Heidelberg Campus Online Project Progress

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The “backbone” of the new campus management system heiCO is in place: The hardware with productive, quality control and test systems has gone live and has been implemented with all test scenarios and runs. 

The very first “GOLive scenario” took place on 01.12.22 for the application and admission procedure. With the exception of the Master of Education programme, all applications for a place at university have been made via heiCO since then. 

On 06.02.23, the Bachelor's programme Geography 100% and the Master's programme Economics went live as the first pilot programmes in heiCO. The courses of these study programmes are now available in heiCO for the summer semester (SoSe 2023) and all following semesters. 

The organisational structure of Heidelberg University developed in the previous systems was reviewed, updated and created in the new system heiCO. 

The contents of all documents of the central study administration for application and admission processes were updated, standardised in close coordination with the Communication and Marketing Department (KuM) on the basis of the corporate design of Heidelberg University and then implemented in heiCO. The documents of the decentralised institutions are also to be reviewed together with the faculties and departments and their creation in heiCO is pending. 

A demo system for simulating the installation of courses was set up. It is now used for process simulations and other demonstration purposes. A training environment for training and testing for users is also available. 

The study programmes at Heidelberg University are currently being modelled. Processes, admission and examination regulations are successively re-evaluated from different perspectives as part of the organisational process development, revised if necessary and realised in the new campus management system. 

Data cleansing and test migrations are ongoing. Existing reports are checked at all levels (central and decentralised), cleaned up and prepared for installation in heiCO. New possibilities for the visualisation of results (dashboards) as well as analyses and content enhancements are included and considered.

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