, you’ll find comprehensive information about the full course of study required for those looking to become a teacher. This includes information on choosing subjects of study, on Bachelor’s and Master’s level courses, and on practical teaching experience. The site is currently available in German only.
Become a teacher

Facts & Formalities

DegreeMaster of Education
Type of programmeConsecutive
Start of programmeWinter and summer semester
Standard period of study4 semesters
Language(s) of instructionDeutsch
Fees and contributions161.10 € / Semester
Application procedureProcedure for Master of Education Extension Subjects
Application deadlinesInformation about deadlines can be obtained after you have put together a degree program.
Part-time optionYes

Course Content

Where Russian is studied as a supplementary subject, students consolidate and further develop their Russian language skills, and expand their methodological and theoretical knowledge in the fields of Russian linguistics, Russian literature, and cultural studies. Key importance is given to the question of how skills and knowledge can be successfully taught to others. This is explored through in-depth consideration of specialised didactics. The combination of specialist subject knowledge, language skills, and didactic understanding provided by the course, enables graduates to deliver informative and effective foreign language lessons to school aged children.

Course Structure

Where Russian is taken as a supplementary subject as part of a Master of Education, it is studied as a major subject. Students must complete modules on specialised didactics, and on theory and methodology.
The course components which focus on theory and methodology are divided into three phases - an orientation phase, an intermediary phase, and a specialisation phase. In addition to this, students study specialised didactics, and also complete a “blended module” in which elements of theory, methodology, and specialised didactics are combined. At the end of the course, students must complete a Master’s thesis and an oral examination.

Theory and methodology modules:

There are three modules (basic, intermediate, specialisation) focussing on theory and methodology relevant to language acquisition, and an additional three modules (basic, intermediate, specialisation) covering Russian studies with lectures addressing Russian linguistics and literature, as well as a module on Russian cultural history.

Specialised didactics modules:

Specialised didactics for Russian and second/modern foreign language teaching: In this module, students learn how to present the knowledge they have acquired throughout their course of study in a way which aids pupils’ learning. Students learn how to teach material in ways which are appropriate for learners of different abilities.

Blended module:

This module serves to integrate theory and methodology with specialised didactics. The module is centred around a particular phenomenon within language learning, and has a specific thematic focus. The aim of the module is to consider how this content might be taught in view of any intercultural concerns, the challenges of teaching a foreign language to a mixed-ability class, the possibility of using different mediums and methods, and the use of practice exercises and/or teaching units.

Russian can be studied as a subject comprising 120 credits (standard period of study 4 semesters).

My Way To Application And Admission

Via the button “Select subject and apply +” you can add this subject to the study program finder's watch list. There you will find information on application, admission and enrolment tailored to your individual application profile, and can also access the application platform. Please observe the respective dates and deadlines.