Service and Advice Infocenter for Study and Internship Abroad

The International Relations Department offers students information and advice on planning and realising their studies and internships abroad.

Students planning to undertake such a project abroad, should speak to the Infocenter Team. The team is made up of students who have first-hand experience of studying or working abroad. They will be able to answer any general questions you have, provide an overview of Heidelberg University’s exchange programme and other scholarship programmes, and can also provide guidance on putting together your applications.  

The Infocenter also offers comprehensive information on state branches of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), as well as DAAD scholarships. You’ll find catalogues and brochures from various universities outside Germany, as well as materials relating to language tests. The Infocenter can also provide information on work placements or summer language courses. You’ll also be able to read reports written by offer students who spent time abroad. These contain practical tips and advice on planning your time abroad. 


Infocenter for Study and Internship Abroad
Telephone: 06221 - 54 127 61

The InfoCenter offers daily consultation hours in presence during the following opening hours:

Office hours (lecture period):
Monday to Friday: 10 am - 3 pm

NEW: Open consultation hour especially for student pursuing a teaching degree every Wednesday

InfoCenter Beratung

Visitor address: Fischmarkt 2, 69117 Heidelberg (See location map).

The entrance to our building is located in the inner courtyard, which you can enter either through the entrance opposite the Heiliggeistkirche or from Untere Straße. From the inner courtyard, please take the main entrance in the middle of the building (International Relations Department) and go up the stairs to the second floor or use the elevator. From there, walk along the corridor and follow the path until you find our office with room number 119 behind another glass door.

We are looking forward to your visit!

Moreover, the Infocenter offers a video consultation via HeiConf. Access is only with registration. Please write us a Mail.
Access code to the HeiConf room for visitors: koala amendable mummified slicer gulp



Exchange coordinators

Once your plans have taken shape and you have decided on a particular destination, the regional coordinators will provide you with country-specific information on your stay abroad, e.g. on the higher education system, application modalities or visa requirements.
