Bilateral exchange programs of the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences Exchange programs

Partner universities in the People's Republic of China

The Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences maintains a direct exchange program with three partner universities in China. In the course of the direct exchange, study places are exchanged with partner universities on a reciprocal basis.

For students of all institutes of the faculty, a total of eight exchange places at three universities are available, each for one academic year in winter.

Gebäude der Baptist University of Hong Kong
  1. At Beijing Foreign Studies University BFSU (Beijing), three Bachelor/Master students can complete a full academic year at the "German Department". Courses at the “School of International Relations and Diplomacy” and courses of other programs such as “International Business of China” or “International Diplomacy of China” can also be taken by arrangement.
  2. Two bachelor's/master's students of the faculty can also take a full year abroad at Hong Kong Baptist University HKBU (Hong Kong) in the “European Studies” program. For more information, see the HKBU Foreign Student Handbook.
  3. The Shanghai International Studies University SISU (Shanghai) offers three places for Heidelberg students of the Bachelor/Master programs of the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences who want to study one year at the “German Department” (by arrangement also in other programs).

Tuition fees are waived for our exchange students.

Questions concerning the stay (visa regulations, accommodation, insurance, etc.) can be addressed by program participants to our department in the International Office.

Please note: Studies in the People's Republic of China begin in the winter semester.

Prior to the start of the exchange program, the students enter into a “Learning Agreement” with the sending institute (academic advising), which forms the firm basis for the recognition of academic achievements acquired abroad.

After their return, the students commit themselves to write a field report of 5-10 pages, which should give interested students an insight into the daily life at the two universities. The field reports can be viewed at the Internationalization Officer of the IPW Julia Wießmann.

Gebäude an der Baptist University of Hong Kong

Application process

For all bilateral exchange programs of the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences there is a central selection procedure, which is supported by a representative of each participating institute (Prof. Dr. Axel Dreher; Prof. Dr. Switgard Feuerstein/AWI, Prof. Dr. Sebastian Harnisch/IPW; Dr. Steffen Sigmund/MWI).


January, 22nd 2025

Please include the following documents with your application:

  • Letter of motivation;
  • Current TOEFL or DAAD certificate;
  • A letter of recommendation from a university lecturer;
  • Tabular curriculum vitae (max. 2 pages);
  • Study history;
  • List of all acquired certificates of achievement (Scheine);
  • If applicable, intermediate examination/preliminary diploma/bachelor's degree certificate (can be submitted later);
  • High school diploma;
  • Completed application form.

Applications should be sent in electronic form to:

Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
Institut für Politische Wissenschaft
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Harnisch
Bergheimer Straße 58
69115 Heidelberg

Application deadline for the current call:



November 16th, 2023

Selection notice (January 15th, 2024)
November 16th, 2023
Selection notice (January 15th, 2024)
November 16th, 2023
Selection notice (January 15th, 2024)

If you have any questions regarding application, content of the study program, duration and recognition of examination achievements, please contact the IPW's Internationalization Officer Julia Wießmann

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